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Published byRaymond Barrett Modified over 9 years ago
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 1 Agricultural Careers BINGO CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources Office Directions for the Instructor 1.Print the bingo cards. Twenty-eight different cards are included. Print additional cards at random if needed. Cut each sheet to separate the cards. Cards may be laminated for durability. 2.Give each student a bingo card and chips, markers, or scrap paper. If paper is to be used, ask students to tear or cut twenty-five pieces of paper about one-half inch square. If the cards have been laminated, students can mark their cards with erasable markers. 3.Explain to the students that you will read the definitions to the class and that they should mark the correct answer on their card. Note that all cards do not have all the answers. 4.At random, read ONLY the definitions from the list. Mark the checkbox beside the definitions as they are used. The student should place a chip on the cell with the correct response. 5.When a student has placed chips on five spaces in a row (diagonally, vertically, or horizontally) the student should call “Bingo”. Ask the winning student to call out their answers. Check their answers to make sure those definitions have been used. Variations: T-Bingo: The card must be marked in the shape of a “T” to call Bingo.
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 2
3 Correct ResponseDefinition Used Landscaper Creates outdoor environments using trees, shrubs and other plants, as well as stone and other hardscape materials, for beauty and usefulness. Forester Protects, improves, manages or develops forest lands, oversees fire and insect control, and manages deforestation and harvesting. Wildlife Manager Studies, manages, and monitors wildlife populations. Logger Supervises timber harvests, ensures protection of soil, water and other resources during harvest, and arranges timber transportation and harvest. Herd Manager Manages farms with animals herds of pigs, cows or goats, including grazing, birthing, feeding, and other duties. Greenhouse Operator Oversees the work of one or more indoor plant growing facilities, as well as associated support facilities like cold frames, offices, shipping and storage buildings. Soil Conservationist Provides technical assistance to farmers, ranchers, forest managers, and others that work with soil, water, and other resources to help optimize soil use without damaging or eroding it. Dairyman Manages some or all aspects of a dairy farm such as milking, feeding, pasteurizing, or bottling. Lumber Yard Worker Handles lumber and building materials, stocks lumber, cuts trees, builds orders and helps organize the lumber yard. Farmer Manages the day-to-day activities of one or more farms. Depending on farm size, they may oversee the entire operation or just one part.
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 4 Correct ResponseDefinition Used Aquaculturist Studies and cares for animals and plants that live in the water, either for research, conservation, or agricultural production. Game warden Enforces laws and regulations designed to protect and conserve fish and wildlife. They patrol assigned areas and warn, cite, and arrest people suspected of violating hunting or fishing laws. Extension agent Works with land-grant universities to help translate research and extension information for public education and use. Veterinarian Diagnoses and treats animal diseases or injuries by doing surgery, prescribing medicine, setting diets, or fixing broken bones, among a number of other medical duties. Agricultural Teacher Provides instruction to students in agricultural subjects such as forestry, horticulture, and animal science. Veterinary Assistant Works directly with animals under the supervision of a veterinarian or scientist to provide basic medical care, perform lab procedures, and assist with other animal care tasks. Parts clerk Works directly with customers to sell replacement parts or equipment for agricultural machinery. Park ranger Oversees camping activities, prevents forest fires, protects wildlife, gives out information, and keeps law and order inside state and national parks. Agronomist Studies and researches the interactions among plants, soils and the environment. They develop new crop varieties and production methods. Botanist Studies plants and their environments, including the interactions between plants and other organisms, the structure or cells of plants, and even discover new plants.
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 5 Correct ResponseDefinition Used EcologistStudies the relationships between organisms, between organisms and their environment, and the environmental effects of human influences such as population size and pollution. EntomologistDeals with the biology, ecology, evolution, genetics, physiology, economic importance, and management of insects. ZoologistStudies animals – their origin, behavior, diseases, and life processes. HorticulturistResearches fruit and vegetable production, food technology, floriculture, landscape, and environmental horticulture. Marine BiologistStudies the origins, behavior, diseases, genetics, and life processes of marine wildlife and their habitats. Organic ChemistStudies carbon containing compounds and their structure, properties, and reactions, often to develop new materials or improve others. MicrobiologistStudies very small, single- and multi-celled organisms like algae, bacteria, fungi, protists, and viruses, and the effects they have on humans, plants, animals, and the environment. Seed AnalystPerforms tests on seeds to determine their purity, structural integrity, or germination potential. Safety EngineerKeeps people safe in the workplace from risks such as injury, sickness, or death, and protects against property damage.
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 6 Botanist Soil Conservationist Wildlife Manager Agricultural Teacher Park Ranger Greenhouse Operator LandscaperEntomologistFarmerDairyman Veterinarian Veterinary Assistant FREE SPACE AquaculturistLogger Herd Manager Extension Agent EcologistForesterZoologist AgronomistGame WardenHorticulturist Lumber Yard Worker Parts Clerk Seed Analyst Greenhouse Operator Marine Biologist Lumber Yard Worker Herd Manager LoggerVeterinarian Wildlife Manager ZoologistAquaculturist AgronomistDairyman FREE SPACE Safety EngineerFarmer MicrobiologistHorticulturistEntomologistEcologist Agricultural Teacher Soil Conservationist Game Warden Veterinary Assistant Organic Chemist Park Ranger
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 7 Botanist Wildlife Manager Veterinary Assistant Herd ManagerForester Agronomist Greenhouse Operator Lumber Yard Worker Extension Agent Ecologist Agricultural Teacher Farmer FREE SPACE Soil Conservationist Aquaculturist LoggerGame WardenLandscaperEntomologistParts Clerk ZoologistDairymanVeterinarianHorticulturistPark Ranger ZoologistPark RangerLogger Organic Chemist Lumber Yard Worker Marine Biologist EntomologistHorticulturistMicrobiologistVeterinarian Agricultural Teacher Wildlife Manager FREE SPACE Safety EngineerHerd Manager FarmerEcologistGame Warden Greenhouse Operator Veterinary Assistant AquaculturistDairyman Soil Conservationist AgronomistSeed Analyst
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 8 Wildlife Manager Extension Agent Agricultural Teacher EcologistForester Landscaper Veterinary Assistant LoggerZoologist Soil Conservationist AquaculturistAgronomist FREE SPACE Botanist Greenhouse Operator FarmerVeterinarianParts ClerkPark RangerEntomologist DairymanGame Warden Lumber Yard Worker HorticulturistHerd Manager Organic Chemist Wildlife Manager VeterinarianHorticulturist Agricultural Teacher EntomologistPark RangerEcologistSeed Analyst Soil Conservationist ZoologistSafety Engineer FREE SPACE Logger Veterinary Assistant Lumber Yard Worker FarmerGame WardenHerd Manager Marine Biologist DairymanMicrobiologistAgronomistAquaculturist Greenhouse Operator
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 9 AgronomistGame WardenBotanist Agricultural Teacher Horticulturist Parts ClerkLoggerAquaculturistEcologistPark Ranger Greenhouse Operator Veterinarian FREE SPACE Extension Agent Landscaper DairymanEntomologist Soil Conservationist Veterinary Assistant Farmer Zoologist Lumber Yard Worker ForesterHerd Manager Wildlife Manager Soil Conservationist Organic Chemist ZoologistHerd ManagerAquaculturist Game Warden Greenhouse Operator FarmerSeed AnalystAgronomist Horticulturist Agricultural Teacher FREE SPACE Veterinary Assistant Marine Biologist VeterinarianPark RangerLoggerSafety EngineerDairyman EcologistMicrobiologist Wildlife Manager Entomologist Lumber Yard Worker
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 10 Botanist Soil Conservationist Park RangerAquaculturistHerd Manager Veterinary Assistant FarmerEntomologistHorticulturistLandscaper Parts ClerkVeterinarian FREE SPACE Agricultural Teacher Extension Agent Ecologist Wildlife Manager Game WardenLoggerForester DairymanZoologist Greenhouse Operator Agronomist Lumber Yard Worker Park RangerGame WardenAquaculturistVeterinarian Greenhouse Operator LoggerMicrobiologistAgronomistSafety Engineer Wildlife Manager Horticulturist Agricultural Teacher FREE SPACE Veterinary Assistant Herd Manager DairymanSeed Analyst Lumber Yard Worker Organic Chemist Farmer EcologistZoologist Marine Biologist Entomologist Soil Conservationist
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 11 ForesterParts ClerkAgronomist Extension Agent Soil Conservationist Zoologist Greenhouse Operator Lumber Yard Worker DairymanLogger Herd ManagerHorticulturist FREE SPACE Game WardenEcologist Aquaculturist Veterinary Assistant EntomologistFarmerLandscaper Agricultural Teacher BotanistPark Ranger Wildlife Manager Veterinarian Game Warden Veterinary Assistant Park RangerLoggerZoologist Marine Biologist Dairyman Wildlife Manager Aquaculturist Agricultural Teacher FarmerEcologist FREE SPACE Herd ManagerHorticulturist Soil Conservationist MicrobiologistSafety EngineerSeed Analyst Lumber Yard Worker Organic Chemist Greenhouse Operator AgronomistVeterinarianEntomologist
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 12 Park Ranger Veterinary Assistant Wildlife Manager LoggerHorticulturist Lumber Yard Worker AgronomistFarmerDairymanHerd Manager Aquaculturist Agricultural Teacher FREE SPACE Parts Clerk Greenhouse Operator Game WardenZoologistLandscaperBotanist Soil Conservationist VeterinarianEntomologist Extension Agent ForesterEcologist Organic Chemist Soil Conservationist Entomologist Greenhouse Operator Veterinarian Herd ManagerMicrobiologistZoologistGame WardenHorticulturist Agronomist Lumber Yard Worker FREE SPACE Park RangerEcologist LoggerAquaculturist Agricultural Teacher Safety Engineer Wildlife Manager Marine Biologist Farmer Veterinary Assistant DairymanSeed Analyst
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 13 Greenhouse Operator Dairyman Veterinary Assistant Parts Clerk Agricultural Teacher FarmerAgronomistAquaculturist Soil Conservationist Botanist EcologistHerd Manager FREE SPACE EntomologistZoologist Wildlife Manager Game Warden Extension Agent LoggerForester LandscaperVeterinarian Lumber Yard Worker HorticulturistPark Ranger Agronomist Wildlife Manager Veterinarian Veterinary Assistant Soil Conservationist Horticulturist Organic Chemist EntomologistSeed AnalystFarmer Marine Biologist Logger FREE SPACE DairymanZoologist Safety EngineerPark RangerAquaculturistEcologistHerd Manager Lumber Yard Worker Game Warden Greenhouse Operator Agricultural Teacher Microbiologist
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 14 LoggerZoologist Soil Conservationist Wildlife Manager Forester EntomologistParts ClerkLandscaperVeterinarian Veterinary Assistant HorticulturistEcologist FREE SPACE AquaculturistAgronomist BotanistDairyman Agricultural Teacher FarmerGame Warden Herd ManagerPark Ranger Greenhouse Operator Extension Agent Lumber Yard Worker VeterinarianHorticulturist Lumber Yard Worker Park RangerMicrobiologist LoggerSeed Analyst Veterinary Assistant Game Warden Wildlife Manager EntomologistHerd Manager FREE SPACE Ecologist Soil Conservationist Organic Chemist Greenhouse Operator AquaculturistFarmerSafety Engineer Agronomist Marine Biologist DairymanZoologist Agricultural Teacher
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 15 Dairyman Greenhouse Operator EcologistParts Clerk Veterinary Assistant Entomologist Extension Agent AquaculturistLoggerHerd Manager Veterinarian Wildlife Manager FREE SPACE Agricultural Teacher Forester LandscaperZoologist Lumber Yard Worker AgronomistPark Ranger Soil Conservationist FarmerGame WardenBotanistHorticulturist Zoologist Organic Chemist Soil Conservationist Veterinary Assistant Wildlife Manager Safety EngineerHorticulturist Lumber Yard Worker Seed AnalystFarmer DairymanLogger FREE SPACE Greenhouse Operator Park Ranger EcologistMicrobiologistEntomologist Marine Biologist Aquaculturist VeterinarianAgronomistHerd Manager Agricultural Teacher Game Warden
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 16 BotanistHerd ManagerFarmerLoggerLandscaper Soil Conservationist EntomologistAgronomistGame WardenPark Ranger Parts ClerkZoologist FREE SPACE Agricultural Teacher Dairyman Lumber Yard Worker Aquaculturist Veterinary Assistant VeterinarianEcologist Extension Agent Horticulturist Wildlife Manager Greenhouse Operator Forester Game WardenHerd ManagerDairyman Agricultural Teacher Organic Chemist Seed AnalystEcologist Marine Biologist ZoologistAgronomist Greenhouse Operator Soil Conservationist FREE SPACE Logger Veterinary Assistant VeterinarianSafety EngineerHorticulturistEntomologistMicrobiologist FarmerPark RangerAquaculturist Wildlife Manager Lumber Yard Worker
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 17 LoggerLandscaper Lumber Yard Worker Greenhouse Operator Zoologist Agricultural Teacher Extension Agent VeterinarianBotanistParts Clerk Agronomist Veterinary Assistant FREE SPACE AquaculturistFarmer Wildlife Manager Herd ManagerEcologistForester Soil Conservationist HorticulturistGame WardenEntomologistDairymanPark Ranger DairymanZoologistHerd ManagerGame WardenPark Ranger EntomologistSafety Engineer Lumber Yard Worker AquaculturistSeed Analyst Farmer Agricultural Teacher FREE SPACE Ecologist Soil Conservationist MicrobiologistHorticulturist Marine Biologist Wildlife Manager Veterinarian Organic Chemist Agronomist Greenhouse Operator Veterinary Assistant Logger
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 18 FarmerPark RangerZoologistLogger Greenhouse Operator Veterinarian Extension Agent Ecologist Agricultural Teacher Herd Manager Lumber Yard Worker Game Warden FREE SPACE ForesterEntomologist Wildlife Manager DairymanAquaculturistHorticulturist Veterinary Assistant LandscaperAgronomist Soil Conservationist BotanistParts Clerk Game Warden Veterinary Assistant Safety EngineerHerd ManagerAgronomist Wildlife Manager Lumber Yard Worker FarmerVeterinarian Greenhouse Operator AquaculturistSeed Analyst FREE SPACE EntomologistMicrobiologist Park Ranger Agricultural Teacher EcologistHorticulturist Soil Conservationist Marine Biologist DairymanZoologist Organic Chemist Logger
CTAE Resource Network, Instructional Resources 19 Agricultural Teacher Zoologist Marine Biologist LoggerVeterinarian Organic Chemist Park Ranger Lumber Yard Worker HorticulturistSeed Analyst DairymanFarmer FREE SPACE Game Warden Greenhouse Operator MicrobiologistEcologistSafety EngineerAgronomistHerd Manager Veterinary Assistant Entomologist Wildlife Manager Aquaculturist Soil Conservationist Ecologist Soil Conservationist Forester Extension Agent Horticulturist BotanistVeterinarianGame WardenLandscaperLogger Aquaculturist Greenhouse Operator FREE SPACE Lumber Yard Worker Agronomist Parts ClerkZoologistDairymanPark Ranger Wildlife Manager EntomologistHerd Manager Agricultural Teacher Veterinary Assistant Farmer
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