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Unit3 Teenage problems Reading ( 1 ). What’s your biggest problem? Getting too many tests and exams. Not doing enough exercise Too noisy at home Having.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit3 Teenage problems Reading ( 1 ). What’s your biggest problem? Getting too many tests and exams. Not doing enough exercise Too noisy at home Having."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit3 Teenage problems Reading ( 1 )

2 What’s your biggest problem? Getting too many tests and exams. Not doing enough exercise Too noisy at home Having no close friends Parents are too busy. Not having enough sleep …

3 What will you do if you have any problems? Go to friends Call the hotline Who will you ask for help? a famous youth worker Sigmund Friend Write to youth workers is

4 deal with =solve plenty of homework =lots of complete =finish spare time for her hobby =free What do you like doing in your spare time? 你在闲暇时喜欢做什么? refuseaccept get a high mark She often doubts whether it is worth working so hard. be unsure 怀疑 if 是否 allow do sth. achieve a high mark =let sb. do sth. be strict with sb

5 Test your memories solve lots of let sb. do sth finish free say that you will not do sth. if take sth. willingly

6 Millie What is Millie’s hobby? What is Millie’s problem?

7 Listen to the text, tell if the following sentences are true or false. (T/F) 1.There ’ re some problems with her English study. 2. She stays up late to play volleyball. 3. Sometimes, she feels bad/stressed. 4. She has enough time for hobbies. 5. She doesn ’ t have enough time for homework. 6. She often argues with her parents F F F T F T

8 Millie has lots of h such as playing volleyball and. But she finds that she spends so much time doing her homework, and she can’t find any time f her hobbies. She can’t decide how to d with the problem. She wishes she can have some s. obbies or uggestions ping-pong eal

9 Simon When does Simon play football? Do his parents allow him to play outside after 6 p.m.?

10 What’s Simon’s dream? How long does he often play football? Why does Simon say his parents are strict? How does Simon feel from time to time? What does Simon think of his hobby? What does he want Sigmund to do?

11 Simon would like some a on his love of football. He is so c about football that he s out late to play it. His parents are very s with him and they want him to come home earlier. Simon feels s and angry from time to time. He asks Sigmund Friend to teach him how to a a balance between his schoolwork and his hobbies. dvice razy tays trict tressed chieve

12 Name MillieSimon Grade Hobby Homework/// Problems Time for sports feeling Some advice 99 playing volleyball and ping-pong football a lot of homework no time3 hours or more bad/stressedstressed/angry Offer some suggestionshow to achieve a balance Not enough time for hobbies or homework Not enough time for hobbies Parents are so strict

13 Please say sth. about your biggest problem : My biggest problem: How I feel about it: Ask for some suggestions:

14 Homework Read the text Remember the new words and phrases Finish the exercises in Part B 、 C 、 D Write a letter to Sigmund Friend.

15 Retell the letters a lot of homework, have no choice, stay up late, feel tired, refuse, accept, important, hand in, volleyball and ping- pong, doubt, a holiday, some suggestions crazy about football, dream, a big problem, after school, stay out late, three hours, do not allow, feel stressed and angry, important, relax, parents ’ support, achieve a balance

16 1.I don now know how to deal with it. how to deal with how to deal with 2.I have no choice but to do it. no choice but to do no choice but to do 3.I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies. spare 4.I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard. is worth working is worth working 5.Can you offer me some suggestions? offer

17 7. However, my love of football has become a big problem now. We like staying out late to play football. 8. My parents do not allow me to play outside.allow 9. I really do not under stand why they are so strict. I feel stressed and angry form time to time.strict 10. I wish I could have my parents ’ suport.wish

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