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How to Draw Manga By: Krysty Ohiyo!. What is it? ¥ Manga is Japanese animation ¥ One style is shoujo ¥ An example of manga is Inuyasha.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Draw Manga By: Krysty Ohiyo!. What is it? ¥ Manga is Japanese animation ¥ One style is shoujo ¥ An example of manga is Inuyasha."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Draw Manga By: Krysty Ohiyo!

2 What is it? ¥ Manga is Japanese animation ¥ One style is shoujo ¥ An example of manga is Inuyasha

3 Getting Supplies ¥ Pencils with non-smearing lead ¥ An eraser that doesn’t flake ¥ Sturdy paper

4 The Frame ¥ Draw a circle ¥ At part ways in the circle add a pentagon ¥ The pentagon should face downward

5 Proportions on your Face ¥ Draw two LIGHT lines- one vertically through the middle ¥ The second line should horizontally aligned in the center ¥ Add a sort of boomerang for the nose ¥ Make sure no proportion is too big or too small otherwise it look like a weird creature thing

6 The Mouth ¥ Not against the nose or chin ¥ Never show individual teeth/or have lines at the ends ¥ Pointy at the tips, rounded on the bottom

7 Eyes (hardest part) ¥ Draw a thick, but light, line on the horizontal line ¥ Go up to about the top of the ears and make half a circle ¥ Add an oval between the two lines

8 Detail ¥ Add the pupil and lighting to the eyes ¥ Erase all unwanted marks ¥ Add hair (it can be any way you want)

9 Sianara(goodbye) ¥ Arigato for your patience and attention

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