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Sports and American Society Play, Games, Contests, and Sports GETTING PHILOSOPHICAL!

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Presentation on theme: "Sports and American Society Play, Games, Contests, and Sports GETTING PHILOSOPHICAL!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sports and American Society Play, Games, Contests, and Sports GETTING PHILOSOPHICAL!

2 PLAY Play is a realm of freedom a purposeless activity.Play is a realm of freedom a purposeless activity. (The pleasure of play is in the doing and not in what has been done) This definition rules out commonly accepted goals like:This definition rules out commonly accepted goals like: –Character development –Improved motor skills –Peer group socialization

3 PLAY Play, in an ideal sense of the word, has been singled out as the most human of activities.Play, in an ideal sense of the word, has been singled out as the most human of activities.

4 Play can be divided into Two categories SPONTANEOUS PLAYSPONTANEOUS PLAY May be as close as we can come, as humans, to the realm of pure freedom! ORGANIZED PLAY (Games) Most play is regulated and has rules. We refer to this as GAMES!

5 GAMES Symbolizes the willing surrender of absolute spontaneity for the sake of playful order.Symbolizes the willing surrender of absolute spontaneity for the sake of playful order. What do you add? RULESWhat do you add? RULES

6 Examples of GAMES! Leap FrogLeap Frog ChessChess MonopolyMonopoly Ring Around the RosieRing Around the Rosie Duck, Duck, GooseDuck, Duck, Goose Tic Tac ToeTic Tac Toe DiceDice FootballFootball

7 Categories of Games Games of Physical SkillGames of Physical Skill Games of StrategyGames of Strategy Games of ChanceGames of Chance

8 Hacky Sack and Basketball are different kinds of games. They both have rules (organized play) but the rules provide for a difference!Hacky Sack and Basketball are different kinds of games. They both have rules (organized play) but the rules provide for a difference! Basketball is a CONTEST and Hacky Sack is NOT.Basketball is a CONTEST and Hacky Sack is NOT. Examples of games that are complete without a Won-Lost Outcome…Examples of games that are complete without a Won-Lost Outcome…

9 CONTESTS Contests are Games that have a Win or Lose Outcome!!Contests are Games that have a Win or Lose Outcome!! The importance of contests in our society makes it difficult to realize there are literally thousands of games that are NOT CONTESTS!The importance of contests in our society makes it difficult to realize there are literally thousands of games that are NOT CONTESTS! The term ATHLETE derives from the Greek words Athlos and Athlon.The term ATHLETE derives from the Greek words Athlos and Athlon.


11 Are all Contests games and are all Games contests

12 CONTESTS GAMES Leap Frog Hacky Sack Hula Hoop Legal Proceedings War Chess Monopoly Football

13 What is meant by the word SPORT? The element of playThe element of play The element of physical exertionThe element of physical exertion The element of competitionThe element of competition The element of orderThe element of order

14 The Element of Play The word sport is derived from Latin des- porto, meaning “carry away”, and the Old French word desporter, meaning “to carry away from work.”The word sport is derived from Latin des- porto, meaning “carry away”, and the Old French word desporter, meaning “to carry away from work.” –Being carried away from the ordinary world by exuberance, joy, amusement and sheer fun is what characterizes play and constitutes the central element of sport.

15 Physical Exertion This is what differentiates sport from other games.This is what differentiates sport from other games. All games involve the mind, but only sport games involve mind and body.All games involve the mind, but only sport games involve mind and body.

16 Competition This is what differentiates sport from other forms of recreation.This is what differentiates sport from other forms of recreation. If winning and losing are at stake, the physical activity then becomes a contest, and the actors become contestants.If winning and losing are at stake, the physical activity then becomes a contest, and the actors become contestants.

17 The element of Order Rules – Sport is rooted in order and held together by rules.Rules – Sport is rooted in order and held together by rules.

18 How would we define SPORT? Playful physical contests which include an important measure of physical as well as intellectual skill.Playful physical contests which include an important measure of physical as well as intellectual skill. Example:Example: –Chess is a contest, but it is NOT a Sport!!


20 Do Sports Require an Audience? Examples:Examples: –A race between two children –2 people playing tennis –Golfing by Yourself

21 Why have Sports become so important in our Society?

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