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Management Committee Chairperson and Secretary Prof Fionn Murtagh, School of Computer Science, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK, tel +44.

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Presentation on theme: "Management Committee Chairperson and Secretary Prof Fionn Murtagh, School of Computer Science, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK, tel +44."— Presentation transcript:


2 Management Committee Chairperson and Secretary Prof Fionn Murtagh, School of Computer Science, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK, tel +44 28 9027-4620, fax +44 28 9068-3890, Vice-Chairperson Prof Daniel Egret, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, 11, rue de l'Universite, 67000 Strasbourg, France, tel +33-3 88 15 07 11, fax +33-3 88 15 07 60, Members (including alternates) Milcho Tsvetkov, Sofia Sky Archive DataCenter, Space Research Inst., Sofia, BG Valeri Golev, Department of Astronomy, University of Sofia, BG Andras Holl, Konkoly Observatory, H Gabrielle Allen, Albert-Einstein-Institute, D Andy Shearer, Dept. Information Technology, NUI Galway, IRL Aaron Golden, Dept. Information Technology, NUI Galway, IRL Ray Butler, Dept. of Physics, NUI Galway, IRL Lakshmi Sastry, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, GB David Boyd, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, GB Giuseppe Longo, Univ. Federico II, I Vito Di Gesu, Univ. Palermo, I Jorge Nunez, Univ. Barcelona, E Rafael Molina, Univ. Granada, E Luis Vazquez, Centro de Astrobiologia and Univ. Complutense, Madrid, E Ignacio Martin Llorente, Dep. de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automatica, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, E Philippe Jetzer, Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Zurich, CH Andre Csillaghy, University of Applied Sciences, Windisch, CH Intention to join expressed Marek Demianski, Warsaw, Poland (and Williams College), PL Rien v.d. Weygaert, Groningen, NL

3 Participating Institutions Space Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, BG University of Sofia, BG Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, H Albert-Einstein-Institute, Golm, D National University of Ireland, Galway, IRL Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, GB Queen's University Belfast, GB Astronomical Observatory, Strasbourg, F Universita Federico II, Naples, I Universita di Palermo, I University of Barcelona, E University of Granada, E Universidad Complutense, Madrid, E University of Zurich, CH University of Applied Sciences, Windisch, CH



6 iAstro Working Groups WG1 - Interoperability, data correlation and federation (D Egret) - Interoperability (D Egret) - Data quality/correlation/fusion (V Di Gesu) WG2 - Visualization (G Allen) - Advanced visual user interfaces for data mining (V Di Gesu) WG3 - Heterogeneous, multimedia data (R Molina) - Image/signal restoration (R Molina) - Data mining (V Di Gesu) WG4 - Surveys (J Nunez, G Longo and M Tsvetkov) - Wide field imaging (G Longo, M Tsvetkov) - Robotic observatories (J Nunez)

7 FP6 Expressions of Interest, June 2002 The following list of EoIs are of possible interest to iAstro. We will provide the web address of full documents, when they are available. "Signal+Model: Data, Signal, Image, Video Modelling and Understanding in Science, Medicine and Engineering". Coordination: Fionn Murtagh, Queen's University Belfast. European Supercomputing Facility. Coordination: Gabrielle Allen, Ed Seidel, Jarek Nabrzyski, Bernard Schutz, Max-Planck- Institut für Gravitationsphysik, Albert-Einstein-Institut, Golm. "IRiX: Information Retrieval in Context". Coordination: Keith van Rijsbergen, University of Glasgow. "Acquiring Specific Semantic Knowledge for an Access to Textual Context". Coordination: Claire Nedellec, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris-Nord (LIPN, Univ. Paris-Nord and CNRSTIC). "NEST: Network of Excellence in Sensor Technology". Coordination: APF Turner, Cranfield University. "EVOE - Enabling a Virtual Observatory for Europe". Coordination: Peter Quinn, European Southern Observatory.

8 "Knowledge-Net: Exploring the Future of Learning with Digital Technologies". Contact: Boris Mirkin, Birkbeck College. EGEE: Pan-European Production Grid. Coordination: CERN. EUoGIS: Grid Infrastructure - Health Grid. Coordination: Lyon. REALISTE: High-Level Grid for Science and Culture. Coordination: Manchester. Useful background reading. "Complex Problem Solving including GRID and Research Networking Infrastructure", Contributions from the FP6 Internal Reflection Group, Draft Report Version 2.0, 14 May 2002, 40 pp. "IRG on Knowledge Technologies", Internal Reflection Group on Knowledge Technologies, 2nd Intermediate Report, 6 June 2002, 13 pp. "A Business Case Study of Open Source Software", Carolyn A. Kenwood, July 2001, The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, Massachusetts, 61 pp.

9 iAstro Meetings, Workshops, Presentations Action started November 2001. Two MC meetings held to date, in Brussels. Next MC meeting preceding GGF-5 (Global Grid Forum – 5) conference in Edinburgh, end July.

10 Some Presentations on iAstro 1."COLLABORATION IN ASTRONOMY IN THE FRAMEWORK OF COST: Computational and Information infrastructure in the Astronomical DataGrid": Fionn Murtagh, Queen's University Belfast, UK, Daniel Egret, Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory, F, Giuseppe Longo, Univ. Federico II, I, Gabrielle Allen, Albert-Einstein-Institute, Potsdam/Golm, D, Jorge Nunez, University of Barcelona, E, Aaron Golden, National University of Ireland, Galway, IRL, Andre Holl, Konkoly Observatory, H, Milcho Tsvetkov, SSADC, Space Research Institute, Sofia, BG, David Boyd, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK, Valeri Golev, Department of Astronomy, University of Sofia BG, Lakshmi Sastry, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK, Ray Butler, Dept. of Physics, Nat. University of Ireland, Galway, IRL, Peter Wintlev-Jensen, COST, B. Report was presented at the 6th Congress of the Eurasian Astronomical Society and the Conference: "International Collaboration in the field of Astronomy: Status and Perspectives", 25.05-02.06,2002, Moscow, Moscow State University and Sternberg State Astronomical Institute. 2."ASTRONOMICAL DATA NETWORKING: USAGE OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC ARCHIVES" Milcho Tsvetkov(1), Katya Tsvetkova(1), Damyan Kalaglarski(3), Svetoslav Christov(4), Ana Borisova(1), Rumen Bogdanovski(1), Hristo Lukarski(2) and Svetlin Fotev(2) 1) Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 2) Space Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 3) Chair of Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics, Sofia University 4) Chair of Informatics, South-Western University, Blagoevgrad. Report was also presented at the 6th Congress of the Eurasian Astronomical Society and the Conference: "International Collaboration in the field of Astronomy: Status and Perspectives", 25.05-02.06,2002, Moscow, Moscow State University and Sternberg State Astronomical Institute. The reports under 1 and 2 above, but with more details and explanations, was presented on the Seminar of the Institute of Astronomy Russian Academy of Sciences, Center of Astronomical Data at June 4th, 2002, 15 00h, Each of them was presented about of 1 hour. Milcho Tsvetkov, 3. Poster on iAstro at "Toward an International Virtual Observatory - Scientific Motivation, Roadmap for Development and Current Status", Garching, Germany, 10-14 June 2002.Poster on iAstro Conference details: Toward an International Virtual Observatory - Scientific Motivation, Roadmap for Development and Current Status, Garching, GermanyToward an International Virtual Observatory - Scientific Motivation, Roadmap for Development and Current Status


12 The following four papers, submitted for publication, make reference to this Action: (1)"Neural networks tools for astronomy", Longo G., Tagliaferri R., et al., invited review for Neural Networks; Special Issue on Astronomy and Environmental Sciences, Dec. 2002. (2) "Advanced data mining tools for astronomy", Longo G. et al., invited contribution to International workshop on "Towards an International Virtual Observatory", Garching, June 2002. (3) "Deconvolution in astronomy: a review", JL Starck, E Pantin and F Murtagh, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, submitted. (4) "Distributed visual information management in astronomy", F Murtagh, JL Starck and M Louys, ACM/IEEE Computers in Science and Engineering, submitted. (5) A review paper on Grid middleware, collaborative environments, and current trends, directed at an astronomy readership, is being assembled during the course of 2002.

13 Planned Workshops: (1) (a) UML and XML for Image and Signal Databases; and (b) Multispectral Image Analysis, Joint meeting with IDHA (French astronomy Grid) project. Strasbourg, 28-29 November 2002. Organisation: Daniel Egret and Fionn Murtagh. (2) Distributed Processing, Transfer, Fusion and Display of Images and Signals: High Resolution and Low Resolution in Data and Information Grids, Granada, 25-26 April 2003. Organisation: Rafael Molina.6.3 Web site The Action's web area is at

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