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EBI is an Outstation of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. easyDAS Automatic DAS server creation Bernat Gel Universitat Politècnicade Catalunya.

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Presentation on theme: "EBI is an Outstation of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. easyDAS Automatic DAS server creation Bernat Gel Universitat Politècnicade Catalunya."— Presentation transcript:

1 EBI is an Outstation of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. easyDAS Automatic DAS server creation Bernat Gel Universitat Politècnicade Catalunya

2 03/03/11 esayDAS: Automatic DAS server creation 2 DAS servers are easy Client “Smart clients, dumb servers”

3 03/03/11 esayDAS: Automatic DAS server creation 3 DAS servers are easy dumb servers ? Many groups lack abilities or facilities Internet visible machine Server installation/administration Data storage management Data access layer programming Data uploading “Smart clients,

4 03/03/11 esayDAS: Automatic DAS server creation 4 easyDAS to the rescue Client Data Generator easyDAS EBI datacenter Data File

5 03/03/11 esayDAS: Automatic DAS server creation 5 Internet visible machine Server installation/administration Data storage management Data access layer programming Data uploading esayDAS to the rescue but... Loss of flexibility Less control over the data

6 03/03/11 esayDAS: Automatic DAS server creation 6 Limited maximum size for a dataset Always easyDAS? No hard limit, but will fail if too big Sources with more than a million features No control over the source’s stylesheet Not feasible for base level annotations Not yet possible to edit a source No access to logs, so no usage statistics Data on text files

7 03/03/11 esayDAS: Automatic DAS server creation 7 Always easyDAS? Small or medium Use easyDAS Not very dinamic On text files Needed to be persistent Short-lived or testing

8 03/03/11 esayDAS: Automatic DAS server creation 8 A note on private sources

9 03/03/11 esayDAS: Automatic DAS server creation 9 A note on private sources DAS is open Sources marked as private will NOT be listed on the list BUT they are completely public and an accessible

10 03/03/11 esayDAS: Automatic DAS server creation 10 esasyDAS implementation DB Web Client easyDAS server ProServer Sources

11 03/03/11 esayDAS: Automatic DAS server creation 11 easyDAS implementation minor modifications in ProServer http://host.tld/dir/das/features?segment=1 http://host.tld/dir/username/das/features?segment=1 every source has a separate set of tables client is OO javscript with jQuery

12 03/03/11 esayDAS: Automatic DAS server creation 12 Custom easyDAS easyDAS is an Open Source project It is possible to install on your own instittution

13 03/03/11 esayDAS: Automatic DAS server creation 13 Questions?

14 03/03/11 esayDAS: Automatic DAS server creation 14 Questions?

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