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AREAS OF CONSERVATION EMPHASIS ACE-II Photos courtesy of USFWS National Image Library Melanie Gogol-Prokurat California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

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Presentation on theme: "AREAS OF CONSERVATION EMPHASIS ACE-II Photos courtesy of USFWS National Image Library Melanie Gogol-Prokurat California Department of Fish and Wildlife."— Presentation transcript:

1 AREAS OF CONSERVATION EMPHASIS ACE-II Photos courtesy of USFWS National Image Library Melanie Gogol-Prokurat California Department of Fish and Wildlife Biogeographic Data Branch

2 Provide data to help guide and inform conservation prioritization for California based on CDFW priorities and mandates Compile and analyze the best available statewide, spatial data on biological richness, including species diversity, rarity and sensitive habitats Develop a set of tools and produce maps that summarize this information for use in conservation decision making Integrate the data into a flexible spatial model Came online in 2009 ACE-II: GOALS AND PURPOSE

3 Biodiversity Based on species ranges Rarity Based on documented occurrences (CNDDB, museum records, other field data) Endemism Rarity-weighted richness Sensitive habitats Wetland Riparian Rare natural communities High value salmonid habitat ACE-II DATA DEVELOPMENT BIOLOGICAL RICHNESS


5 ACE-II: BIODIVERSITY Amphibians Birds Fish Mammals Plants Reptiles Data normalization: Scale richness values for each taxonomic group from 0  1 Sum scaled values, giving each taxonomic group equal weight

6 NORMALIZING DATA BY ECOREGION BIODIVERSITY Based on Species Ranges for all California species Amphibians Birds Fish Mammals Plants Reptiles

7 NORMALIZING DATA BY ECOREGION RARITY Based on Documented Occurrences for Rare Species Amphibians Birds Fish Mammals Plants Reptiles

8 NORMALIZING DATA BY ECOREGION RWI Based on documented occurrences for rare species weighted by endemism Amphibians Birds Fish Mammals Plants Reptiles

9 SENSITIVE HABITATS Based on best available vegetation maps for Wetland High value salmonid habitat Rare natural communities Riparian habitat

10 ++ + Amphibians Birds Fish Mammals Plants Reptiles Listed species Species of Special Concern Rare plants Wetland High value salmonid habitat Rare natural communities Riparian habitat Rare species weighted by endemism


12 Will not allow you to identify specific parcels with high conservation value Not a comprehensive analysis of critical conservation areas for individual species Does not consider current level of protection for species and habitats Not a definitive, static final product ACE-II IS NOT:

13 Biological Richness Biodiversity Rarity and endemism Sensitive habitats Stressors (overlays) Urbanization Climate change (sea level rise) Landscape factors (overlays) Ownership/protected status Connectivity and corridors ACE-II VIEWER


15 ACE Viewer:


17 Select a hexagon to bring up a table containing the ACE Ranks and species and habitat counts

18 2010 CALIFORNIA ESSENTIAL HABITAT CONNECTIVITY PROJECT (CEHC) Identified >2000-acre “natural landscape blocks” Connected blocks >10,000 acres in size Used least-cost modeling based on ecological integrity

19 FINE-SCALE CONNECTIVITY MAPPING CEHC statewide overview Fine-scale model needed for regional habitat acquisition planning Natural Landscape Blocks >2000 acres Include habitat areas <2000 acres that are essential for the survival and movement of some species Connect blocks >10,000 acres At the local level, need to provide connectivity between natural habitat areas <10,000 acres in size Least-cost modeling based on ecological integrity Species-specific habitat and movement modeling provide a view of essential connectivity areas important to high priority species

20 Connectivity data is available on the CDFW BIOS website



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