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Fashion Cycles.

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Presentation on theme: "Fashion Cycles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fashion Cycles

2 Definition Fashion cycles refer to the five stages a fashion goes through from conception to death. (fashion cycles can be compared to a wave) Stages of the Fashion Cycle Introduction Rise Acceleration Culmination Decline Obsolescence

3 The Fashion Cycle

4 Fashion Cycle for Jean Skirt

5 Fashion Cycle for a Classic

6 Fashion Cycle for a Fad

7 Theories of Fashion Change
Trickle Down Trickle Across Trickle Up

8 Fashion is a Mirror of the Times
Each new fashion seems appropriate for the time Reflects the way we think and live (casual) Social expression that documents the taste and values of the era Reflects our careers Reflects our leisure activities

9 Voguecabulary from WWD
Capsule collection – A small collection by a designer with interchangeable pieces ( 7 or so items) Neoprene – synthetic rubber fabric (gloves, wet suits, etc) Flagship – Main store in a chain Sweatshops – Factories with unsafe or unfair working conditions where there is a violation of workers rights

10 Principles of Fashion Consumers establish fashion by accepting or rejecting styles and designs Fashion is not based on price (an indication that a fashion is successful is that it is found at all price points)

11 Principles of Fashion Fashion is evolutionary and NOT revolutionary
(exception 1947) No amount of sales promotion can change the direction of fashion.

12 Principles of Fashion All Fashion ends in excess (pendulum principle)

13 Fashion Ends in Excess

14 Voguecabulary from WWD
Merino Wool – the finest and softest wool produced from merino sheep Nautical Stripe

15 Herringbone – V shaped weaving pattern Houndstooth -broken checks or abstract four-pointed shapes, often in black and white

16 Post 1 Using the " Fashion Life Cycle," select one style or design of clothing or accessory and identify how it would be plotted on a bell curve. (do not draw the bell curve). 1. Identify the clothing or accessory item 2. List the year it would have fallen into the specific phase (introductory, rise, culmination, decline, obsolete) 3. You will need to do a little research or ask some older people for their opinions 4. Once an item is used, it can not be used by another student 5. Due: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 by 11:59 PM

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