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Community Forum on Proposed Kraemer Homeless Shelter at 1000 North Kraemer Place August 5, 2015 Embassy Suites – Anaheim North RIGHT IDEA. RIGHT TIME.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Forum on Proposed Kraemer Homeless Shelter at 1000 North Kraemer Place August 5, 2015 Embassy Suites – Anaheim North RIGHT IDEA. RIGHT TIME."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Forum on Proposed Kraemer Homeless Shelter at 1000 North Kraemer Place August 5, 2015 Embassy Suites – Anaheim North RIGHT IDEA. RIGHT TIME. WRONG LOCATION.

2 Welcome! Michael Chew, Orange-Riverdale Homeowners Alliance County-sponsored “community forums” cancelled Still not –re-scheduled Orange-Riverdale Homeowners Alliance & BetterSolutions4Anaheim organized a forum for community.

3 Where Is It?


5 HOW WE GOT HERE March 2015: 1000 Kraemer Place ID’d as shelter site Spitzer embraces April 2015: Anaheim & Fullerton City Councils vote to support May 2015: Anaheim & Fullerton City Councils appropriate $1 million to help County buy 1000 Kraemer Place building

6 HOW WE GOT HERE June 2015: OC Board of Supervisors approves purchase agreement; 90-day diligence period begins. Sup. Spitzer announces three community forums Orange City Council votes to support shelter July 2015: Spitzer cancels July and August forums August 2015: Board of Supervisors agendizes, then cancels vote on sole-source contract to operate Kraemer Shelter

7 HOW WE GOT HERE September 2015: OC Board of Supervisors will meet to hold final vote on whether or not to buy 1000 Kraemer Place building for a homeless shelter.

8 WHAT DO WE KNOW? Seasonal shelters at Fullerton and Santa Ana armories to be closed Kraemer Homeless Shelter only county shelter for foreseeable future Mercy House will operate County’s community outreach: minimal County unable to address homeless encampment at its doorstep in Civic Center.

9 WHAT DON’T WE KNOW? Annual operation cost? How OC Sheriff, Anaheim and Orange PD will address public safety? Overflow management? Impact on residential & business property values? Mitigation? Transportation to/from shelter? What homeless population served? Size of shelter staff? 5 MONTHS SINCE SITE WAS CHOSEN AND NO ANSWERS FROM THE COUNTY!


11 KRAEMER PLACE HOMELESS SHELTER Agenda Homeless Shelter: Right Idea, Right Time, Wrong Place 1)If the County were to obey the law, what should we be seeing? 2)What the County’s own report prescribes 3)What the County has done/not done 4)Available alternatives 5)Is this a Good Expenditure of Public Funds? 6)Other Regulatory Considerations

12 KRAEMER HOMELESS SHELTER If the County were to obey the law, what should we be seeing? Consideration of alternatives Analysis of environmental and community impacts Assurance of homeless and community safety Public comments and responses Project mitigation factors

13 KRAEMER HOMELESS SHELTER What the County’s own report prescribes :  “In particular, there are significant efforts to connect homeless serving programs and services to larger mainstream resources and coordinate in an integrated response in order to link with the maximum number of resources in a community.”  “Commission to End Homelessness Policy Recommendations... Co-locate and/or have access to multi-service or ‘day’ center to provide critical services needed by clients” Source: Year-Round Emergency Shelter and Multi-Service Center (Dec. 10, 2013)

14 Right Idea, Right Time, Wrong Place Proposed Shelter Site High Concentration of Homeless Distance Apart Approx 8 miles

15 KRAEMER HOMELESS SHELTER What the County has done/not done  No Public Discussion  No consideration of alternatives  No CEQA review  No development of mitigation measures  No assurance of homeless or community safety  No use of existing County properties; no co-location with other community services  Homeless would be “warehoused” many miles from their current location and many miles from existing community resources

16 AVAILABLE ALTERNATIVES City of Anaheim/Harbor Blvd

17 AVAILABLE ALTERNATIVES 1710 S. Anaheim Way, Anaheim

18 AVAILABLE ALTERNATIVES 400 W. Santa Ana Blvd Vacant OCTA Bus Depo

19 AVAILABLE ALTERNATIVES 1119 E. Chestnut, Santa Ana

20 Is this a good use of public funds?  Estimated 10,000+ homeless in Orange County  200 bed planned facility represents assistance to 2% of homeless  1000 North Kraemer purchase: $4.25 Million  Estimated retrofit for use as shelter: $2.25 Million  Total estimated cost of 1000 N. Kraemer as shelter: $6.5 Million  $6.5 Million to serve 2% of homeless population  If County were to proceed on this course, it would cost $300 Million to establish shelters for the homeless population in Orange County  This does not include ongoing operation and maintenance costs  Is the County prepared to do this? Is there another way to approach the need?

21 Other Regulatory Considerations South Coast Air Quality Management District Recommends no new residential development within 500 feet of a freeway carrying 100,000 or more vehicles per day* 91 Freeway at Kraemer carries more than 225,000 vehicles per day 1000 N. Kraemer Place within 200 feet of 91 Freeway and immediately adjacent to Kraemer freeway on ramp  Rather than prioritizing treatment of the homeless, the County is proposing to disregard stated human health risks and “warehouse” the homeless at 1000 N. Kraemer *Source: California Air Resources Board (CARB) Land Use and Air Quality Handbook: A Community Health Perspective


23 Your Actions Matter - What You Can Do Sign on-line petition : E-mail/call Board of Supervisors (especially Sup. Todd Spitzer), Anaheim and Orange city councils. Ask 5 neighbors to do the same Write letters to the editor

24 Your Actions Matter - What You Can Do Stay informed: Sign up for updates Visit Like our Facebook pages Share updates on your Facebook, Twitter, etc. Speak at Board of Supervisors meeting in September when they make final vote on shelter.

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