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Dr. Beenish Zaki, Department of Biochemistry.  When the white light passes through a coloured substance, a portion of it is absorbed by the colouring.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Beenish Zaki, Department of Biochemistry.  When the white light passes through a coloured substance, a portion of it is absorbed by the colouring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Beenish Zaki, Department of Biochemistry

2  When the white light passes through a coloured substance, a portion of it is absorbed by the colouring substance (chromogen) and the rest is transmitted.  Example: If a chromogen forms red solution, it means that the absorption of the red component is minimum where as the complementary colour green is absorbed to the greatest extent


4 Approximate wavelength(nm)Color of light absorbedColour of light Reflection 390-435Violet (Vi)Yellowish Green 435-490Blue (B)Yellow 490-580Green (G)Red 580-595Yellow (Y)Blue 595-650Orange (O)Greenish Blue 650-780Red (R)Bluish Green

5  Source of light: An electric lamp example tungsten lamp is used as a source of light.  Filters: The light from the electric lamp is passed through a filter which converts polychromatic light to monochromatic light of a specific wave.  Cuvettes: These are plain glass tubes or plastic containers. Can be round or rectangle in shape these are used to hold the solutions.  Photo cell or tube: Converts the light energy into electrical energy  A measuring device: The potential difference generated in photocell or tube is measured by a sensitive galvanometer this is generally calibrated to read directly either transmittance or absorbance or both.


7  Beer’s Law  Lambert’s Law

8  States that the absorbance of light is directly proportional to the concentration of the coloring substance (chromogen) Absorbance or Optical density α Concentration of the solution

9  States that the absorbance of light is directly proportional to the path length. Absorbance or Optical density α to the path length

10  For each test a blank should be prepared containing the reagents.  The cuvettes containing the blank should be put in the slot provided for it and the instrument should be adjusted to zero absorbance.  The blank should be replaced successively by the standard and the unknown solutions and their absorbance read.  The instrument should be switched off at the end of the experiment.

11  O.D of test x Concentration Of standard O.D of Standard O. D= Optical Density

12 Name of Parts Present in Colorimeter Light sourceLED bulb FilterPrism CuvettesPlastic

13 Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) Time Allotted: 5 Minute/Station Marks Allotted: 5  Identify the instrument and answer the following in the space provided in the response sheet:

14 S.No QuestionResponse Marks 1.Name the instrument kept in your station Colorimeter1 2.Name the law which states “Amount of light transmitted through a coloured solution decreases exponentially with increase in concentration of the coloured substance” Beers Law1 3.What is the function of filter used in colorimeter Converts polychromatic into monochromatic light 1 4.General formula to calculate the unknown concentration in the test sample O.D of test/ O.D of Std x Conc. Of std 1 5Calculate the serum total protein if O.D of test is 0.9 O.D of standard is 0.6 Concentration of standard 5gm/dl 0.9 X 5 = 7.5gm/dl 0.6 1

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