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Business Operations Update John Wilson, Sr. November 19, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Operations Update John Wilson, Sr. November 19, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Operations Update John Wilson, Sr. November 19, 2015

2 Agenda  Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Program Financial Dashboard  Business Improvement Actions  FY 2015/2016 Year-to-Date Program Financial Dashboard  FY 2015/2016 Program Financial Trends  Summary  Questions 2 11/19/2015. UCP Supervisor Meeting. John Wilson Sr.

3 Fiscal Year 2014/2015 Program Revenue, Expense, Margin Dashboard 3 11/19/2015. UCP Supervisor Meeting. John Wilson Sr..054% Profit Margin

4 Program Financial Improvement Actions 4 11/19/2015. UCP Supervisor Meeting. John Wilson Sr.  Monthly Director financial/gap assessments  Move away from mind set and actions of program "breakeven“, but profit and sustainability; its about more than just being able to pay the light bills and rent  Group Home Settlement (increased reimbursements)  Formal Program "Open" criteria (minimum expenses before revenue realization)  CPARC changes (level changes, CPARC staffing, shared risk)  CHC restructure/improved profitability  Family Services restructure/operating cost reduction  Options Analysis (marketing, increased consumers, cost reduction, increased attendance/revenue)  Revenue cycle management (getting paid for what we do); e.g., AWC overtime management, no missed program billing, on-time billing, etc.  Leveraging technology and reporting tools (e.g., dashboards) to enhance efficiency, productivity, and to drive reduced costs and quicker decisions. (Soneto, ADP) We will always seek to put our consumers first. However, we must strive for a balance between the needs of our consumers, our agency, and our employees.

5 September 2015 Year-to-Date Program Revenue, Expense, Margin Dashboard 5 11/19/2015. UCP Supervisor Meeting. John Wilson Sr.

6 September 2015 Year-to-Date Program Financial Trending Dashboard - Childhood 6 11/19/2015. UCP Supervisor Meeting. John Wilson Sr.

7 September 2015 Year-to-Date Program Financial Trending Dashboard – Life Fit 7 11/19/2015. UCP Supervisor Meeting. John Wilson Sr.

8 September 2015 Year-to-Date Program Financial Trending Dashboard - Adult 8 11/19/2015. UCP Supervisor Meeting. John Wilson Sr.

9 September 2015 Year-to-Date Program Financial Trending Dashboard – Community Services 9 11/19/2015. UCP Supervisor Meeting. John Wilson Sr.

10 Summary Program Financial Performance:  External forces such as Affordable Care, workers comp, etc. have added thousands of $$ to our agency operating costs  But…We’re in our 8 th year of no rate increases  We must improve agency profitability. Why?...  Raises to better compensate our staff  Better pay to attract and keep staff  Increase attractiveness to MCOs  We must strengthen the long-term Sustainability of the Agency 10 11/19/2015. UCP Supervisor Meeting. John Wilson Sr. Our profit margin performance is trending in the right direction!

11 1111/19/2015. UCP Supervisor Meeting. John Wilson Sr. QUESTIONS?

12 State of the Agency Update Jeff Cooper November 19, 2015

13 For More Than 20 Years, BH/ID/A Rate Increases for Community Services Have Lagged Far Behind Increases in the State General Fund and in Inflation

14 BH/ID/A Rate Increases for Community Services Lag Well Behind the Increases Received by Other Major Medicaid Providers in PA

15 Over 20 Years, Attendant Care and Physical Disability Waiver Rate Increases Have Lagged Far Behind Increases in the State General Fund and in Inflation

16 Over 20 Years, OLTL Waiver Rate Increases Have Lagged Far Behind Increases in the State General Fund and in Inflation

17 17 To the Point: UCP Funding 101 Series

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21 Introducing… ADP Manager Self-Service! Reducing Paperwork for UCP 21

22 What You Can Now Do in MSS  Change status classification  Place on leave  Return from leave  Terminate  Change compensation  Demote  Promote  Other job change  Transfer  Edit Talent 22

23 What You Can NOT do in MSS  Annual Bonus  One-time payments  PTO Payout  Use PAF for one-time payments  New Hires  Paper PCF ONLY for New Hires  Personal Information Form (new hire fills out)  Scan to HR Helpdesk 23

24 How to Make Changes in MSS 24

25 How to Make Changes in MSS 25 1. Go to the Manager Tab in ADP 2. Click on My Team 3. Click on Team Summary 4. Select an employee by clicking their name 5. On the top right, choose an action under Select Action 6. Choose the action you want to make 7. Click Start 8. Complete the fields on the online form and submit

26 Questions? 26

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