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Published byMalcolm Gordon Modified over 9 years ago
Successful example of breeding for nutritional quality: - National released sorghum hybrid CSH-35 R. B.Ghorade, V. V. Kalpande, S.A.Bhongle, S.N.Kale, V.U.Sonalkar and Seema Nemade All India Coordinated Sorghum Improvement Project, Akola Centre Sorghum Research Unit, Dr.Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola (MS)
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) is one of the important food crops of the world. Sorghum is the fifth most important cereal crop on the global level. In India sorghum is cultivated during both rainy (kharif) and post rainy (rabi) season. Maharashtra is the largest sorghum grower (54% area) and produces (49.5%) followed by Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh In the world sorghum is grown on the area of 39.97 million ha while in India it is grown on 7.53 million ha. In Maharashtra area under kharif sorghum is 8.82 lakh hector and under rabi 32.20 lakh hector. Because of the dual purpose utility of the sorghum as food and fodder crop and with the increasing bovine population, the farmers of this region will continue to grow the sorghum. Further, this is the most assured crop of the rainfed agriculture with highest biomass production even under scarcity seasons. Being C4 plant it can utilize sunlight and water efficiently. It is unique to adopt to environmental extremes of a biotic and abiotic stresses. Over the decades hybridization has increased the yield levels of sorghum. MS 296 A is the most extensively used female for hybrid development. There is need to exploit superior hybrid combinations with diverse female lines other than MS 296 A. Keeping this fact in consideration, a superior dual purpose new kharif sorghum hybrid CSH-35 has been developed by Sorghum Research Unit, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth (Dr. PDKV), Akola (Maharashtra) This hybrid has been released for the Zone-II (Maharashtra, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, South Gujarat and North Andhra Pradesh ) of India at National Level during the recently held Varietal Identification Committee Meeting on 19 th August, 2014
Material and Methods The kharif sorghum hybrid CSH-35 (SPH-1705) has been developed by heterosis breeding method using a new diverse female line AKMS 30 A and the restorer AKR 456. This hybrid has been tested in All India Co-ordinated Sorghum Improvement Project (AICSIP) multilocation trials during- 2011 (IHT- Initial Hybrid Trial), 2012 (AHT I st year- Advance Hybrid Trial ) and 2013 (AHT II nd year- Advance Hybrid Trial ) along with national released checks The hybrid has been tested for grain yield, fodder yield, agronomic variables, reaction to major pest and diseases. Similarly the grain and stover quality parameters as well as organoleptic properties of the roti have also been assessed in the AICSIP trials. AICSIP- Parental Line Trial (PLT) was also conducted to test the synchronous maturity of the male and female parents of the hybrid.
TraitsYears of Testing No. of Trials Proposed hybrid CSH 35 Check HybridsCD 5% CSH 16CSH 23CSH 25CSH 30 Grain yield20115446941333942--632 2012134131400427954809-459 20131141313625345442673423472 Mean294189.933883.103234.45 % increase or decrease over the checks and qualifying hybrids 20115 8.1313.37 201213 3.1747.80 201311 13.964.95 Mean29 7.9029.54 Frequency in the top 5 group pooled for 3 years 14/299/292/29 Table : 1-a. Summery Grain yield (kg/ha) data of CSH-35 in Coordinated Hybrid Trials
Table : 1-b. Summery Fodder yield (kg/ha) data of CSH-35 in Coordinated Hybrid Trials Traits Years of Testing No. of Trials Proposed hybrid CSH-35 Check HybridsCD 5% CSH 16CSH 23CSH 25CSH 30 Fodder yield20115165341454111292--2168 2012131218510871895214977-1553 201312116001122499421148998651287 Mean3012681.411893.279818.27 % increase or decrease over the checks and qualifyin g hybrids 2011 13.7146.42 2012 12.0936.11 2013 3.3516.68 Mean 6.6329.16 Frequency in the top 5 group pooled for 3 years 14/308/302/30
Table : 2. Adaptability to Agronomic variables for CSH-35 in Coordinated Hybrid Trials Mean of three locations ( Akola, Dharwad, Surat) Name of Expt.ItemProposed hybrid CSH-35 Check Hybrids CSH 16CSH 23 Fertilizer experiment Fertility level genotype interaction effect Grain yield (q/h) under i) Fert 3389841243784 ii) Fert 2330029883033 iii) Fert 1237124642640 Mean 3189.673192.003152.33 Percentage gain or loss under other doses i) Fert 2- 75% RDF18.1238.0224.76 ii) Fert 1 – 50% RDF64.4067.3743.33 Fodder yield (q/ha) under i) Fert 3148961253417524 ii) Fert 2112801109715848 iii) Fert 197541005913814 Mean 11976.6711230.0015728.67 Percentage gain or loss under other doses i) Fert 2- 75% RDF32.0612.9510.58 ii) Fert 1 – 50% RDF52.7224.6026.86 Fert-1 – 50% Recommended dose of fertilizers. (RDF) Fert- 2 - 75% Recommended dose of fertilizers. (RDF) Fert- 3 - 100% Recommended dose of fertilizers. (RDF)
Table : 3. Reaction to major diseases in Coordinated Hybrid Trials Name of diseaseYears of TestingNo. of TrialProposed hybrid CSH-35 Check Hybrids CSH 16CSH 23CSH 25CSH 30 Grain mold field grade (1-9) 2011 2012 43.54.343.3- 2013 (PGS) 44.92.944.14.5 Overall mean Grain mold threshed grade (1-9) 2011 2012 23.74.3 4- 2013 (TGS) 5.3 Overall mean Fusarium (%)2011 220.220.523.2-- 2012 122 2019- 2013 22520.221.2 23.3 Overall mean 522.4620.6621.74 Curvularia (%)2011 222.221.924.1-- 2012 122212322- 2013 2202317.219.822.7 Overall mean 521.2617.9621.08 Other fungi (%)2011 211.413.415.4-- 2012 ------ 2013 21514161718 Overall mean 413.013.915.9 Ergot (%)2011 12.73.3 -- 2012 2013 1131721 Overall mean 37.28.910.0
Table : 3- cont. Reaction to major diseases CSH-35 in Coordinated Hybrid Trials Name of diseaseYears of TestingNo. of TrialProposed hybrid CSH-35 Check Hybrids CSH 16CSH 23CSH 25CSH 30 Sooty stripe (1-9)2012 ------ 2013 11.8 Overall mean 22.551.751.35 Anthrocnose (1-9) 2011 23.83.352.85 2012 11.7 1.51.6- 2013 13.33.7 3.34 Overall mean Zonate leaf spot (1-9)2011 2012 21.5 1.71.8- 2013 12.9 33 Overall mean Rust (1-9)2011 222.53-- 2012 12.32 - 2013 12.3 22 Overall mean Leaf blight (1-9) 2011 243.854 2012 12.321.82.1- 2013 21.9 1.8 Overall mean 52.822.682.72 Grain affected (%)2011 134.231.328.3-- 2012 220272621- Overall mean 325.128.826.8 Germination (%)2011 257.758.558.4-- 2012 272717274- 2013 26162646055 Overall mean 663.5563.8264.63
Table : 4. Reaction to major Insect Pests in Coordinated Hybrid Trials Name of PestYears of Testing No. of TrialsProposed hybrid CSH-35 Check Hybrids CSH 16CSH 23CSH 25CSH 30 Shoot fly pest (dead heart %at 28 DAE) 2011 665.6170.1269.06-- 2012 562.263.662.365.4- Overall mean 1164.0767.1465.99-- Shoot fly pest (dead heart % at peak time) 2013 673.0578.0171.0777.1975.66 Overall mean 673.0578.0171.0777.1975.66 HB-PDR (1-9) 2011 12.7 2.3-- 2012 22.52.672.173.33- 2013 24.5 43.833.5 Overall mean 53.343.402.92-- Stem borer leaf injury rating at 35 DAE (1-9) 2011 ------ 2012 22.675.333.834- 2013 44.333.674.674.584.08 Overall mean 63.784.224.454.39
Table : 4- cont. Reaction to major Insect Pests in Coordinated Hybrid Trials Name of PestYears of Testing No. of TrialsProposed hybrid CSH-35 Check Hybrids CSH 16CSH 23CSH 25CSH 30 Stem borer dead hearts (%) 45 DAE 2011 313.1514.9914.25-- 2012 219.0816.2616.8516.61- 2013 47.968.998.2411.17.63 Overall mean 912.1612.6012.16-- Stem borer stem tunneling (%) 2012 2013 15.876.26.937.576.87 Overall mean 25.3377.266.48- Stem borer peduncle tunneling (%) 2011 Overall mean Overall resistance rating (1-9) 2012 26.56.6776- 2013 35.515.115.964.895.47 Overall mean 55.915.736.445.33 MTDR (1-9) 2012 31.6711.33-1 2013 22.332.67222 Overall mean 521.831.66-1.5
Table : 5 a- Data on Grain quality parameters in Coordinated Hybrid Trials Name of Parameter Years of Testing No. of Trials Proposed hybrid CSH-35 Check Hybrids CSH 16CSH 23CSH 25CSH 27 Water activity201240.4780.4760.4650.4880.465 2013 3 0.4200.4400.4150.431 Overall mean 7 0.4530.4610.4440.463 Percent Fat2012 4 2013 - ----- Overall mean 4 Percent Starch2012 4 59.7060.6460.9061.6161.33 2013 3 58.3559.3059.7359.98 Overall mean 7 59.1260.0660.4060.91 Percent Amylose2012421.4721.1521.4921.0521.03 2013 2 16.7316.4717.2115.52 Overall mean 6 19.8919.5920.0619.21 Percent Protein2012 4 10.1010.1210.1010.2710.11 2013 3 11.2811.4911.8511.11 Overall mean 7 10.6010.7010.8510.63
Table: 5 b- Data on Nutritional constituents responsible for roti quality in Coordinated Hybrid Trials Location –Dharwad- 2012, 2013 Name of Parameter Years of Testing No. of TrialsProposed hybrid CSH-35 Check Hybrids CSH 16CSH 23CSH 25CSH 30 Colour of grain20121DW - 2013 1 DB Overall mean 2 Appearance/ shape of grain 2012 1 RRRR- 2013 1 RO Overall mean 2 Hectoliter weight (kg/hl) 2012 1 79.2381.0879.8779.21- 2013 1 74.374.2370.7972.270.78 Overall mean 2 76.76577.65575.3375.705 Water absorption (ml/100g) 20121112108 102- 2013 1 ----- Overall mean 2 112108 102- Crude protein (%) 2012 1 9.129.439.258.97- 2013 1 10.258.658.078.818.76 Overall mean 2 9.689.048.668.89 DW- Dull White, DB- Dull Brown, R-Round, RO-Round Oval
Table: 5 b- cont- Data on Nutritional constituents responsible for roti quality in Coordinated Hybrid Trials Location –Dharwad- 2012, 2013 Name of Parameter Years of Testing No. of TrialsProposed hybrid CSH-35 Check Hybrids CSH 16CSH 23CSH 25CSH 30 Soluble proteins (%) 201211.382.0922.04- 2013 1 Overall mean 2 1.2151.6751.581.56 Total sugars (%)2012 1 2.0122.061.91- 2013 1 1.311.081.391.121.19 Overall mean 2 1.661.541.7251.515 Starch (%)2012142.9147.9850.5948.54- 2013 1 43.3447.5250.6247.035.026 Overall mean 2 43.12547.7550.60547.785 Free amino acids (mg/100g) 201219783.7589.2884.56- 2013 1 71.5268.7463.5570.2166.13 Overall mean 2 84.2676.24576.41577.385 Phenolics (%)2012 1 1.911.922.161.81- 2013 1 2.812.352.762.172.83 Overall mean 2 2.362.1352.461.99
Table: 5 c- Data on Organoleptic quality of roti in Coordinated Hybrid Trials Location –Dharwad- 2012 Quality characteristicProposed hybrid CSH-35 Check Hybrids CSH 16CSH 23CSH 25 Water required for dough (ml/100g)110 10090 Kneading quality1111 Spreading quality1111 Organoleptic quality parameters Colour and appearance8. Flavour8. Texture8. Taste8. Overall acceptability8.307.406.957.95 Rank by DMRT16104 Kneading quality of dough, score: Good=1, Fair= 2, Poor= 3. Spreading quality of roti, score: Easy spreading without cracks=1, Slightly difficult to spread with minute cracks=2, Difficult to spread with cracks=3. Sensory score : Like extremely (Excellent)-9, Like very much (Very good)-8, Like moderately -7, Like slightly-6, Neither like nor dislike-5, Dislike slightly-4, Dislike moderately-3, Dislike very much-2, Dislike extremely-1.
Table:5- d- Data on Stover quality in Coordinated Hybrid Trials Name of ParameterYears of Testing No. of TrialsProposed hybrid CSH-35 Check Hybrids CSH 16CSH 23CSH 25 Crude Protein (%)201236.816.767.117.27 2013 3 Overall mean 67.437.407.717.73 IVOMD (%)2012 3 46.2845.6346.2645.97 2013 3 43.9944.0845.5444.36 Overall mean 645.1444.8645.9045.16 NDF%2012 2 58.5759.0557.3958.93 2013 3 60.3060.0460.2959.72 Overall mean 559.6160.2459.1359.40 ADF%2012244.2245.1743.2544.92 2013 3 46.0645.4044.8845.82 Overall mean 545.3245.3144.2345.46 IVOMD- Invitro Organic Matter Digestibility, NDF- Neuter Detergent Fiber, ADF- Acid Detergent Fiber
Table:5- d- cont.- Data on Stover quality in Coordinated Hybrid Trials Name of ParameterYears of Testing No. of TrialsProposed hybrid CSH-35 Check Hybrids CSH 16CSH 23CSH 25 Dry matter (%)2012 2 91.1491.8691.7192.02 2013 ----- Overall mean 291.1491.8691.7192.02 Ash content (%)201228.109.148.769.09 2013 3 9.699.719.409.89 Overall mean 59.069.489.149.57 Metabolizable energy (ml/kg) 2012 2 6.786.496.756.71 2013 3 Overall mean 56.426.336.566.41 Lignin (%)201225. 2013 3 5.365.215.175.33 Overall mean
Table: 6- Data on other important characters in Coordinated Hybrid Trials ParameterYearNo. of trials Proposed hybrid SPH 1705 Check Hybrids CSH 16CSH 23CSH 25CSH 30 Plant height (cm) 2011 4222213215-- 2012 13209196185228- 2013 13197193176213179 Over all mean 30205.33197.10184.73 Days to 50% flowering. 2011 5716967-- 2012 1370676671- 2013 137273707871 Over all mean 3170.8169.9467.84 Days to maturity 2011 4108 105-- 2012 11105 103107- 2013 12110111108116109 Over all mean 27107.70108.19105.22 1000 Seed weight (gm) 2011 529.332.930.7-- 2012 1129.533.832.027.3- 2013 1328.431.630.427.630.7 Over all mean 2929.133.031.2
Table: 7- Parental line trial (PLT) of parents of proposed hybrid CSH-35 (AKMS 30 A x AKR 504) in Coordinated Trials Year – Rabi 2012-2013 Locations- Nandyal, Parbhani and Hagari SNParentDays to 50% flowering 1AKMS 30 A-Female Parent67 2AKR 504-Male Parent66
Cob, grains and roti of kharif sorghum hybrid CSH-35 (SPH 1705)
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