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Newport Community School Primary Academy Newport Community School Primary Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "Newport Community School Primary Academy Newport Community School Primary Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newport Community School Primary Academy Newport Community School Primary Academy

2 Programme for this evening  Introduction to the Early Years Foundation Stage  Inclusion  A day in our setting  Early language skills  Home visits  Assessment  How you know how your child is doing?  How do we keep you informed?  Attendance and Punctuality  How you can support your child at home?

3 An Introduction to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum 7 Areas of Learning: PRIME AREAS  Personal, Social and Emotional Development  Physical Development  Communication and Language SPECIFIC AREAS  Literacy  Mathematics  Understanding the World  Expressive Arts and Design


5 PD


7 C & L

8 Literacy

9 Mathematics

10 UW

11 EAD

12 Characteristics of Effective Learners  Playing and Exploring “have a go” attitude  Active Learning Concentrate and keep trying  Creating and thinking Critically Develop own ideas and own strategies

13 Gillian Courtenay Deputy Head Teacher Inclusion

14 What is inclusion?  Responding to diverse needs of children  Overcoming potential barriers to learning  Setting suitable access to learning challenges inclusion diversity potential barriers learning & opportunities

15 Role  Nursery to Year Six- pupils, staff, parents, agencies  Potential vulnerable groups- medical, English as an additional language, more able, special educational need, disability, pastoral needs, Pupil Premium funding  Ethos of inclusion- school community, point of contact, flow of information

16 Contacting me…..  Office  Nursery/Reception staff  Telephone  Playground

17 Nursery Sessions - What do we do? Morning  8.45 am self register settle in by choosing an activity.  9.00am Register and carpet time.  9.15am Planned and self chosen activities  11.20am Singing / Story  11.35am Change books  11.45 am Home  Lunch available

18 Nursery Sessions - What do we do? Afternoon  12.45pm self register settle in by choosing an activity.  1.00pm Register and carpet time.  1.15pm Planned and self chosen activities  3.15pm Home time  3.45pm Stay and play ends

19 Home visits  Appointment through the post  Flexible  See us in their home environment  Opportunity to ask questions

20 Assessment Continual assessment throughout the year Observations Photographs Some work samples will be kept as evidence of progress 2Simple

21  Digital app that captures your child’s experiences and learning in the EYFS  Ipads  Photos  Observations  Assessment  E-mailed and assessments shared  Child/parent view

22 A Wow Moment  If you see your child doing something extra-ordinary, we would love to know about it.  Fill out a Wow slip and send it in with your child and we can share this at Nursery.

23 Early language skills  Communication and understanding  Listening  Speaking  Reading  Writing

24 How do I know how my child is doing?  Parents meetings 3 times a year  2Simple learning journey e-mailed  Reports in July  Talking to the teacher  Key worker

25 Attendance and Punctuality  All children benefit from attending Nursery regularly and punctually  Any absence needs to be communicated to the school office.  Illness  To request leave, a green form should be filled in and addressed to Mr Cotton.

26 Reminders  One piece of fresh fruit for each session in a small pot or bag that is labelled.  Indoor shoes, if children have worn boots to Nursery.  Shoes – no open toes, sling backs or ballet pumps  Sensible clothing/optional uniform  Change of clothes  Coat  Book bag  Everything to be clearly labelled please  Jewellery  Drinks  Punctuality  Drop off at the side door

27 Lunches  School lunches are available Packed lunches Why not try  Brown/wholemeal bread  A few crisps in a pot  Dried fruit and seeds  Cubed cheese in a pot  Cut fruit in yogurt

28 How can you support your child at home?  Talk  Read  Engage  Encourage  Praise


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