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Lovis Willenberg German Sustainability Hero The Punk among the Sustainable Consumers.

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1 Lovis Willenberg German Sustainability Hero The Punk among the Sustainable Consumers

2 2012-06-03Assignment 3: Identifying CSR/ Sustainability Hero 2 General Information Master of Engineering in landscape planning lives in Berlin earns his money as a DJ started selling recyclable t-shirts and sneakers in his record shop a few years ago initiator of the web shop for eco fashion “” initiator and organiser of the “Heldenmarkt“

3 2012-06-03Assignment 3: Identifying CSR/ Sustainability Hero 3 Heldenmarkt ( market for – fair traded products – bio-products and -food – kinetic- or solar-powered products – upcycling products (e.g. portemonnaies and belts made from old bicycle inner tubes) even the market stalls are made from recycled materials musical supporting program bio- and fair traded products should be made more modern regular award of the lectures from the “Heldenmarkt” as contribution to the “Education for Sustainable Development”

4 2012-06-03Assignment 3: Identifying CSR/ Sustainability Hero 4 Citations from Lovis Willenberg “I would like to reach people, who were not concerned with this topic so far and make it easy for them to consume sustainable.” “Bio, for me, is primarily about nature protection.” “For me, only those are heroes, who are taking part with honest dedication and heart’s blood.” Sources: konsum-holy-shit-shopping-in-gruen,10810590,10707390.html

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