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American Political Theory POL 265 Erik Rankin S06 Adams – Chap. 8.

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1 American Political Theory POL 265 Erik Rankin S06 Adams – Chap. 8

2 Adams – “Thoughts on Government” Poets read history to collect flowers, not fruits… what? According to history and the nature of man, what have we learned about forms of government? What should we consider, when choosing our government? What is the end? What is happiness? (nothing stupid here!)

3 Adams – “Thoughts on Government” What then is the basis for this happiness? What is the foundations of most governments? Does this resonate today? What does Adams assume Americans will do with a government of this type? Adams asserts another governmental foundation, what is it? “an empire of laws, and not of men”

4 Adams – “Thoughts on Government” Who should make laws? What should the representative assembly look like? Is their danger in this? How does Adams feel about a single assembly? He gives 6 reasons Take turns reading and discussing

5 Adams – “Thoughts on Government” What will happen if there is one executive and one assembly? Conflict which will lead to…? Who will win? What about the power of the judiciary? So what is the solution? The Council, how does it come to be? Did it work? Why or why not? What about its general theory?

6 Adams – “Thoughts on Government” “where annual elections end, there slavery begins” How do you feel about annual elections? Do we need them, was Adams right, are we slaves? Is it feasible? Why make this suggestion (pg61)? How did he feel about term limits? Who controls the military? Political pardons?

7 Adams – “Thoughts on Government” Who should make appointments? In all cases? What of the judiciary, what is its role? What should a judge be? How long should they serve? What if they get out of control? Militia? Who gets trained? Where do they get their supplies?

8 Adams – “Thoughts on Government” Liberal education FOR WHO? Surely he did not mean this! Why would he suggest this? What about saving money? What will a constitution founded on these principles inspire? Did Adams think he lived during a great time? Why or why not?

9 Adams – Correspondence with John Adams Abigail to John Abigail is interested to know if independence has been declared She asks him to remember the ladies, what does this mean? What of the power of husbands? “Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could” Does she threaten John? How so? The male sex is naturally tyrannical- nice! What is she asking of Adams?

10 Adams – Correspondence with Abigail Adams How does he respond to his wife’s letter? What has the struggle done to oppressed people? What does he admit about masculine systems? Will they push their power or go easy? What is the point of his letter? Does he address his wife?

11 Journal Entry #4 Discuss this notion of happiness, does it still apply? As far as fear goes, do you think it still plays a part in government? If so, why or why not? What do you think of Abigail Adams?

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