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Warm up 8/25 Warm up 1. Do in notebook Expand the binomials.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up 8/25 Warm up 1. Do in notebook Expand the binomials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up 8/25 Warm up 1. Do in notebook Expand the binomials

2 Homework Group Check in with your group! See which problems you have questions on Help your group member. Still unsure ? Thank about what you need to ask. Write those questions down. - Go over as a class.

3 Before the quiz: Group Study questions : When do you use the c-definition over the delta x? How to you find equations of tangent lines? What are the import parts, and how do you get them? How to you find equations of secant lines ? What is the derivative and what are some of its notations?

4 Be seated before the bell rings DESK homework Warm-up (in your notes) Agenda : warm-up / go over hw Hw Quiz Notes lesson 2.2

5 Notebook Table of content Page 1 Learning Target 1 1)1-1 A Preview of Calculus 2) 1-2 Finding limits graphically and numerically 3) 1-3 Evaluating limits analytically 4) 1-4 Continuity 5) 1-5 & 3.5 6) 2.1 The Derivative 7)2.2 The power rule Learning Target LT2: I can use the power HW: P 114; 3-23 odd, 31-49 odd, 53ab,54ab, 70,75,76

6 SectionLearning Target I Know It !! Partially Get It Don’ t Get it LT2: 2.1 I can use the power AP Calculus AB Learning Targets Chapter 2 part 1 HW: P 114; 3-23 odd, 31-28, 39-51, 53ab,54ab, 70,75,76

7 2.2 The power rule Find the derivative

8 What will the derivative of be?

9 Lets see how this works:


11 Find the derivative





16 Derivatives of trig functions


18 Closer: Summarize what one person in your group learned in class today.

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