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Life Cycle of a Star By Jake 2. A star begins as a a Star begins as a nebulau.

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Presentation on theme: "Life Cycle of a Star By Jake 2. A star begins as a a Star begins as a nebulau."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Cycle of a Star By Jake 2

2 A star begins as a a Star begins as a nebulau

3 Protostar Contraction causes a giant moleculer cloud to become a protostar.

4 A Star is Born As soon as hydrogen and helium begins the life of a star begins.

5 Star Classifications Stars are classified by Their size, their serface tempature and Their heat. You can usualy tell just by looking at them.

6 Continuing Life Cycle of a Large Mass Star The large mass star starts as a steller nursery. then it turns into a red supergiant. Then it turnes into a supernova. A supernova is, a steller explosoin. The supernova turns into a nutron star or a black hole. A black hole is a region of space where the gravitqtional pull is realy big.

7 Continuing Life Cycle of a Smaller Mass Star The smaller mass star is started by a stellar nursery. Then the star turns into a red giant. a red giant is a luminous giant star. than it turns into a, planetary nebula. A planetary nebula is a emission nebula. Then it tunes into a white dwarf star. Than it becomes a black dwarf. a black dwarf is when a white dwarf dies.

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