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Pixel Ladder QA manual Hardware R. Akimoto, A. Shaver. July 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Pixel Ladder QA manual Hardware R. Akimoto, A. Shaver. July 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pixel Ladder QA manual Hardware R. Akimoto, A. Shaver. July 2010

2 Check List 1 Interlock – Temperature of NOVEC Check if the difference from the value in the RIKEN QA is less than 5° C – Humidity inside test box Check if the difference from the value in the RIKEN QA is less than 5% Relative Humidity (R.H.) Power supply – Voltage and current of the power supply for the SPIRO and LADDER are at the operational values. SPIRO: Check that the difference of the current from the value of the same SPIRO is less than 0.1 A LADDER: Check the difference of the current from the value in the RIKEN QA is less than 0.1 A – Bias voltage and leakage current at 5 V increments Check the difference in the leakage current from the value in the RIKEN QA is less than 0.3 μA 2

3 Check List 2 DAC value – SPIRO S/N Confirm that the SPD FEM is reading the correct S/N value – Reference voltage (DAC_REF_VDD, DAC_MID, and GTL_REF) Check the difference from the value of the same SPIRO is less than 2 – Threshold value for each chip Check the difference from the value in the RIKEN QA is less than 10 – Mask pixel Check if there are differences from the results in the RIKEN QA β source testing Check the difference in the dead area against the RIKEN QA 3


5 Connected SPIRO board (with test adapter) 5

6 (Left) Ladder connection and Setup 6

7 Supporting the Ladder fixture We used this book to support ladders coming out of and going into the test box. 7

8 Supporting the Ladder in fixture with Hex (Allen) wrench Note the position of the wrench supporting the stave

9 Useful Tools Minor divisions are ~ 1mm Plastic-Sheathed Eyeglass Screwdriver: Safely lifts data connection from ladder 5/64” Hex (Allen) Wrench: Supports Ladder for NOVEC tube attachment/detachment 9

10 Test Box Setup 1 Setup procedures must be done very carefully 1.Remove the top cover and bottom acrylic plate – It is helpful to place across the test box something to support the stave above the box until you’re ready to lower the stave into the box. This is also useful during disassembly (See book in the previous slide) 2.Attach tubes for NOVEC – Silicon grease is used to smoothly attach and detach the tubes. It is applied to the inside of the tubes – Use a ~ 5/64” or 2 mm hex (Allen) wrench to support the Ladder in its fixture (see picture) – Secure the tube to the white plastic attachment point underneath the ladder Be gentle in this connection, but make sure that the connection is well made. 10

11 Test Box Setup 2 3.Attach power connections – Attach the Red 3.5 VDD leads from the Ladder to the VDD connection on the bus – Attach the Black GND leads from the Ladder to the GND connection on the bus – Attach the (white taped) Bias leads from the bus to the Bias connection on the Ladder. – Each of the leads can fit into multiple positions within the associated connection. The specific position doesn’t matter for VDD and GND. – The position does matter for Bias. On the bus, the two connections closest to the data connectors have lines going to the SPIRO board for Bias voltage. Connect the wire to the connectors closest to the data connections. The other two connectors are connected to GND. On the Ladder, the two connections closest to the data connectors are usually soldered together with a wire to GND. The other connections are the Bias connections. Connect the wire to the connectors furthest from the data connections. 11

12 Test Box Setup 3 4.Attach Data connections – Use canned/compressed air to blow out dust on the connectors Block or otherwise direct the air such that it doesn’t blow across the sensor chips (so dust doesn’t land on them) – Line up the connectors on the Bus and Ladder – Be Careful! When properly aligned, firmly press the connectors together. There may be some feeling of connectors snapping together. Make sure a good connection is formed, but remember that these parts are very fragile! 5.Lower the ladder into the test box. – Consider holding the corners of the aluminum ladder support and lowering straight down. 6.Close up the box, flow dry N 2 and begin Interlock sequence 12

13 Ladder Connections 13 Data Connectors Ladder VDD GND Bias GND

14 Bus (Extender) 14 Notice the two bias lines going to the BIAS connection. They connect to the two connectors closest to the data connections. The BIAS supply must be connected to one of these two connectors. The other two are connected to ground (GND).

15 Bus Connections Data Connection (Under-side) Power connections Top Left: GND (ground) Bottom Left: VDD (Ladder 3.5V) Right: Bias (0-50V) 15

16 Nitrogen Panel 16 Valve to open N 2 Flow Flow meter to Control Rate of N 2

17 Nitrogen Flow To open flow, turn black knob on upper right of panel (near yellow tube) counter-clockwise. Then turn the left flow meter knob (in the lower left-hand side of the panel) counterclockwise to flow nitrogen out to the test box. To close flow, turn flow meter knob clockwise, then turn the black knob on the upper right of the panel clockwise completely. Note: When you are initially purging the air from test box to get down to 0% Rel. Humidity, it is useful to open the flow up fully (8-10 on the flow meter). After the humidity check has passed, you should turn down the flow to 4-5 to conserve nitrogen. 17

18 Valve Controls 18 Supply and Return lines to: Clean tent Work Bench Main Valve: Arrow pointing up is On Arrow pointing down will purge lines with N 2 Position shown is OFF

19 Interlock System Before powering the Ladder and Bias, you must pass Interlock system checks. The interlock system will test the humidity inside the test bench, the NOVEC temperature, and the NOVEC flow rate. It also includes valve controls and monitoring for the NOVEC flow. Colors correspond to the diagram on the following slide 1.Turn on the Power to the Interlock System. 2.With the N 2 flowing, the humidity in the box should be decreasing. – We need to prevent condensation when the ladder is chilled, so the humidity must be sufficiently low 3.After the humidity reaches its threshold, 0% Relative Humidity (R.H.) and the checkpoint is passed, start the pump and refrigeration – The LED on the Interlock will change from red to green to indicate – For each check you must confirm that the LED has changed. 4.Open the valves on the chiller and open the valve on the Interlock Control; Turn on pumps and refrigeration. (Chiller instructions on slides 16, 17) – Confirm that the interlock system is measuring a flow with the ‘FLOW’ LED 5.When the temperature reaches the threshold temperature (17.5° C for testing) begin to power-up the low voltage equipment 19

20 Interlock system Valve control: Open Close Interlock power Relative Humidity: measured threshhold Temperature reading (here, of the NOVEC, as no temp. sensor is on the staff) System Checks: green light indicates check passed, red light indicates check failed Valve, Output, Humidity, Temp, Flow Humidity sensor reading 20

21 Chiller Chiller description: The switch on the left is the main power switch. The ‘Pump’ button toggles the pump on or off, and the status is indicated by the ‘Pump’ LED. The ‘Run Stop’ button turns the refrigeration control on or off. The status of this control will be indicated by the LED beside °C. If that LED is blinking, the thermostat is on and the unit will maintain the set temperature. If it is steadily on, the unit is not going to cool the liquid. The ‘Refrigerator’ LED merely indicates whether the refrigerator is actively running at that moment. Holding ‘Set Clear’ and using the arrows allows you to change the temperature the chiller will try to maintain.

22 Chiller operation To start, turn on the main power switch, press ‘Pump’ and press ‘Run Stop’ – The machine stores temperature settings, so if you need to adjust the temperature, see the previous slide. To turn off, press ‘Pump’ and press ‘Run Stop’ and then turn off the main power switch 22

23 Low Voltage After interlock checks are all passed (LEDs are green) begin powering voltages to SPIRO board then to the ALICE1LHCB chips (Ladder / VDD). After providing VDD begin the procedure in the software manual to set DACS. Then provide voltage to the Bias. 1.SPIRO: Turn on power supply, output 5 V to the SPIRO board – Should be 5V, and approximately 1.8 A 2.VDD: 1.Turn on power supply, confirm that the minimum voltage is set 2.Output the minimum voltage to the VDD 3.At a rate of approximately 0.1 [V/sec], increase the voltage to 3.5 V The current may rise steeply between approximately 1.5 V and 3V Do not allow the current to exceed 5 A If the current is quickly approaching 5 A, pause for a moment (~5 sec), and the system will equilibrate somewhat, and then continue at a slower pace. The current will be approximately 4.4-4.6A when the voltage reaches 3.5 V. After applying the DAC settings later, the current will drop to approximately 3.3-3.5 A 23

24 Low Voltage Setup Right Half-LadderLeft Half-Ladder SPIRO Power Supplies RHL VDD Power Supply LHL VDD Power Supply 24

25 Bias Voltage 1.Turn key on crate to “local.” 2.On computer monitor: when booted, press enter, then enter user for both the user name and password. 3.Select ‘Menu,’ then ‘Channels.’ move down to the HV-1 Channel, then right to ‘Off.’ Press the space bar to turn the channel on. Repeat for HV-2 – Grey options indicate settings that the user can set. White are generally monitoring data. – The screen is partially cut-off at the edges, so maybe only V-1 will appear on screen. 4.Move left to the voltage column. Apply 5 Volts (type 5 and press enter) to both HV-1 and 2. 5.Wait for the system to come to voltage, and wait about 10 seconds for the voltage to equilibrate. 6.Record current. 7.Increase the voltage in 5 volt increments to 50 V, or until the current continues to grow with each voltage increase. 8.To turn off, decrease the voltage in 5 volt steps until 0 Volts. Change column to off. Turn key to “off.” Note there are columns RUp and RDwn. These columns set the rate at which the voltage will increase. I find that 1 [V\sec] limits the current to ~1.3μA 25

26 Installing Beta Source Keep metal shields covering source as often as possible in installing and removing the beta source. 1.Turn source mechanism upside-down. Remove plate from chamber. 2.While leaving protective shields over source place source into chamber. As quickly as possible, remove shield, place the plate back down, and place the shield back over the source. 3.Screw plate back on. 4.Turning the mechanism so that the source points away from you, turn it upright and place it on the posts on the test box. 26

27 Beta Source Pictures 27 Step 1Step 2


29 Disassembly notes 1 1.In general, proceed through the assembly procedures in reverse 2.Power-Down 1.Gradually decrease Bias voltage at approximately.1 [V/sec] 2.Turn off output of Bias power supplies, and power-off Bias power supplies. 3.Decrease VDD voltage at ~.1 [V/sec], turn off power supply output, and power-off VDD power supplies 4.Turn off SPIRO power supply output, and power-off SPIRO power supplies 3.Thermalize 1.Turn off pump and refrigeration 2.Close the valves on the chiller and close the valve on the Interlock system 3.Wait until the temperature reading rises to the 17.5° C threshold to prevent condensation when you open the test box 29

30 Disassembly notes 2 4.Open the test box, lift out the Ladder and support it 5.Carefully disconnect the NOVEC tubes: 4.Use the Hex(Allen) wrench to support the ladder in its fixture again. 5.Twisting back and forth, slowly pull off the NOVEC tube 6.Using a plastic sheathed eyeglass screwdriver (as pictured in the useful tools slide #9),slide the screwdriver end between the two connections on the data connector and carefully pry the bus data connection off the ladder. 4.See following picture 5.Plastic sheathing is important to prevent damage to the ladder or bus. 7.Disconnect the VDD and GND wires from the bus; Disconnect the Bias from the Ladder. 8.Tilt the ladder to drain the remaining NOVEC 9.Return Ladder fixture to case and secure the case. 30

31 Removing Data Connector


33 Bus and SPIRO connection It is convenient to just keep the bus connected to a SPIRO board throughout QA testing procedure, but if you need to attach/detach: Attaching the Bus to the SPIRO – Line up the bus connection to the SPIRO or SPIRO test board, and press together – NOTE: these are pinned connections, be very careful about bending pins on the SPIRO connection. The connection should go on fairly smoothly without excessive resistance Detaching the bus and SPIRO – Rock the connection back and forth while gently pulling the bus off of the SPIRO board 33

34 Spiro connection on Bus

35 Bus connection on SPIRO Test Boards

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