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Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 1.

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1 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 1

2 2.1 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 2 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs OBJECTIVE Find relative extrema of a continuous function using the First-Derivative Test. Sketch graphs of continuous functions.

3 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 3 DEFINITION: A function f is increasing over I if, for every a and b in I, if a < b, then f (a) < f (b). 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs (If the input a is less than the input b, then the output for a is less than the output for b.

4 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 4 DEFINITION: A function f is decreasing over I if, for every a and b in I, if a f (b). 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs (If the input a is less than the input b, then the output for a is greater than the output for b.)

5 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 5 THEOREM 1 Let f be differentiable over an open interval I. If f  (x) > 0 for all x in an interval I, then f is increasing over I. If f  (x) < 0 for all x in an interval I, then f is decreasing over I. 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

6 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 6 DEFINITION: A critical value of a function f is any number c in the domain of f for which the tangent line at (c, f (c)) is horizontal or for which the derivative does not exist. That is, c is a critical value if f (c) exists and f (c) = 0 or f (c) does not exist. 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

7 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 7 DEFINITIONS: Let I be the domain of f : f (c) is a relative minimum if there exists within I an open interval I 1 containing c such that f (c) ≤ f (x) for all x in I 1 ; and f (c) is a relative maximum if there exists within I an open interval I 2 containing c such that f (c) ≥ f (x) for all x in I 2. 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

8 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 8 THEOREM 2 If a function f has a relative extreme value f (c) on an open interval; then c is a critical value. So, f (c) = 0 or f (c) does not exist. 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

9 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 9 THEOREM 3: The First-Derivative Test for Relative Extrema For any continuous function f that has exactly one critical value c in an open interval (a, b); F1. f has a relative minimum at c if f (x) < 0 on (a, c) and f (x) > 0 on (c, b). That is, f is decreasing to the left of c and increasing to the right of c. 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

10 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 10 THEOREM 3: The First-Derivative Test for Relative Extrema (continued) F2. f has a relative maximum at c if f (x) > 0 on (a, c) and f (x) < 0 on (c, b). That is, f is increasing to the left of c and decreasing to the right of c. F3. f has neither a relative maximum nor a relative minimum at c if f (x) has the same sign on (a, c) and (c, b). 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

11 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 11 Graph over the interval (a, b) f (c) Sign of f (x) for x in (a, c) Sign of f (x) for x in (c, b) Increasing or decreasing Relative minimum Relative maximum –+–+ +–+– Decreasing on (a, c]; increasing on [c, b) Increasing on (a, c]; decreasing on [c, b) 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

12 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 12 Graph over the interval (a, b) f (c) Sign of f (x) for x in (a, c) Sign of f (x) for x in (c, b) Increasing or decreasing No relative maxima or minima –+–+ –+–+ Decreasing on (a, b) Increasing on (a, b) 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

13 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 13 Example 1: Graph the function f given by and find the relative extrema. Suppose that we are trying to graph this function but do not know any calculus. What can we do? We can plot a few points to determine in which direction the graph seems to be turning. Let’s pick some x-values and see what happens. 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

14 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 14 Example 1 (continued): 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

15 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 15 Example 1 (continued): We can see some features of the graph from the sketch. Now we will calculate the coordinates of these features precisely. 1 st find a general expression for the derivative. 2 nd determine where f (x) does not exist or where f (x) = 0. (Since f (x) is a polynomial, there is no value where f (x) does not exist. So, the only possibilities for critical values are where f (x) = 0.) 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

16 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 16 Example 1 (continued): These two critical values partition the number line into 3 intervals: A (– ∞, –1), B (–1, 2), and C (2, ∞). 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

17 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 17 Example 1 (continued): 3 rd analyze the sign of f (x) in each interval. Test Valuex = –2x = 0x = 4 Sign of f (x) Result 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs +–+ f is increasing on (–∞, –1] f is decreasing on [–1, 2] f is increasing on [2, ∞)

18 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 18 Example 1 (concluded): Therefore, by the First-Derivative Test, f has a relative maximum at x = –1 given by Thus, (–1, 19) is a relative maximum. And f has a relative minimum at x = 2 given by Thus, (2, –8) is a relative minimum. 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

19 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 19 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs Quick Check 1 Graph the function given by, and find the relative extrema. Relative Maximum at: Relative Minimum at:

20 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 20 Example 2: Find the relative extrema for the Function f (x) given by Then sketch the graph. 1 st find f (x). 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

21 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 21 Example 2 (continued): Then, find where f (x) does not exist or where f (x) = 0. Note that f (x) does not exist where the denominator equals 0. Since the denominator equals 0 when x = 2, x = 2 is a critical value. f (x) = 0 where the numerator equals 0. Since 2 ≠ 0, f (x) = 0 has no solution. Thus, x = 2 is the only critical value. 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

22 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 22 Example 2 (continued): 3 rd x = 2 partitions the number line into 2 intervals: A (– ∞, 2) and B (2, ∞). So, analyze the signs of f (x) in both intervals. Test Valuex = 0x = 3 Sign of f (x) Result 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs – + f is decreasing on (– ∞, 2] f is increasing on [2, ∞)

23 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 23 Example 2 (continued): Therefore, by the First-Derivative Test, f has a relative minimum at x = 2 given by Thus, (2, 1) is a relative minimum. 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

24 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 24 Example 2 (concluded): We use the information obtained to sketch the graph below, plotting other function values as needed. 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs

25 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 25 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs Quick Check 2 Find the relative extrema of the function given by. Then sketch the graph. First find :

26 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 26 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs Quick Check 2 Continued Second find where does not exist or where. So when and. Thus and are the critical values.

27 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 27 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs Quick Check 2 Continued Third, and partitions the number line into three intervals: A, B, and C. So analyze the signs of in all three intervals. Thus, there is a minimum at. Therefore, is a minimum. Interval Test Value Sign of Result

28 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 28 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs Quick Check 2 Concluded From the information we have gathered, the graph of looks like:

29 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 29 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs Quick Check 3 Find the relative extrema of the function given by. Then sketch the graph. First find :

30 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 30 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs Quick Check 3 Continued Second, find where does not exist or where. Note: does not exist when the denominator = 0. So does not exist when. Also, there is no value of that makes. Thus there is a critical value at.

31 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 31 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs Quick Check 3 Continued Third, partitions the number line into two intervals: and. So analyze the signs of for both intervals. Thus there is no extrema for. Interval Test Value Sign of Results

32 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 32 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs Quick Check 3 Concluded Using the information gathered, the graph of looks like:

33 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 33 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs Section Summary A function is increasing over an interval I if, for all a and b in I such that a < b, we have f(a) < f(b). Equivalently, the slope of the secant line connecting a and b is positive: A function is decreasing over an interval I if, for all a and b in I such that a f(b). Equivalently, the slope of the secant line connecting a and b is negative:

34 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 34 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs Section Summary Continued A function is increasing over an open interval I if, for all x in I, the slope of the tangent line at x is positive; that is, f  (x) > 0. Similarly, a function is decreasing over an open interval I if, for all x in I, the slope of the tangent line is negative; that is f  (x) < 0. A critical value is a number c in the domain of f such that f  (c) = 0 or f  (c) does not exist. The point (c, f  (c)) is called a critical point. A relative maximum point is higher than all other points in some interval containing it. Similarly, a relative minimum point is lower than all other points in some interval containing it. They y-value of such a point is called a relative maximum (or minimum) value of the function.

35 Copyright © 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 2.1 - 35 2.1 Using First Derivatives to Find Maximum and Minimum Values and Sketch Graphs Section Summary Concluded Minimum and maximum points are collectively called extrema. Critical values are candidates for possible relative extrema. The First-Derivative Test is used to classify a critcal value as a relative minimum, a relative maximum, or neither.

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