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Review of the Australian CPI. Introduction Minor review – 6 yearly – update weights using household expenditure survey (HES) Major review –longer intervals.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of the Australian CPI. Introduction Minor review – 6 yearly – update weights using household expenditure survey (HES) Major review –longer intervals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of the Australian CPI

2 Introduction Minor review – 6 yearly – update weights using household expenditure survey (HES) Major review –longer intervals –update weights –topical issues

3 Major issues i. Principal purpose of the CPI ii. Compilation frequency of the CPI iii. Evaluation of the deposit and loan facilities index iv. Maintaining the relevance of the CPI v. Commodity classification vi. Analytical series vii. Other issues

4 User engagement Advisory group 15 Members representing Reserve Bank Government departments Academics Statistics New Zealand State governments

5 User engagement Information paper

6 User engagement “Road” show Advertised in major newspapers Mail out to 150 users Eight capital cities

7 User engagement Modern methods

8 User engagement Submissions 52 written submissions 25 from organisations 27 from individuals Public forums 80 attendees

9 Principal purpose of the CPI Current principal purpose - measurement of household inflation Acquisitions approach (CPI 1998 – present) Outlays approach (CPI 1960 – 1998) Additional series such as the Analytical living cost index (ALCI) and the Pensioner and beneficiary living cost index (PBLCI).

10 Analytical living cost indexes for selected household types Employee households Age pensioner households Self-funded retiree households Other government transfer recipients households Pensioner and beneficiary living cost index

11 Principal purpose of the CPI Users agreed that the principal purpose (household inflation) should remain unchanged

12 Compilation frequency Currently quarterly Calls for a monthly CPI Arguments for a monthly CPI –All OECD countries except Australia and New Zealand compile monthly –IMF specifies CPIs should be monthly –More timely economic feedback and greater ability to pick turning points Arguments against a monthly CPI –Complexity, quality and cost.

13 Compilation frequency Monthly CPI full replication of current quarterly methodology use of existing data

14 Compilation frequency strong but mixed views financial and economic circles - strongly in favour of monthly CPI provided current quality was maintained other users - no compelling need to change from quarterly concern about how move would be funded

15 Financial services indirect fees via interest rate margins –users agree that these should be included affected by volatility in interest rates volatility during the global financial crisis weight questioned methodology not well understood

16 Maintaining the relevance of the CPI 6-yearly weight updates –users supported more frequent HES to enable CPI weights to be updated more often –use of scanner data, for more frequent weight updates quality adjustment –users bothered by computers/cars

17 Commodity classification Australian CPI Commodity Classification (CPICC) only loosely based on COICOP but not strictly Should the CPICC concord with industry classifications such as the Input-Output Product Classification (IOPC)?

18 Analytical series Exclusion-based measures all groups excluding Housing & Financial and insurance services all groups excluding 'volatile items' Consumer price measures & seasonal adjustment trimmed mean weighted median Tradeable and non-tradeable components

19 Analytical series user consensus on the value and importance of current analytical series most comments requested additional data several requests for seasonally adjusted CPI. However, universal preference for an unadjusted/ unrevised headline CPI

20 Other issues Spatial index: Between capital cities Between capital cities and regional zones Geographic coverage of CPI: Interest in expanded coverage outside capital cities

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