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Global Invasive Species Programme Activities & Opportunities ________________________________________ IABIN Council Meeting Punta del Este, May 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Invasive Species Programme Activities & Opportunities ________________________________________ IABIN Council Meeting Punta del Este, May 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Invasive Species Programme Activities & Opportunities ________________________________________ IABIN Council Meeting Punta del Este, May 2007

2 Overview  Brief background  Relevant activities  Future collaboration

3 Invasive Species Impacts  Livelihoods, agriculture, commerce  Mexico – Cactus cactorum  Caribbean – Mediterranean fruit fly  Americas – Coffee rust; coffee berry borer  Infrastructure and transport  Brazil – Golden Mussel  US – Zebra Mussel  Human health  Peru – cholera (ballast water)  South America – meningitis (Giant African snail)  Biodiversity  The Bahamas – Casuarina, Melaleuca  Costa Rica – Chytrid fungus (Monteverde harlequin frog; golden toad??)  Ecuador-Galapagos – Goats  US – Asian longhorn beetle, emerald ash borer

4 A Growing Threat  Global merchandise exports increasing  2003 +13%; 2004 +21%; 2005 +13% (in terms of value)  Sea containers entering US ports doubling every decade  1980 – 8 million; 1990 – 16 million; 2000 – 33 million  Trade related tensions over SPS issues increasing  US-APHIS: 2002 – 76; 2003 – 75; 2004 – 118 (~$4.3 billion)  Expansion of free trade agreements  Risks to increase with globalization  increasing volume of goods in trade creates more chances for introduction  more introductions lead to a greater probability that an invasive alien species will become established  increasing variety of goods and means of transport increases both the potential array of species that may be moved and their pathways for transfer  more frequent delivery of goods from and to a wider range of countries and habitats increases the rate and variety of potential introductions  faster modes of transport improve an organism’s chance of survival while in transit

5 Mission The Global Invasive Species Programme aims to conserve biodiversity and sustain human livelihoods by minimizing the spread and deleterious impacts of invasive alien species

6 Partners and Origin  Institutional partners  CAB International (CABI)  IUCN – The World Conservation Union  The Nature Conservancy (TNC)  South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)  Founded in 1997  1996 Trondheim Conference on Invasive Alien Species  Activities of the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE)  Convention on Biological Diversity initial deliberations on Invasive Alien Species

7 GISP Activities  Information tools  Country engagement  International policy efforts

8 Information tools

9 IUCN – Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)  Global Registry on Invasive Species (GRIS)  Global compilation of invasive species lists  38,606 geographic records for 16,051 taxa  1,453 are known invasive species; 14,121 are potentially invasive  Allows countries to conduct initial screening for risk assessment  Only 3 months old!!!  Global Invasive Species Database (GISD)  Comprehensive information sheets on known invasives  >400 invasive species analyzed to date (continually supplemented) 

10 CABI Invasive Species Compendium  Compendia already established for crop protection, forestry, aquaculture, animal health and production  Compendium for invasive species under development  Compilation of existing knowledge for the management of invasive species  Targeted applications for:  Biodiversity conservation  Land/water resource management  Food security and local livelihoods  Trade facilitation (quarantine systems, risk assessment)  Inclusion of information management tools  (ISC blueprint)

11 TNC  IABIN I3N Database – Horus Institute  Weed Information Management System (WIMS)  Relational database to track invasive plant location, size and status over time, and management efforts  Linked to handheld unit with GPS coordinates  Used for site management, looking at applications for larger geographies  Geographic threat assessments  Existing invasives – marine, terrestrial, freshwater  Modeling for potential spread – S.America

12 Country Engagement  Partner Networks in Africa, Americas, Asia  CABI GEF Projects – African Barriers, Insular Caribbean; Regional offices  IUCN – Offices worldwide, Invasive Species Specialist Group  TNC – Pacific Invasives Learning Network, Country programs  GISP Regional Workshops  GISP Training Modules (general, marine invasives, economic assessments, legal frameworks, databases)  Thematic Work (economic impacts, livelihoods, trade, pathways – marine/civil aviation)  Ten Nations Initiative

13 GISP Regional Workshops Objectives: to identify regional needs and establish regional strategies Outcomes: -Transboundary nature of IAS requires regional Initiatives - Such initiatives depend on national capacity - National capacity building is therefore a regional priority Nordic Baltic : May 2001 Mesoamerica/Caribbean: June 2001 South America: October 2001 Southern Africa: June 2002 SSE Asia: August 2002 Austral-Pacific: October 2002 West Africa: March 2004

14 GISP Engagement  Ten Nations Initiative  Highlight country leaders on invasive species prevention and management  Secure financial and technical resources  Model national strategies  Facilitate development of national systems and priorities  Identify and incorporate available tools (information systems, economic and risk assessments, legal frameworks)  Guide input into CBD COP-9

15 CABI Insular Caribbean GEF Project  Completed GEF PDF-A, applying for PDF-B  Convened planning meeting in Trinidad in January 2007  Involves: Bahamas, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Trinidad & Tobago (3 of which are involved in I3N)  Stresses linkages to relevant projects, particularly IABIN-I3N and aims to build on existing database(s)  Project Component 3: Information and Knowledge Generation, Management and Dissemination  identify and use relevant ‘best practices’  public communication, sensitisation of policy makers (to facilitate policy development)  link within-sector species inventory initiatives under wider schemes (to avoid duplication)  CABI/TNC, IABIN databases at regional level  GISIN database at global level  Goal to serve as model for other countries in the region

16 CBD-related work CBD COP has identified GISP as a lead agency in a number of invasive species activities, including development of:   Global joint work programme on prevention and management with other relevant organizations   Global Strategy for Plant Conservation – Target 10   Indicator(s) for the 2010 Biodiversity Target

17 CBD COP-9 In Depth Review (Bonn, May 2008)   Focus  Priority needs and major obstacles  Dissemination of positive examples  National progress on  Legislative measures and national policies/strategies  Management  Assessment  Economic instruments  Provision of resources  Communication, education and public awareness  Cooperation   Supporting activities  SBSTTA-12 and 13  National engagement  Collaboration with partners

18 Areas for Collaboration  Letter of Agreement between GISP and I3N  Complimentarity/interoperability of information services  Development and dissemination of value-added tools  National invasive species strategies  Protocols for risk and pathway assessments  Development of a Central America Invaded publication  CBD COP-9  Identify linkages to I3N efforts  Promote country priorities within discussions  Support implementation of CBD obligations

19 Thank you For more information contact: Stas Burgiel, Ph.D. GISP Technical Liaison

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