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The What, Why, and How of Programs of Distinction Presented by: Suzanne Le Menestrel, National 4-H Headquarters, USDA With Sharon Anderson and Gregg Tabachow,

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Presentation on theme: "The What, Why, and How of Programs of Distinction Presented by: Suzanne Le Menestrel, National 4-H Headquarters, USDA With Sharon Anderson and Gregg Tabachow,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The What, Why, and How of Programs of Distinction Presented by: Suzanne Le Menestrel, National 4-H Headquarters, USDA With Sharon Anderson and Gregg Tabachow, National 4-H Council Lisa Dennis, University of Maryland March 17, 2008

2 Overview of Programs of Distinction Benefits Overview of the Family Strengthening Awards Perspective of an Award Winner Submission and Scoring Process Review of Training Manuscript Discussion and Q & A Overview

3 Peer-reviewed program descriptions that reflect the high quality of Extension youth development programs around the country Programs of Distinction are:

4 “An organized, purposeful set of activities designed to achieve positive youth development outcomes.” Definition of a Program:

5 Exhibit strong program development characteristics Contribute to the body of knowledge about youth development Convey new ideas, materials, or innovative methods Demonstrate evidence of effectiveness Programs of Distinction Must:

6 Why Programs of Distinction? Designed to help Extension Professionals: Communicate the high quality of youth development programs Assist others in improving their practices in positive youth development Better understand and promote the nature of scholarship in their work Submit program outcomes through peer-evaluated format Tell the story of 4-H and other Extension youth development programs

7 National recognition Eligibility for seminar presentation at NAE4-HA Detailed feedback provided by peers Opportunity for program improvement and enhancement of written communication skills Wonderful addition to professional file or resume Ability to generate reports for local and state funders and policy makers Benefits to Submitters:

8 And, Several National Awards! 4-H Families Count Family Strengthening Awards Jim Duncan Outstanding Program of Distinction Award MetLife Citizenship Awards 4-H Natural Resources Conservation Award

9 Overview of Family Strengthening Awards Sponsored by the Annie E. Casey Foundation in Baltimore, MD; presented by National 4-H Council Five $15,000 cash awards (not grants) Programs significantly involve families—connect families to social networks, economic opportunities and/or services and support

10 Overview of Family Strengthening Awards Especially focused on disadvantaged families that live in rural areas (population of 50,000 or less) Programs must have been in existence for at least one evaluation cycle Program must be connected to land-grant university and show a youth/adult partnership Programs must show a strong possibility of sustainability

11 How to Apply for Family Strengthening Awards Step 1 –Programs of Distinction certification from National 4-H Headquarters Step 2 –Complete and attach Family Strengthening application to POD document brief Application found at –Application must include: A letter of endorsement from State 4-H Program Leader or Extension Director/Administrator Supplemental Materials—up to 4 pages 3 references

12 Family Strengthening Awards Application Due Date Applications are due to National 4-H Council by May 23, 2008 –Applications should be emailed to

13 Expectations of Family Strengthening Award Winners Attend NAE4-HA/Galaxy Conference (expenses paid) and participate in awards presentation and seminar Present best practice training in at least five individual and unique settings

14 Step 1: Download submission form and guidelines from the National 4-H Headquarters site: http://www.national4- Programs of Distinction database Tips from Peer Reviewers Link to 4-H Families Count Family Strengthening Awards Overview of Submission Process:

15 Step 2: Submit manuscript directly to National 4-H Headquarters Manuscripts are accepted on a continuous basis. All manuscripts submitted electronically using the Programs of Distinction submission form available online.

16 Step 3: Submitters receive a “receipt” e-mail acknowledging that the manuscript was received (state leader will be copied) Step 4: Identifying information (e.g., city, state, names, websites) is removed from the manuscript in order to ensure a blind review

17 Step 5: The “blind” manuscript is sent to three reviewers with experience in the selected category(ies) Step 6: Reviewers are asked to complete their reviews within two weeks

18 Step 7: Submitters receive reviewer comments and notification of the status of their submission within four weeks from the date the manuscript was received

19 75 program content points + 25 readability points ___________________________ = 100 possible points Scoring Process

20 Final Recommendations Publish as a designated POD Publish as a designated POD with minor revisions Ask submitter to revise and resubmit – needs major revisions Reject as POD

21 ScoresAt least 2 publish At least 2 minor or publishAt least 2 major At least 2 major or reject 2 or more ≥ 90 CSREES makes grammatical edits - publish CSREES works with submitter to make minor revisions - publishN/A 2 or more ≥ 80 CSREES works with submitter to make minor revisions - publish Submitter makes suggested revisions and returns to one peer reviewer no pass - CSREES communicates needed changes to submitter - resubmit 2 or more ≥ 70 N/A no pass - CSREES communicates needed changes to submitter - resubmit 2 or more ≤ 70 N/A no pass - CSREES communicates needed changes to submitter - resubmit reject with offer to send comments

22 Helpful Suggestions Reviewers are looking for something original Example: serves a unique audience Find something unique about your program Share your draft with colleagues first for a fresh pair of eyes Keep your state leader in the loop! Please keep open communication with us! Look at POD’s already on the website.

23 Current Programs of Distinction 43 programs accepted into the database Programs are from the following states: Arkansas Arizona (2) California Colorado (3) Florida Georgia (2) Kentucky Iowa Louisiana Maryland Michigan (3) Minnesota Missouri Montana (2) Nebraska (2) Nevada New Jersey (9) North Dakota Oregon (4) Pennsylvania South Carolina Utah Washington Wisconsin

24 Contact Information Suzanne Le Menestrel 202-720-2297 Maria Arnold 202-720-8857

25 Practice Makes Perfect! Scoring 4-H Explorer

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