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Everyone that turns in a book will receive the following: A riders contest rocker. For every 400 points earned in their riders contest book they will receive.

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Presentation on theme: "Everyone that turns in a book will receive the following: A riders contest rocker. For every 400 points earned in their riders contest book they will receive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Everyone that turns in a book will receive the following: A riders contest rocker. For every 400 points earned in their riders contest book they will receive an entry ticket or tickets for the drawing of three $100 awards. Example: 800 points = 2 tickets, 1200 points = 3 tickets, 1600 points = 4 tickets etc…The three winners will be selected at the January meeting. 1 st place in total points will receive the following; $200 cash prize, a riders contest rocker, one year free membership in the AAHD H.O.G. chapter and your name on the riders contest plaque located at the AAHD dealership. 2 nd place in total points will receive the following; $100 cash prize, a riders contest rocker, one year free membership in the AAHD H.O.G. chapter. ALL AMERICAN H.O.G. CHAPTER # 3887 Hughesville, MD 7 th Annual RIDERS CONTEST ALL AMERICAN H.O.G. CHAPTER # 3887 Hughesville, MD 7 th Annual RIDERS CONTEST Member’s Name _____________________________________ CONTEST PRIZES 2016 Total points Earned ______

2 CONTEST RULES This contest is open to all members in good standing of the All American Chapter of the Harley Owners Group. Any chapter member is eligible to participate whether or not that person is actually the rider. Passengers should keep their own booklets with scores. The contest will begin January 1 st and will run through December 31st. All points must be earned during the contest period. Winners will be announced at the January 2017 meeting. If any event qualifies toward more than one category, points will be awarded for each category. All contest booklets must be returned by January 2, 2017. Any member unable to attend chapter meetings may return their contest booklet to All American Harley-Davidson by January 2nd. Books can be placed in the chapter mailbox at dealership. Judges decisions will be final. REMEMBER!! This is an HONOR system contest!!! BE FAIR, BE TRUTHFUL and most of all RIDE SAFE and HAVE FUN!!! Earn 10 points for reading Contest Rules Page 1 Page 14 MARYLAND COUNTIES Earn 10 points for each MD County visited on your Harley. (Maximum 240 points) “No cars/trucks/other”. DateCountiesPoints Allegany County Anne Arundel County Baltimore County Baltimore City Calvert County Caroline County Carroll County Cecil County Charles County Dorchester County Frederick County Garrett County Harford County Howard County Kent County Montgomery County Prince George's County Queen Anne's County Saint Mary's County Somerset County Talbot County Washington County Wicomico County Worcester County Total Score

3 Page 13Page 2 Table of content Points Earned CONTEST RULES:PAGE 1 TABLE OF CONTENTPAGE 2 NATIONAL & STATE PARKS / FORESTS PAGE 3 VISIT H-D DEALERSHIPSPAGE 3 ABC’S OF RESTAURANTS:PAGE 4 H.O.G PIN STOPS / STATE RALLIESPAGE 5 VISIT H-D FACTORY / MUSEUMPAGE 5 CHAPTER EVENTS & SOCIALSPAGE 6 LIST OF ROAD CAPTAINSPAGE 7 LIST OF ROAD CAPTAINSPAGE 8 CHAPTER RIDESPAGE 9 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIESPAGE 10 AA H-D DEALERSHIP EVENTSPAGE 10 CHAPTER MEETINGSPAGE 11 MILEAGE PROGRAMPAGE 11 BONUS POINTSPAGE 12 SUPPORT MD / DE CHAPTERS PAGE 13 RIDE STORY PAGE 13 MARYLAND COUNTIESPAGE 14 Total Points Earned SUPPORT MD / DE CHAPTERS Earn 20 points to ride and participate in another MD or DE Chapter Primary Event. 10 points for Individual rides. { 25 bonus points for anyone attended all events.} “No cages; ride only event” (Maximum 225 points) Date Chapter’s EventPoints Total Score Ride story Earn 10 points for sharing an awesome ride story at the HOG Chapter meeting or Event. (Maximum 40 points) Date Chapter’s EventPoints Total Score

4 Page 3 Page 12 National & State PARKS / Forests Earn 10 points for riding to & from on your Harley. Double your points on each when you include a photo of yourself with park sign. (Maximum 200 points ) “No cars/trucks/other”. Date Park NamePoints Total Score Visit H-D DEALERSHIPS Earn 10 points for each visit to a H-D dealerships in Maryland. 20 points if visited in another state. “No cars/trucks/other”. (Maximum 250 points) Earn an extra 5 points if you bring a door prize from one of the dealerships visited and donate it at an AA HOG chapter meeting. StateDealershipStateDealership Total Score BONUS POINTS Publish an article in the chapter newsletter for 20 points. (Maximum 40 points) Month: Points Complete a MSF or Rider’s Edge training course for 50 points. Course:Date:Points: NEW HOG FRIENDS Earn 10 points for each new HOG member you meet from a different HOG chapter. You can only use one member from a HOG chapter. Get his/her name and a chapter name and document it into your Rider’s Book. (Maximum 150 points ) DateName of HOG memberChapter Name Total Score

5 Page 11 Page 4 CHAPTER MEETINGS Points will be awarded for attending the monthly chapter Meetings. Earn 20 points for riding Harley to the meeting. 10 points if you drive to the meeting. Jan:Feb:Mar: Apr:May:Jun: Jul:Aug:Sep: Oct:Nov:Dec: Total Score MILEAGE Program Points will be awarded for each 1000 miles ridden through the end of the contest. Earn 20 points for each 1000 miles. Earn 20 points for participating in HOG mileage program. (No Maximum) HOG Mileage Program Yes / No MilesBeginEnd Bike #1 Bike #2 Total Score ABC’S of RESTURANTS Visit a restaurant on your Harley for each letter of the alphabet. You must eat or have a drink there to receive points. Any major initial in the name can be used but each restaurant name can only be used once. Ride Smart – Ride Sober… (Example: Dixie Castle could only be used as D or C.) Earn 10 points each (Maximum 260 points) A:B: C:D: E:F: G:H: I:J: K:L: M:N: O:P: Q:R: S:T: U:V: W:X: Y:Z: Total Score

6 Page 5Page 10 H.O.G PIN STOPS / STATE RALLies Earn 50 points for each event ridden to and attended. H.O.G. Pin Stops (Maximum 200 points) DateLocationPoints H.O.G. Rallies (Maximum 200 points) DateLocationPoints VISIT H-D FACTORY / MUSEUM Earn 10 points each for riding to each event. Double your points when you include a photo of yourself at the location sign. (Maximum 150 points) Ride your bike to H-D Museum & earn 50 additional points. DateLocationPoints Vehicle Operations “York, PA” Vehicle & Powertrain Op, Kansas, City, MO Tomahawk Op, Tomahawk, WI Powertrain Op, Menomonee Falls, WI H-D Museum, Milwaukee, WI Total Score Volunteer Opportunities Earn 10 points for each event you volunteer. These events must be posted on AAHD dealership calendar. 10 points for each time you sale ice cream. (No Maximum) DateEventsPoints CHVH Spring BBQ CHVH Memorial Day Rolling Thunder Brain Freeze Dealership Appreciation Chapter Picnic Chili Cook-off CHVH Thanksgiving Toy Wrapping CHVH Christmas Holiday Party Sell Ice Cream Aa h-d DEALERSHIP EVENTS Earn 10 points for each dealership event you attend. 10 bonus points for each Dealership event you volunteer at. These events must be posted on Dealership calendar. (Maximum 100 points) Spring Open House Colonial Beach Bike Fest Fall Open House Buck Night or Doe Night HOG Appreciation Night Total Score

7 Page 9 Page 6 CHAPTER RIDES A chapter ride is one that is announced at least 3 days in advance on the All American HOG website (calendar) or published in the chapter newsletter. There must also be a designated Road Captain and at least three bikes to qualify for points. Rides to all official chapter socials, gatherings, etc… Will qualify for points. Earn 10 points for each ride. (No Maximum) DateDestinationPoints Total Score CHAPTER EVENTS & SOCIALS Earn 10 points for each event. Add an extra 50 points for attending the Holiday Party, Chapter Picnic and HOG’s at the Beach. (No Maximum) DateDestinationPoints Total Score

8 LIST of ROAD CAPTAINS Earn 10 points for each chapter ride with a different Lead Road Captain. The goal is to complete a chapter ride with all AAHD H.O.G. chapter Road Captains. Only rides posted on the chapter’s calendar will qualify. Three bikes are required to receive points DateRoad CaptainsRide DestinationPoints Ace Moody Beth Truesdale “Bud” Fletcher David Dowd David Rickman David Stowman “Doc” Truesdale Ed Wilbur "Flippa" Riggs Frank Nuhfer “Tiki” Walles James Donaldson Janet Fletcher Jerry Adkins Jerry Kirby Jim Warman Joe Darnall John Wallace Total Score Page 7Page 8 LIST of ROAD CAPTAINS Earn 10 points for each chapter ride with a different Road Captain. The goal is to complete a chapter ride with all AAHD H.O.G. chapter Road Captains. Only rides posted on the chapter’s calendar will qualify. Three bikes are required to receive points. DateRoad CaptainsRide DestinationPoints Kirby Hall Mac McDonald Mark Sheppard Matt Dillion Mike Tevis Phyllis Pinckney Ray Hart Rob Stirling Robert Kuntz Terry Green Tommy Houck Total Score

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