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1. List an invention that you use on a daily basis. 2. How does this invention help people in our world? CHALLENGE QUESTION: 3. How would our world be.

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Presentation on theme: "1. List an invention that you use on a daily basis. 2. How does this invention help people in our world? CHALLENGE QUESTION: 3. How would our world be."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. List an invention that you use on a daily basis. 2. How does this invention help people in our world? CHALLENGE QUESTION: 3. How would our world be different without the invention?

3 I can identify and analyze the achievements of the Song dynasty. Mastery: POWTIDE PARAGRAPH SPI 7.22 - Summarize the significance of the rapid agricultural, commercial, and technological development during the Song dynasties.


5 The Song Dynasty made great advances and achievements in agriculture, trade, the arts, and math. Predict what you think the achievements were based on these categories.

6 Imported fast-ripening rice from Vietnam Allowed two crops each season instead of one How would this achievement have helped Chinese people during the Song Dynasty?

7 During the Song dynasty, the farmers of China fed a country of nearly 100 million people. At the time, China was the largest country in the world. Chinese farmers also learned to grow new crops, such as cotton. Workers processed cotton to make clothes and other goods. The production of tea, which had been grown in China for centuries, also increased.


9 Throughout the Tang and Song dynasties, much of the food grown on China's farms flowed into the growing cities and towns. China's cities were crowded, busy places. Cities were filled with shop-keepers, government officials, doctors, artisans, entertainers, religious leaders, and artists.

10 Trade grew along with Chinese cities. This trade, combined with China's agricultural base, made China richer than ever before. Much trade took place within China itself. Traders used the country's rivers to ship goods on barges and ships. One commonly traded good was gunpowder which the Chinese learned to refine and use.

11 The study of mathematics flourished in China The Chinese adopted the use of algebra and the concept of zero Using specific spacing and templates, they invented movable type printing

12 Wealth, education, and urban culture = artistic achievement Great poetry: Poets wrote about life’s pleasures and also sadness. – Li Bo and Du Fu

13 Clearing Rain by Du Fu Heaven water autumn cloud thin From west 10,000 li wind This morning good fine landscape Long rain not harm farming Full willow row little green Hill pear flower little red Reed pipe upstairs emit One goose into high sky The sky's water has fallen, and autumn clouds are thin, The western wind has blown ten thousand li. This morning's scene is good and fine, Long rain has not harmed the land. The row of willows begins to show green, The pear tree on the hill has little red flowers. One goose flies high into the sky.

14 In your groups, discuss which of the 4 categories affected the life of the Chinese the most. Think about the ideas we just discussed!

15 I can identify and analyze the achievements of the Song dynasty. SPI 7.22 - Summarize the significance of the rapid agricultural, commercial, and technological development during the Song dynasties.

16 Write a paragraph that identifies and analyzes 1 of the Song Dynasty Achievements. 10 minutes End

17 1.List 3 examples of Song Dynasty advancements. 2.List 2 modern day inventions you would miss if you lived in China during the Song Dynasty.

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