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{ Creating Discussion Questions For English.  Did the Republican Party use racist images of blacks as inferior and immoral to further its cause?  In.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Creating Discussion Questions For English.  Did the Republican Party use racist images of blacks as inferior and immoral to further its cause?  In."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Creating Discussion Questions For English

2  Did the Republican Party use racist images of blacks as inferior and immoral to further its cause?  In the Declaration of Independence the Founding Fathers declared “all men are created equal.” Yet those like Thomas Jefferson actually held slaves at the time they wrote such statements. Jefferson even had a black mistress, with whom he fathered several children. How could he have been so inconsistent?  How did plantation owners try to keep former slaves on the plantation? How did they use vagrancy laws and property rights to do that?  Some of Lincoln’s statements seem contradictory. On the one hand, he says during the Lincoln-Douglas debates that he thinks that blacks are inferior and that they should remain so. On the other, he frequently expressed his disdain for slavery. How do these conflicting statements and actions influence our view of Lincoln? Critique

3 { Historically, has the U.S. Supreme Court upheld campus-based speech codes? What reasons has the U.S. Supreme Court given for tossing out campus- based codes and do you agree or disagree with those reasons? Avoid asking yes/no questions

4  What is the First Amendment?  In what ways does the First Amendment’s statement on freedom of speech appear to leave the door open for debate on the legality of hate speech? Avoid questions that call purely for factual answers.

5  Lead to more questions  Provoke discussion  Address audience and authorial intent Create Critical Thinking

6 Have you ever been the direct object of hate speech, or have you known a close friend or relative who has? What was your/their experience like? How has the experience contributed to your own position on the issue of the legality of hate speech? Ask questions that solicit relevant personal opinion and/or personal experience.

7 1. Which one is the better discussion question? Why? A) What does the fire reveal about the townspeople in To Kill a Mockingbird? B) How do you think Atticus managed his role as a single parent?

8 2. Which one is the better discussion question? Why? A) How does the trial and everything surrounding it change the town? How did it change you? B) What does the tree represent? What does the filling of the hole represent?

9 3. Which one is the better discussion question? Why? A) In the last few lines of To Kill a Mockingbird Scout says, "he was real nice..." and Attiucus replies, "most people are, Scout, when you finally see them." Do you agree that most people in the novel are nice once you see them? Why? How is Atticus able to see the good side of people despite all he has experienced? Can you? Why or why not? B) Why is the town upset with Atticus since he was appointed by the court to defend Tom?

10 4. Which one is the better discussion question? Why? A) What might the Radley place symbolize? B) What do you think of Aunt Alexandra? How does your opinion of her change during the book? Can you understand why she was concerned with Atticus’s parenting? Do you agree with her? Why or why not?

11 Rank the following questions (1 as best). Why? a) Discuss race issues in this book. Why does Calpurnia speak differently around other black people? Why does Mr. Raymond pretend he is drunk to help people cope with his mixed marriage? b) At one point Jem describes four kinds of "folks" in Maycomb County:"our kind of folks don't like the Cunninghams, the Cunninghams don't like the Ewells, and the Ewells hate and despise the colored folks." What does To Kill a Mockingbird teach us about how people cope with issues of race and class? Do you classify people in your world as different "folks?" Do you see those sort of distinctions today? c) Who is your favorite character and why? d) At the end of the book, Scout says that telling people Boo Radley committed the murder would have been "sort of like shootin' a mockingbird." What does that mean? Do you agree that Boo is like a mockingbird?

12 What qualities does the question below have?   Atticus provides advice to both his children and the readers of the novel. What do you think is the best piece of advice he shares? Why? Is this advice relevant today? Why?

13 Question… Avoids Yes / No Questions Is not yes / no Is yes / no Avoids purely factual questions. Is not purely factual. Is mostly recall of facts. Is purely factual. Creates critical thinking. Leads to more questions. Provokes discussion. Addresses audience and authorial intent. Leads to more questions. Provokes discussion, but does not address authorial intent. Leads to more questions, but does not provoke discussion or address authorial intent. Does not lead to any critical thinking. Solicits relevant personal opinion and/or personal experience. Allows for personal opinion and/or personal experience. Does not allow for personal opinion or experience.

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