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Subjects & Predicates.

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1 Subjects & Predicates

2 Subjects & Predicates Sentence: a group of words that has two main parts Complete Subject Complete Predicate Express a complete thought or paint a complete picture. Complete Subject: contains a noun, pronoun, or group of words acting as a noun, plus its modifiers. Complete Predicate: consists of a verb or verb phrase, plus its modifiers. Modifiers: Tells what the complete subject is or does.

3 Subjects & Predicates Examples
Complete Subjects Complete Predicates Snakes slither. A bell-clanging streetcar moved through the turn. Wood or cellulose makes a delicious meal for a termite. The candidate’s approach to fiscal problems Impressed the voters attending the rally. Sometimes, part of the predicate precedes the complete subject. Examples: At midnight, the cluster of spiders spun webs. Yesterday my social studies class visited a Wild West exhibit.

4 Simple Subjects & Predicates
Most essential parts of a sentence. Tell the basics of what you need to know about the topic of the sentence. All other words in the sentence give you information about the simple subject and simple predicate. Simple Subject: is the essential noun, pronoun, or group of words that acts as a noun in a complete sentence. Simple Predicate: is the essential verb or verb phrase in a complete predicate.

5 Simple Subjects & Predicates Examples
Subjects (Simple) Verbs (Simple Predicate) Small mice fit nicely into coat pockets. Many horror films have used bugs to terrifying effect. Jugs of sweet cider were covering the table. A colorful flag hung above the porch. The writer’s children published all of his early poetry. Studies of insects have certainly revealed much about their behavior. Last example: Insects is the object of a preposition. Objects of prepositions never function as simple subjects. Certainly is not part of the simple predicate because it does not provide essential information.

6 Practice Assignments Step 1: Complete practice 14.1A questions 1-10 on page 338. Label 14.1A Step 2: Complete practice 14.1B questions on page 338. Label 14.1B Step 3: Using the grammar answer book check each answer. Correct your answers using a different color of writing. Provide one-two complete sentence explanation on why that is the correct answer. Completed by: Wednesday December 2 (Orange)/Thursday, December 3 (Black)

7 Fragments A group of words that lacks a subject or a predicate, or both. Does not express a complete thought. Can be corrected by adding the parts needed to complete the thought. Elliptical Sentence: one in which the missing word or words can be easily understood. Examples: Until later. Why such a sad face? Don’t be late!

8 Fragment Examples Fragments Complete Sentences
The basket of apples (complete predicate missing) The basket of apples was eaten quickly. Thrive in the rain forests (complete subject missing) Tarantulas thrive in the rain forests. From the barn (complete subject and predicate missing) Flies from the barn swarmed into the house. Locating subjects and verbs Finding the subject: “Which word tells what or who this sentence is about? Finding the verb: “What does the subject do?” or “What is being done to the subject?”

9 Sentences with More Than One Subject or Verb
Compound Subject: consists of two or more subjects. Subjects may be joined by a conjunction such as and or or. Examples: The campers and hikers repelled the mosquitoes with insect spray. Flies, gnats, and bees are always buzzing around the garbage can. Neither the horse nor the driver looked tired. Compound Verb: consists of two or more verbs. Verbs may be joined by a conjunction such as and, but, or, or nor. I neither saw them nor heard them. She sneezed and coughed all day.

10 Sentences with More Than One Subject or Verb
Some sentences contain both a compound subject and a compound verb. Examples: My father and brother swatted at the fly but smacked each other in the head instead. The dog and cat eyed each other, circled warily, and then advanced into combat.

11 Practice Assignments Step 1: Complete practice 14.1C questions 1-10 on page 342. Label 14.1C Step 2: Complete practice 14.1D questions on page Label 14.1D Step 3: Using the grammar answer book check each answer. Correct your answers using a different color of writing. Provide one- two complete sentence explanation on why that is the correct answer. Completed by: Wednesday December 2 (Orange)/Thursday, December 3 (Black)

12 Final Assignment Step 1: Complete the simple subjects & predicates and fragments worksheet. Please make sure you write your name on the top. Step 2: Complete the subjects & predicates activity along with the fragments exercise. (You need to do both) Step 3: Once finished please staple your activities to the worksheet. Make sure your name is on the top. Hand in your practice assignments, completed worksheet, and activity. Completed by: Friday, December 4 (Orange)/ Monday, December 7 (Black) You will not have class time to work!

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