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Quantifying the Unquantified Jim Burns. How to Include u Customer Satisfaction u Market Attractiveness u Quality of Life u Consumer Confidence u Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "Quantifying the Unquantified Jim Burns. How to Include u Customer Satisfaction u Market Attractiveness u Quality of Life u Consumer Confidence u Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quantifying the Unquantified Jim Burns

2 How to Include u Customer Satisfaction u Market Attractiveness u Quality of Life u Consumer Confidence u Faculty Morale u Material Standard of Living u IN YOUR MODEL

3 Often these are Unquantified u Begin by defining what one unit of any of these would be u Consider Quality of Life u One unit of Quality of Life might be the level of quality enjoyed in the year 1999 u Define this to be a Parameter called Quality of Life Normal u Quality of Life Normal = QLN = 1

4 What sort of things affect Quality of Life on a global scale? u Pollution u Material Standard of Living u Food u Population density

5 For each of these, construct a ratio u Pollution ratio = Pollution normal/Pollution u Here pollution normal is the amount of pollution experienced in the year 1999, in pollution units u MSL ratio = MSL/MSL normal u Here, MSL normal is the amount of MSL experienced in the year 1999, in MSL units u Food ratio = Food/ Food normal u Again, Food normal is the amount of food available in the year 1999, in Food units u Crowding ratio = Population density normal/Population density u again, Population density normal is the population density in the year 1999, say

6 What about Units? u For some of our soft variables the units are undefined u We have to define them u For example, one unit of pollution could be defined as “the average aggregate level of pollution experienced by a “typical” earthling in the year 1999” u One unit of Quality of Life could be “the average aggregate level of quality of life experienced by a ‘typical’ earthling in the year 1999.”

7 Under Normal Conditions, u What is true about all of these ratios? u What is the dimensionality of these ratios?

8 We can now construct our Quality of Life Formula u Quality of Life = QLN * Pollution ratio * MSL ratio * Food ratio * Crowding ratio u Is this formula dimensionally consistent? u Under normal conditions, Quality of Life = ?? u If pollution gets higher than normal, what happens to quality of life, assuming everything else remains the same? u If food is higher than normal, what happens to quality of life, assuming everything else is the same?

9 The VENSIM Representation

10 What if we felt that Material Standard of Living affected birth and death rates? u BR = BRN * POPULATION *MSL ratio u MSL ratio = MSL / MSL Normal u Does this change the dimensionality of the BR formula? u Under “normal” conditions what effect does Material Standard of Living have on BR, birth rate? u Similarly for death rate

11 We could do something similar for food... u BR = BRN * POPULATION * MSL ratio * Food ratio u And for pollution…. u BR = BRN * POPULATION * MSL ratio * Food ratio * Pollution Ratio u And for crowding…. u BR = BRN * POPULATION * MSL ratio * Food ratio * Pollution Ratio * Crowding Ratio

12 Suppose that we believe that the effect on births of an increase in food is less than the ratio would suggest u We can amplify or attenuate the effect of non-normal conditions with the use of TABLE FUNCTIONS u We call these multipliers u They are also dimensionless


14 Ratios vs. Multipliers

15 The new formula is: u Quality of Life = QLN * quality pollution multiplier * quality material multiplier * quality food multiplier * quality crowding multiplier u It must be accompanied by the following equations u quality pollution multiplier = TABLE(pollution ratio) u quality material multiplier = TABLE(MSL ratio) u quality food multiplier = TABLE(Food ratio) u quality crowding multiplier = TABLE(Crowding ratio)

16 Similarly for Birth rate u BR = BRN * POPULATION * births material multiplier * births food multiplier * births pollution multiplier * births crowding multiplier u It must be accompanied by the following equations u births pollution multiplier = TABLE(pollution ratio) u births material multiplier = TABLE(MSL ratio) u births food multiplier = TABLE(Food ratio) u births crowding multiplier = TABLE(Crowding ratio)

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