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NAESB WEQ EC Meeting 10/20/2015.   Workload  Long-Term Competition for Rollover Rights OASIS Subcommittee.

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Presentation on theme: "NAESB WEQ EC Meeting 10/20/2015.   Workload  Long-Term Competition for Rollover Rights OASIS Subcommittee."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAESB WEQ EC Meeting 10/20/2015

2   Workload  Long-Term Competition for Rollover Rights OASIS Subcommittee

3   Joint with BPS  2(a)(ii)1 Paragraphs 1627 of Order 890 – Posting of additional information on OASIS regarding firm transmission curtailments (Joint with BPS)  2(a)(ii)2 Redispatch Cost Posting to allow for posting of third party offers of planning redispatch services Joint with BPS)  3(a) Enhance the TSR result postings to allow showing of (i) limiting transmission elements and (ii) available generation dispatch options that would allow acceptance of reservation request (joint with BPS)  5(c) Improve transparency to allow customers to determine whether they have been treated in a non-discriminatory manner by posting of additional information on OASIS when service is denied (Joint with BPS) OASIS Subcommittee

4   2(a)(i)2 Long-Term Firm Rollover Rights Competition (OATT Section 2.2)  2(a)(i)1 Short Term Preemption and Competition  5(a) Add language to WEQ-001-4 Online Negotiation and Confirmation process to clarify Table 4-3 (R09003)R09003  5(b) Create a new OASIS mechanism that allows for the merger of like reservations without the use of the resale mechanism (R09015)R09015  3(b) Requirements for OASIS to use data in the Electric Industry Registry OASIS Subcommittee

5   Meeting Plans  Monthly 2 ½ day meetings instead of 3 day meetings  Monthly conference calls only scheduled as necessary  Next Meetings  Tomorrow and Thursday in Richmond  November 17-19 OASIS Subcommittee

6  Preview of Coming Attractions  Long-Term Firm Rollover Rights Competition (OATT Section 2.2) OASIS Subcommittee

7   What Requests Compete for Rollover Rights: OASIS Subcommittee

8   The following are not valid Challenging Requests: OASIS Subcommittee

9  Potential Challenger  The potential challenger is the earliest queued request which would benefit from transmission capability released by the Rollover Rights Request.  The potential challenger must have been queued earlier than the Rollover Rights Request. No Competition if:  The duration (start/stop time) of the potential challenger is shorter than the Rollover Rights Request  The duration of the potential PTP Challenger of a DNR Extension is shorter than the remaining term of the NITS Application OASIS Subcommittee

10  Competition Rules Address  Timing Rules for Matching  Timing Rules for Challenger Commitment  Actions When Match is Successful  Actions When No Match  Actions When Match is Unsuccessful OASIS Subcommittee

11  We should finish our recommendation for Long-Term Competition for Rollover Rights in November or January. If it is finished and sent to the EC in November should the EC extend the formal comment time in light of the holiday season? OASIS Subcommittee

12  Are there questions, comments or suggestions? OASIS Subcommittee

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