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The Elizabethan Era Research Project. Do Now  If you haven’t submitted your corrections, please put them in the homework bin.  You will need your notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "The Elizabethan Era Research Project. Do Now  If you haven’t submitted your corrections, please put them in the homework bin.  You will need your notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Elizabethan Era Research Project

2 Do Now  If you haven’t submitted your corrections, please put them in the homework bin.  You will need your notebook (turned to the page of notes from yesterday) and a pen/pencil

3 Agenda and Objective AGENDA  Research Project Parameters  Partner work OBJECTIVE  Students will gather relevant information from multiple sources in order to make text-to-history connections and demonstrate an understanding of Elizabethan-era England.

4 Characters…






10 Feast of the Lupercal…

11 Feast of the Lupercal

12 Fun fact!


14 Let’s do some research…

15 Background  William Henry Shakespeare was born in 1564 and lived until 1616; a life that essentially ran parallel to the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The Elizabethan Era was one of great evolution in the British Empire, and these changes caused major social, political and economic ramifications. A familiarity with the life and times of “The Bard” is vital to understanding the playwright’s wide array of works.

16 Assignment  You and a partner will research an area of life in Elizabethan England and present your findings in a dynamic 3-to-5-minute presentation next week. You should focus on the six most interesting facts from your research and prepare a speech in which you educate and entertain your audience.

17 Requirements – Visual  You must include a visual aid in the form of either a Powerpoint or Prezi  Must be seven-ten slides or “clicks” if using a Prezi  Should include interesting pictures, graphs, or a visual for each slide  You should have no more than 50 total words on the visual aid (bulk of the info should come from you, not the slides)

18 Requirements – Written  All words on the slides are spelled correctly  Grammar (where applicable) on each slide is correct  You must have a properly formatted works cited page  It needs to be given to me on the day of your presentation

19 Requirements: Oral  Each person may use one notecard with a few key phrases written on it – no more than 20 words per card  Each person MUST speak for an equitable amount of time  Presentation needs to be between three and five minutes in length (inability to hit the time window will result in the loss of 20 points, or 10 percent of possible points)

20 Partners – Period 2 Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5 Ruksar and Erica Fashion and Hairstyles Globe Theater Maggie, Daphne, Laraib Weapons Elion and Jonathan QEI Steph and Dev Marriage Customs Daniel and Magnus Rec and sports Group 6Group 7Group 8Group 9Group 10 Nick and Jack Food and drink Jason and Julia Education and Health Occupations and Social Classes

21 Partners – Period 4 Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5 Group 6Group 7Group 8Group 9Group 10

22 What are we researching?  1. Fashion and hairstyles  2. Food and drink  3. Queen Elizabeth I  4. Education and Health (Black Plague)  5. Occupations and Social Classes  6. Scientific beliefs/discoveries and Religion  7. Marriage/Wedding customs  8. Weapons, Crime and punishment  9. Recreational activities and sports  10. The Globe Theater and Acting Conventions

23 Picking The Topics  Each group will pick a number. Whoever picks first, you get to pick your topic first.  Once you have your topic, you will have today, tomorrow and Thursday in class to research. Presentations will start TUESDAY.

24 Suitable Sources  NOT WIKIPEDIA.      Anything with or is acceptable. All sources MUST be cited on a separate Works Cited Page.

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