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Tang & Song Dynasties Golden Ages of China Chapter 12: Tang & Song Dynasties  2100-1600 BCE –Xia  1046-256 BCE Zhou Dynasty  256 – 221 BCE Warring.

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2 Tang & Song Dynasties Golden Ages of China

3 Chapter 12: Tang & Song Dynasties  2100-1600 BCE –Xia  1046-256 BCE Zhou Dynasty  256 – 221 BCE Warring Period  221-206 BCE Qin (Ch'in) Dynasty (legalism)  220 CE.—Han dynasty ends  220-589—Era of Division (Feudalism)  589-618—Sui dynasty (Legalism)  618-907—Tang dynasty (Buddhism)  960-1279—Song dynasty (Confucianism)  1279-1368—Mongol (Yuan) dynasty

4 Sui Dynasty - Restoring order  After 300 Years of disorder. No unified empire. 6 th century—Sui dynasty comes to power under the rule of Wendi  Rules with “ Legalism” brutal rule. (same as Shi Huangdi of Qin Dynasty  Reunites China after the fall of the Han Dynasty. (long period of Disorder) Feudalism Middle Age stuff  Wins widespread support by  Lowering taxes  Establishing granaries (wards off famine)  Major Building projects

5 Grand Canal One of the world's largest waterworks before modern times Purpose: bring abundant food supplies of the south to the north Linked the Yangtze and the Huang-Hi The canal integrated the economies of the south and north

6 Downfall Loss of Mandate of Heaven  Excess, waste and wars lead to collapse  Grand Canal “Tour” Leads to Peasant Revolt lets watch a video!!!!  Yangdi assassinated in 618 by his own ministers

7 Two Great Dynasties in China  During the Tang (618- 907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties, China becomes the richest, powerful, and most advanced country in the world.

8  Key Point:  Tang and Song China experienced an era of prosperity and technological innovation.  Chinese inventions from this period, such as printing, the mechanical clock, gunpowder, and the compass, changed history.



11  The Tang Dynasty World View: / The Song Dynasty World View: / looks east towards the sea / west along the Silk Road / Silk Road – trading network with the west. / west along the Silk Road / Silk Road – trading network with the west.

12 Trade/Foreign Contacts  Silk Road linked trading Routes, to the middle East  Tang Dynasty was Westward looking

13 Trade/Foreign Contacts  Song Dynasty Looks Eastward Junks ocean ships  east,  Korea  Japan  India  Persian Gulf  East Africa Vietnam Land based  Signification Chinese influence on Korea, Vietnam and Japan

14 Flying Money Tang/Song begin using paper “flying money” money in trade The Qin Dynasty used Coin money

15 Agriculture  imported fast- ripening rice from Vietnam

16 Agriculture  imported fast- ripening rice from Vietnam  allowed two crops each season instead of one

17 Agriculture  imported fast- ripening rice from Vietnam  allowed two crops each season instead of one  fueled population increase

18 Tang Dynasty Empress Wu only Empress of China  Adopts Buddhism from missionaries from India  Establishes monasteries


20 China Temples took on the Pagoda style. Wooden Multilevel wooden structures. The Chinese interpretation of Buddha took the form of the Budi, (fat happy Buddha) Budi was a Monk who lived under a Bridge he was seen as the reincarnation of the Buddha

21 Tang Drops Buddhism For Confucianism  Reason:  Economic: Monasteries and Monks did not have to pay taxes  More people joining meant less taxes.  For money you can buy your way to be a monk. Effect loss of quality of monks. Tax shelter for rich!!  Confucianism is adopted to create social order and efficiency in government

22 Tang Dynasty and Empress Wu Uses Confucius Civil Service Exam  Confucius promoted the Scholarly Gentry. Learned class  Thus “anyone” could take the grueling test to become a public official  This promoted competence in the bureaucracy  Many degrees  The better you did the higher your rank

23 Science and Technology  mathematics flourished  adopted the use of algebra and the concept of zero

24 Science and Technology  mathematics flourished  adopted the use of algebra and the concept of zero  invented movable type

25 Science and Technology  mathematics flourished  adopted the use of algebra and the concept of zero  invented movable type  developed gunpowder

26 Inventions of Tang and Song China

27 Golden Age of Art  wealth, education, and urban culture = artistic achievement Much based on Dao principles  Harmony, Nature, Balance, self discovery

28 Notice soft colors along with poetry with paintings

29 Golden Age of Art  wealth, education, and urban culture = artistic achievement  great poetry  Li Bo and Du Fu

30 Golden Age of Art  wealth, education, and urban culture = artistic achievement  great poetry  Li Bo and Du Fu  Three-color ware was one of the greatest contributions of the Tang Dynasty

31 Golden Age of Art  wealth, education, and urban culture = artistic achievement  great poetry  Li Bo and Du Fu  Three-color ware was one of the greatest contributions of the Tang Dynasty.  Many figurines, predominantly horses and camels, were produced.


33  Most of these pieces have been found in the more affluent tombs of the Tang period

34 Tang OnlySong Only Both Expanded the empire, had the only female ruler, adopted Buddhism Prospered through trade, improved agriculture, created great art and literature Ruled smaller empire, developed into great sea power, created paper money and movable type The Tang and Song Dynasties Compared

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