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8 th Grade Reading & Language Arts Pre-AP, GT, and On-level Mrs. Tammy Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "8 th Grade Reading & Language Arts Pre-AP, GT, and On-level Mrs. Tammy Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th Grade Reading & Language Arts Pre-AP, GT, and On-level Mrs. Tammy Johnson

2  My family  My education  My reading addiction  Why we need each other

3  Come to class ready with all supplies and assignments.  This means your brains too!

4  Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings.  Tardy students will serve lunch detention.

5  Be respectful and courteous at all times.  You can expect the same from me.  Respect others and their property.

6  Learn it, know it, live it!  No excuses!

7  It is YOUR responsibility to collect your missed work.  Your teammates will collect work for an absent student.

8  Give reading an honest chance  Follow simple rules in class

9  Be in your seat when the bell rings.  Bring necessary supplies.  Speak in a voice that cannot be heard from another team.  When addressing the whole class, make sure everyone can hear you.

10  The bell does not dismiss you, I do.  No personal grooming.  No eating, drinking, or gum chewing.

11  Keep your hands, feet, and personal objects in your team’s designated spot.  No sleeping

12  Maintain your agenda at all times.  Complete all assigned work.  NO PHONES!

13  Dress code will be strictly enforced!  It doesn’t matter if you got through the whole day!

14  Must be maintained and will be graded  Should include The objective for each day The “Daily Spark” word & definition Homework Assignments

15  Must be in a Composition Book (NO SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS!!!)  Available in class for 50 cents

16  You will be on your BEST behavior…no excuses.  You’ll be busy but not with busy work.  Sub discipline plan

17  Top left-hand of page  Team’s color  Top right-hand of page  First and last name  LA-class period  Date in number format (8/25/15)

18  Will be placed in the “Whodunit?” box for 2 days  If claimed, will earn no more than a 70  Unclaimed = “Zero”

19  1 COMPOSITION notebooks…NO SPIRALS! Purchase for $.50 if unable to find them  Any color pens…THINK IN COLOR!  Crayons, map pencils, markers  Scissors  Additional item on your syllabus  Bring Reader’s Notebook EVERY DAY!!! The only reason it should be ANYWHERE else is because you have turned it in for grading  ALWAYS HAVE A BOOK WITH YOU!!!

20  You will be expected to read 35 books this year… AR test must be take before book activity will be graded.  You will use your Reader’s Notebook to document ALL your reading.  It’s okay to abandon a book or read it for a second time (within certain guidelines)  Make recommendations to classmates and Mrs. Johnson  Genre requirements and reader’s choice

21  Homework may be given as often as 4 days per week.  Due at the beginning of class  No Excuses Notebook  Homework grades WEEKLY

22  Daily Warm-up: 10 minutes of independent reading  Fluency Station  Reading during downtime  Total planned reading time: no less than 50 minutes per week but more than 2 hours every other week!  Each time you finish a book, you will be able to draw from the Prize Bowl and stamp the door.

23  First visit as a class  Individually for the rest of the year  Sign in and out for your protection  Take the library pass  Go only to the library, get your books, get back to class  Library Pass + Restroom = OFFICE REFERRAL

24  Find your book (or books)  You MUST check out your book(s) using Booksource  Return books to their correct bins based on the code in the upper right hand corner of the cover

25  JMS (Big) library is separated by fiction, biographies, nonfiction, and reference material. Use electronic search  Classroom library is separated by specific genre Genre review Use Booksource to locate a specific title  Public Library is separated by fiction, nonfiction, youth section, children's’ section, etc. Saturday library option Use electronic search

26  Grab a book and get comfortable!  Read, take AR tests, work on book activities  Check out books, visit library

27  Hone your reading skills  Receive small group instruction  Individual conferences

28  Reader’s Notebook  Different activity each time you visit that station  Part of your grade  Vital to your success  Activities based on the books you are reading

29  Work done in your Reader’s Notebook  Will be graded  These words will help you on the STAAR test  You will be assessed periodically

30  Work done in your Reader’s Notebook  Words you find in your reading  Prefixes, suffixes, roots, and bases  Will be graded

31  You may take AR tests at the beginning of your session.  Visit ONLY approved websites  What to do if you access undesired material  This station is a privilege subject to being withdrawn!

32  Small group instruction with Mrs. Johnson  Individual conferences

33  Map and Crisis Plan next to the door  Your responsibilities  My responsibilities

34  Drills  The REAL deal  The importance of silence

35  What to do if the way is blocked  Expect company for disaster drill  The importance of silence

36  It’s not going to be easy but it will be worth it.  Whatever you’re looking for…you’re probably going to find.  If you choose to dance with the devil, he’ll eventually end up in the lead.  Look in the mirror before you look out the window.


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