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Mr. Joyce GLOBAL HISTORY 1 H.  “ B “ Day  QUIZ: Vocabulary … RETURN … GOALS … MONDAY.. NOVEMBER 3 rd, 2014.

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2  “ B “ Day  QUIZ: Vocabulary … RETURN … GOALS … MONDAY.. NOVEMBER 3 rd, 2014



5 FIRE DRILLS All other Fire Drills will be UnannouncedAll other Fire Drills will be Unannounced “Please” … watch the “cellphones”“Please” … watch the “cellphones”

6 FIRE DRILLS … Regulations NO cellphones … please do NOT call your parents … Administration is watchingNO cellphones … please do NOT call your parents … Administration is watching ATTENDANCE … MUST be taken - “green” sheet … ALL present - “red” sheet … 1 student “missing” - “yellow” sheet … 1 student “extra” … Sheets will be PICKED UP … by an Administrator in the AREAATTENDANCE … MUST be taken - “green” sheet … ALL present - “red” sheet … 1 student “missing” - “yellow” sheet … 1 student “extra” … Sheets will be PICKED UP … by an Administrator in the AREA

7 FIRE DRILLS – Lock down Shades UPShades UP Lights ONLights ON Door LOCKED Please do NOT open ANY door … for ANYone …Door LOCKED Please do NOT open ANY door … for ANYone … AWAY from the DOOR - Room 267 … CLOSE Quarters … “packed” with students … Instruction stops … just about has to … Social chatter YES … but keep it downAWAY from the DOOR - Room 267 … CLOSE Quarters … “packed” with students … Instruction stops … just about has to … Social chatter YES … but keep it down


9 FIRE DRILLS – Lock down Shades UPShades UP Lights ONLights ON Door LOCKED Please do NOT open ANY door … for ANYone …Door LOCKED Please do NOT open ANY door … for ANYone … AWAY from the DOOR - Room 267 … CLOSE Quarters … “packed” with students … Instruction stops … just about has to … Social chatter YES … but keep it downAWAY from the DOOR - Room 267 … CLOSE Quarters … “packed” with students … Instruction stops … just about has to … Social chatter YES … but keep it down

10 FIRE DRILLS … AND / OR … Lock down “Cooperate” … & … “Graduate”“Cooperate” … & … “Graduate” Quiz grade … “150” … out of “100” pointsQuiz grade … “150” … out of “100” points



13 Absent Per. 5, 6, 7 & 8

14 101 4 th Unit … 2 nd Quarter CASTLE LEARNING: … “ 101 “ QUESTIONS DUE … WED. 5 NOV. 2014 … 2345L ( 11:45 PM ) TEST: Thu. 6 NOV. 2014 NOW + immediate future …. !!!



17 NOTE to the Parents of Mr. Joyce's "Global History... 1H... 2 H... & 2 R" students... [ Sun. 2 Nov. 2014... 2228L... 10:28 PM ] 1. Grades were closed for my students... back on Tue. 23 OCT. 2014... 2. "Officially" grades in the District close next week... Mon. 10 Nov. 2014 3. Report cards will be mailed to parents & the Infinite Campus portal opened... on Fri. 21 Nov. 2014

18 4. To set the air clear... head off any rumors I state the following...... Please note... I am NOT looking for any sympathy... never have... never will... that's NOT me..... A. Students WERE supposed to receive a print out of their grades... Mon. 3 NOV. 2014...... that has been postponed one (1) week... until Mon. 10 NOV. 2014

19 ... B. As you might have heard right now I'm having a LOT of trouble with my feet... surgery sometime this month (November) to shave down one bone... things have gotten worse lately... one foot is still bleeding... open wound... two (2) weeks now...... also now getting some very sharp pains from one (1) bone... pains are sporadic... come out of no where... around a 6 level out of 10 level... last 3 - 5 minutes, then subside... doc was called over the weekend...

20 ... C. I will be absent this Fri. 7 NOV. 2014... to see that doc... driving up to Rhinebeck in the morning to see him... earliest appt. I could get... a "certified" Social Studies teacher... Mr. Williams will be "pinch hitting" for me... I am loaning Mr. Williams an LCD projector... so academic work can continue... I am writing the Lesson Plan for Friday... all.ppt slides... I usually go around 100 slides per course... per class each day... I am also writing up the answers to the homework questions... the answers will be on the.ppt slides... in others I am doing the prep for the class... Mr. Williams is executing the mission... to put it in military vernacular (terms)...... + + + ALL students are EXPECTED to "behave"... "Common Courtesy"

21 ... D. This Fri. 7 Nov.... will be a "dry run" for when I am out due to the surgery.. As far as WHEN I will be out... how long... I won't know until after this Friday. "Thank you" for your time... and hearing me out. V/R Mr. Joyce NFA - Main Global History 1LT, USAFR

22 GOALS … MONDAY.. OCTOBER 27 th, 2014 1 st Quarter “FINAL” grades … … District doesN’T close them for another 2 weeks … Mon. 10 NOV. Mr. Joyce … doing “Final” tally … when I am done … either by this Fri. 31 Oct. or next Mon. 3 NOV. … ALL students will be given a print out of grades as a “double check” … to catch any errors Please do NOT even bothering asking about what your grade is … … Parents also starting to email me … … Grades are … NUMERICAL … no fluff … can be justified … … kept at home … NOT in school … … I hate having students crowd around a desk + by the end of this Period you should have a good idea of your grade … based on the three (3) tests you have taken … YOUR “responsibility” to remember your grades …1 st Quarter “FINAL” grades … … District doesN’T close them for another 2 weeks … Mon. 10 NOV. Mr. Joyce … doing “Final” tally … when I am done … either by this Fri. 31 Oct. or next Mon. 3 NOV. … ALL students will be given a print out of grades as a “double check” … to catch any errors Please do NOT even bothering asking about what your grade is … … Parents also starting to email me … … Grades are … NUMERICAL … no fluff … can be justified … … kept at home … NOT in school … … I hate having students crowd around a desk + by the end of this Period you should have a good idea of your grade … based on the three (3) tests you have taken … YOUR “responsibility” to remember your grades …

23 GOALS … MONDAY.. NOVEMBER 3 rd, 2014  “ B “ Day  QUIZ: Vocabulary … RETURN … + 5 added to ALL scores ALL students “ACED” the Quiz. … thus “105” Quiz Scores.  Homework: … H04 – 07 “Review for Test” … … ISSUE … …





28 GOALS … THURSDAY.. OCTOBER 24 th, 2014  POWER POINT … Ancient India – Early Civilizations … 33 slidesAncient India – Early Civilizations … 33 slides Ancient India – Mauryan & Gupta Empires … 21 slidesAncient India – Mauryan & Gupta Empires … 21 slides VIDEOsVIDEOs


30 Pakistan & India … 324 BC - - - > 183 BC CENTRALIZED … everything located in 1 place - Led by a King

31 269 BC - - - > 232 BC … TOLERANT … gets along with others -Converted to Buddhism … was Hindu -Established hospitals … for people … for animals -Creates … REST AREAS … with shelters (with trees) … along Roads -Trade (Commerce) expands …

32 Assassinated … (coups d’etat) by military leaders … 183 BC Mauryan Empire disintegrates … breaks up into smaller states / nations … which often didN’T get along

33 TRADE route … from China & Far East.. In East … across Asia (Mongolia & Central Asia) … to Europe (Mediterranean Sea) 2 Routes: -By Land -By Water … … Pacific Ocean … Indian Ocean

34 India located along southern part of the Land Route Water Route went around India … (to the south) … via the Indian Ocean + Cultural Diffusion … India gets rich … India & Sri Lanka … major producers of TEA


36 320 AD GREAT achievements: -Art … literature … architecture.. Medicine … science -Math

37 Flowering of Hindu Art Achievements in Science

38 Prosperity $$$ via trade (Commerce























61 Hinduism

62 Moral Lessons: -Ideal Hero -Ideal … Perfect Ruler -Devoted … Loyal Wife

63 Large Pillars … 50 feet high 50 tons in weight

64 Decimal 0.51 Number 0 Thus we have Base 10 Not Base 6

65 Astronomy -Charting of the stars -HELIOCENTRIC theory -Earth rotates on its Axis -Earth revolves around the Sun

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