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Bellwork Nov. 2, 2015 Copy and answer. Standard/I can Standards: ELAGSE7RI1: Cite textual evidence; make inferences. ELAGSE7RI2: Determine the central.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork Nov. 2, 2015 Copy and answer. Standard/I can Standards: ELAGSE7RI1: Cite textual evidence; make inferences. ELAGSE7RI2: Determine the central."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork Nov. 2, 2015 Copy and answer

2 Standard/I can Standards: ELAGSE7RI1: Cite textual evidence; make inferences. ELAGSE7RI2: Determine the central idea. ELAGSE7RI3: Analyze interaction between individuals, events, and ideas. ELAGSE7W9: Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis. I can identify features of a memoir and analyze the author’s style of writing.

3 Monday: Hook- “The Power to Write” Flocabulary Complete an insert in the lyrics for the writing process.

4 Day 1: Mini-Lesson-Writing Process What phase of the writing process is shown? Plan/Pre-write What do you think the topic of the essay is? Which is a better pet, a cat or a dog? What textual evidence led you to believe that? How could this person improve?

5 Pre-Writing/Plan This is the first stage of the writing process. You will brainstorm and organize your ideas using a graphic organizer of your choice. (t-chart, double bubble, venn diagram, or just write down what comes to your mind) This should be a 10-15 minute process.

6 Work Session What is a memoir? A memoir is a form of autobiographical writing in which the author tells about personal experiences. Memoirs are often written in the first person. Authors of memoirs often… - “talk” to readers, using informal language and sharing personal feelings. -recall actual events and emphasize their attitudes and lives. -show how their experiences changed their attitudes and lives. Read from Mississippi Solo by Eddy Harris, pgs. 137-140. After reading: 1. What feature (look at list above) of a memoir appears in the first sentence of the excerpt from Mississippi Solo? 2. What makes his (the author, Harris) experience so meaningful to him? 3. Memoir analysis chart.

7 Work Session What is a memoir? A memoir is a form of autobiographical writing in which the author tells about personal experiences. Memoirs are often written in the first person. Authors of memoirs often… - “talk” to readers, using informal language and sharing personal feelings. -recall actual events and emphasize their attitudes and lives. -show how their experiences changed their attitudes and lives. Informal Language and /or Personal Feelings: Actual events and/or attitude:How did the author change as a result?

8 Closing Share examples from your memoir analysis chart.

9 Bellwork Nov. 3, 2015 Copy and answer.

10 Standard/I can Standards: ELAGSE7RI1: Cite textual evidence; make inferences. ELAGSE7RI2: Determine the central idea. ELAGSE7RI3: Analyze interaction between individuals, events, and ideas. ELAGSE7W9: Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis. I can identify features of a memoir and analyze the author’s style of writing.

11 Day 2: Hook- Drafting Anticipation Guide If you agree with the statement place a check in the first blank. If you disagree, leave it blank. At the end of the lesson, you will go back and decide if you still agree with your original answers. 1) ______Drafting follows prewriting. ______ 2) ______You must worry about spelling, grammar, and punctuation when drafting. ______ 3) ______Drafting allows you to get your ideas down on paper. ______ 4) ______ When drafting, you do not use sentences and paragraphs. ______ 5) ______ Drafting is not an important step in the writing process. ________

12 Tuesday Day 2: Mini-Lesson Organizing- Drafting Video As you watch the video answer the following: 1) What is drafting? 2) What does a good paragraph consist of? Drafts are not perfect and are unpolished.

13 Work Session What is a memoir? A memoir is a form of autobiographical writing in which the author tells about personal experiences. Memoirs are often written in the first person. Authors of memoirs often… - “talk” to readers, using informal language and sharing personal feelings. -recall actual events and emphasize their attitudes and lives. -show how their experiences changed their attitudes and lives. Read from Polar Dream by Helen Thayer, Close Reader Workbook, pgs. 45-50. During reading, work on the close reading instructions in blue numbered 1-6. After reading: Memoir analysis chart.

14 Work Session What is a memoir? A memoir is a form of autobiographical writing in which the author tells about personal experiences. Memoirs are often written in the first person. Authors of memoirs often… - “talk” to readers, using informal language and sharing personal feelings. -recall actual events and emphasize their attitudes and lives. -show how their experiences changed their attitudes and lives. Informal Language and /or Personal Feelings: Actual events and/or attitude:How did the author change as a result?

15 Closing How were the two memoirs alike? How were they different? Ticket out the door: Complete a t-chart or a double bubble map to show their similarities and differences.

16 Bellwork Nov. 4, 2015 Copy and answer.

17 Standard/I can Standards: ELAGSE7RI4 – Determine the meaning of words and phrases. ELAGSE7L3a – Choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely. ELAGSE7L5a – Interpret figures of speech in context. I can identify features of a memoir and analyze the author’s style of writing.

18 Wednesday Hook- Essay Don’ts Video As you watch the video write down 5 of the don’ts from the video. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Essay Do’s and Don’ts

19 Mini-Lesson Edit the paper using the editing marks provided. In this essay I am going to tell you all about my small puppy ralph. I love when he licks to my toes it make me LOL. No otherpuppy can love the way he does. Ralph is more than a puppy, more than a friend he is a family member. I would die for ralph because he would never turn his back on me. In adittion to Ralph I have a kitten name blue. Blue is not as fun as Ralph but I love him all the same. I will take care of my kitten because he was a gift from my dad.

20 Work Session Figurative language chart: from Polar Dream Comparison made through figurative language: Example from the text using this type of figurative language (cite page number): What effect does this comparison using figurative language have on the reader? Simile Define: Metaphor Define: Personification Define:

21 Work Session Answer short response on your own paper. This will be your ticket out the door today. Analyze the way Thayer (the author of from Polar Dream) uses a particular style to convey the meaning of events in the text. Include examples of words and phrases as they are used in the text, such as figurative language and specific word choice. Be sure to review your reading notes and cite text evidence in your response.

22 Closing Share short response from today.

23 Bellwork Nov. 5 2015 Copy and answer.

24 Standard/I can Standards: ELAGSE7W3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured sequences. ELAGSE7W4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. ELAGSE7W10 Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of discipline specific tasks. I can plan a memoir about a memorable experience in a natural setting.

25 Thursday Hook- Watch: Brain-pop - Prewriting: Organizing Your Thoughts houghts/

26 Thursday Mini Lesson- Complete the Brain-pop after viewing activity. houghts/activity/

27 Memoir A memory; a description of an event from the past Written in the first person; told from one persons point of view Based on the truth Reveals the feelings of the writer Has meaning; shows what the author learned from the experience Focused on one event; about one point in the authors life About the authors experience more than about the event itself

28 Work Session Follow the directions for Performance Task A: Write a Memoir pg. 175 – 178. Plan: Establish the Situation – pg. 175. A memoir is a story that describes a memorable experience or time period in a person’s life. Consider what made the sudden rainstorm on the Mississippi River memorable to Eddy Harris. Then thing about memorable experiences you have had in a natural setting. Organize Your Ideas – pg. 176. Brainstorm Images – pg. 176. Consider Your Purpose and Audience – pg. 176. ***Use the planning template provided to help you plan your writing***

29 Closing How did the graphic organizer help you plan your memoir?

30 Bellwork Nov. 6, 2015 Copy and answer.

31 Standard/I can Standards: ELAGSE7W3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well- structured sequences. ELAGSE7W4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. ELAGSE7W10 Write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of discipline specific tasks. I can draft a memoir about a memorable experience in a natural setting.

32 Friday Hook- Watch: What not to do in an introduction: Writing Grabby Intro Sentences: How to make anything sound narrative:

33 Mini-Lesson What should you include in your introduction? How should a narrative writing piece (such as a memoir…wink wink) be written? Let’s make a list as a class. Use what we learned in the videos we watched.

34 Insert: Place a check mark next to each statement that you understand and a ? Next to each statement that you do not understand.

35 Work Session Follow the directions for Performance Task A: Draft – Write your introduction paragraph. Write a Memoir pg. 175 – 178. Produce: Write Your Memoir – pg. 176-177. Draft – Write your introduction paragraph. Review the information in your graphic organizer as you begin your draft. Revise: Review Your Draft – pg. 177. Revise/Edit the draft of your introduction. Work with a partner to determine if you have described your experience clearly and have used vivid details that will interest readers. Use the editing marks we practiced in class. ***Use the planning template provided to help you plan your writing***

36 Introduction Paragraph Your introduction paragraph should include a hook (something to get the readers attention) The information from #1 and #2 on your graphic organizer. A thesis statement where you state your memory. It should be 6-8 sentences in length.

37 Closing Why is it important to produce a draft before a final copy? Turn your draft in as your ticket out the door.

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