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Easy Accordion Essay/Report

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1 Easy Accordion Essay/Report
Step 1: Title ALWAYS HAVE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Step 2: Thesis statement Think of your topic and write a Who? What? When? Where? Step 3: Make a plan Outline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4.8

2 Using Colors to Teach Organization
S T E P Topic Sentence: Green means “go;” it asks the writer to decide: “What am I going to prove?” “What am I going to explain?” “What information will I share?” U P Reasons/Details/Facts: Yellow means “slow down.” Introduce key concepts to support the topic sentence. T O Explain: Red means “stop and explain.” Present evidence. Provide explanation and examples. W R I T I N G Conclusion: Green means “go back to your topic.” Restate the topic and the position. Do not introduce new information. Use synonyms and leave your reader with something to remember.

3 Add the reds! Stop and explain!

4 The REDs: Stop and Explain!
Examples Explanations Evidence Events Experiences Everyday life Elaboration

5 Topic: Triangles Topic Sentences= Who? What? When? Where?

6 Topic: Triangles

7 Sample Accordion Paragraph:
I know about three types of triangles. The first triangle is called an equilateral triangle. In an equilateral triangle all of the sides are equal. The next triangle is an isosceles triangle. An isosceles triangle has two equal sides. The third type of triangle is called a scalene triangle. The scalene triangle has no equal sides. To sum up, you can tell the difference between triangles by counting the number of equal sides.

8 Sample Accordion Paragraph:
My two favorite foods are cookies and ice cream. First I like cookies. Chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies taste the best when they are fresh and homemade. My second favorite food is ice cream. I especially like to have chocolate and vanilla ice cream with cake at a birthday party. Cookies and ice cream are definitely two of my favorite foods

9 Write your own and add the reds!
Topics: Field Trips School Rules Triangles Favorite Books Seasons Ways to Help the Community P.E. Games Favorite Foods Bicycle Safety Rules

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