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Mrs. Speicher’s Kindergarten Class

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Speicher’s Kindergarten Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Speicher’s Kindergarten Class
Welcome Students!

2 Welcome to Kindergarten!
This is an important year for your child! I will give you an introduction to our kindergarten and to our classroom.

3 All About Me My Background
I grew up in Seaford.I attended Central Elementary, Seaford High School, and Salisbury University. My Experience I’ve been teaching for 23 years. I have taught Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten.

4 Goals To give you the academic tools you need to progress to 1st grade. To provide a supportive learning environment. To have fun while we learn. To make new friends and discover new interests.

5 Class Content We will cover all the subjects and topics that our state believes are important for you to learn during kindergarten.

6 Reading Unit 1 School Unit 2 Shadows Unit 3 Finding Friends
Unit 4 The Wind Unit 5 Stick to It Unit 6 Red, White, and Blue Unit 7 Teamwork Unit 8 By the Sea

7 Writing We are so excited! Students will be Kid Writing!
Students will be learning to write using phonics skills, word families, sight words, and environmental print.

8 Math Patterns Numeral Recognition Shapes Estimation
Graphing/Data Collection Problem Solving

9 Social Studies Patriotism Community Citizenship Holidays

10 Science Trees Senses Wood and Paper

11 Specials Computer Lab Art Music Library Gym Guidance/Enrichment

12 Class Rules Use inside voices.
Use your listening ears and raise your hands. Use walking feet inside. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself. Be a nice friend.

13 Homework and Behavior Folder
Please check your child’s homework folder daily. Please check your child’s behavior for the day. Please sign the calendar each night. Please return homework papers, etc. as directed.

14 Absences and Tardiness
Please sign your child in at the office if they are late. Please send a note with your child explaining reason for absence. If your child needs to be dismissed early, please send a note with your child.

15 Field Trips Please send in necessary forms and money with your child.
Students must demonstrate appropriate behaviors to attend field trips and other special activities. If you or a family member plan to chaperone on trips you must complete background check forms.

16 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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