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Fall Regional Meeting Ag Education Service. Agenda 1.Need to Know- CTE Funding 2.AES Program Design for the 21 st Century 3.Relevant Real World Experiential.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall Regional Meeting Ag Education Service. Agenda 1.Need to Know- CTE Funding 2.AES Program Design for the 21 st Century 3.Relevant Real World Experiential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall Regional Meeting Ag Education Service

2 Agenda 1.Need to Know- CTE Funding 2.AES Program Design for the 21 st Century 3.Relevant Real World Experiential Learning in Ag Ed 4.Engaging in Professional Skill Development

3 Need to Know CTE Funding

4 Purpose of Perkins Program To develop the academic and technical skills of students enrolled in CTE by: Challenging and rigorous academic and technical standards Link secondary and postsecondary education Develop, implement and improve career-technical education Improve the quality of CTE teachers, faculty, administrators and counselors Partnerships Keep the U.S. competitive ** CTE Program Reviews will be preliminarily based on Technical Skill Attainment **

5 91 CTPDs JVSDs 49 Single Districts 19 Major Districts 8 Contract/Compacts 15 6 Regional TP Service Centers CTPDs= Career-Technical Planning Districts

6 Subhead text… Body text


8 Programs of Study Minimum of one PoS must be offered in order to be eligible for funding –CTE-26 Assurances Articulation agreements must be renewed each year Articulation alone does not meet requirements Template available for mapping the PoS Focus is on collaboration

9 Local Weighted Funds Check your local weight funding letter here: Funding/State-Funding-For-Schools/Career-Technical- Funding Check your state share percentage here: Funding/State-Funding-For-Schools/Traditional-Public- School-Funding/Bridge-Report/FY2015-Foundation- Funding-Report **Funds are FTE driven. APPROX. 10 students in a 40 min period = 1 FTE**


11 Agriculture and Environmental Systems Program design for the 21 st Century


13 AES Program Design Renewal Schedule –Deadline for Submission signed by CTPD Superintendent: March 1, 2016 –New Application Process in CCIP (goes live October 22 nd ) –Encourage Instructors to work with their Advisory Committee and utilize Quality Program Standards

14 AES Program Design FY16 Pathway Offerings A0 Agribusiness & Production Systems A1 Industrial Power Technology A2 Animal Science & Management A3 Ag, Food, & Natural Resources Bioscience A5 Horticulture A6 Natural Resource Management

15 AES Program Design Programming Requirements 4 Courses Per Pathway (120-280 Hours) Capstone, offered, must be taught in addition to the 4 courses Must take End of Course (EoC) Assessment (Capstone Excluded) Courses cannot cross Pathways Career Pathways –Sample Career Pathways:

16 AES Credentials Newly Developed Credentials for FY16: –Ohio Agribusiness Association (OABA) –Ohio Michigan Equipment Dealers Association (OMEDA) & Ohio Equipment Distributors Association (OEDA) Ohio’s Pathways to Graduation –Industry Credentials to graduate are found here: Requirements/Graduation-Requirements-2018-and- Beyond/Industry-Recognized-Credentials Requirements/Graduation-Requirements-2018-and- Beyond/Industry-Recognized-Credentials –Work Keys requirement (13 points 2018-19, 14 points beginning 2020)

17 Credentials NEW for FY16 Ohio Agribusiness Business Association (OABA) –500 Hours SAE SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) under the management of the student and instructor.

18 Credentials OABA Credential Con’t –Pass 4 Identified Courses AFNR Animal & Plant Science Agronomic Systems Mechanical Principles Livestock Selection, Nutrition, & Mngt. Global Economics or Business Management

19 Credentials OMEDA/OEDA –700 SAE Hours SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) –350 Minimum Placement Hours Placement can occur in a home or industry dealership.

20 Credentials OMEDA/OEDA Credential Con’t –Must pass 4 End of Course Test Electronic & Electrical Systems (Req.) Hydraulics & Pneumatics (Req.) Engines & Fuel Systems Power Trains Outdoor Power & Technology

21 AES Credentials FY17 Credentials in Process: –Ohio Forestry –Animal Science –Biotechnology –Food Science Working with Center for Innovative Food Technologies

22 Middle School Programming First course of field or pathway as a middle school program –VM Course: flexibility for (30-60 hours), no assessment, and no concentrator status VM course(s) do not qualify toward the four courses VM course(s) start in the 7 th grade Validation Process to Certify Instructors who do not hold a current/valid CT Teaching License

23 Middle School Programming –Middle School AgricultureMiddle School Agriculture – Systems/Middle-School-Agriculture-Education-Courses-07292014.pdf.aspx High School Credit is a local decision

24 Middle School Programming CTSO for middle school –VM or VT course are eligible for CTSO activities –CDE Eligibility: Novice Parliamentary Procedure Public Speaking - Creed Greenhand Quiz Agronomy Milk Quality and Products Dairy Cattle General Livestock Poultry Management Wildlife Management Nature Interpretation Middle school students will be scored in their own division

25 CTE Licensure Two Paths to CTE Licensure Traditional Teacher Ed Route 4 Year Program with Content Specific Test 4 Year Resident Educator Program

26 CTE Licensure Paths to CTE Licensure Con’t Alternative Resident Educator 5 Years of Industry Experience 24 Hours of Pedagogical Courses Modified 2 Year RE Program No Licensure Tests

27 Teaching Profession State will post positions in various locations, please contact Kevin Williams ( with posting information: Ohio Association of Career Tech Educators – Ohio FFA Association – Teach Ag Ohio –

28 Local Credit Options Agriculture Courses are approved for science credit, at the local school’s discretion: To support the varied opportunities for high school graduation requirements outlined in section 3313.603 of the Ohio Revised Code, the following provides ways in which school districts can offer science credit for courses in the Agricultural and Environmental Systems career field and still conform to the Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirement.


30 Relevant, Real World Experiential Learning in Agricultural Education


32 What is SAE? Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE): programs that allow students to apply knowledge and skills through experiential, service and work-based learning opportunities.

33 Evolution of SAE Morrill Act 1862 – Land Grant Universities Hatch Act 1887 – Experiment Stations Smith-Hughes Act 1917 – Vocational Education Section 10 reads, “that such schools shall provide for directed or supervised practice in agriculture, either on a farm provided for by the school or other farm, for at least six months per year.”

34 SAE Types 1. Entrepreneurship: Ownership 2. Placement: Placed in a paid or unpaid work setting 3. Research: Conduct a major agricultural exper- iment using the scientific process 4: Exploratory: explore agriculture in one of a variety of ways.

35 Quality Program Standards Standard #8: Experiential Learning Experience Programs –Indicators: 5 Quality Indicators

36 What is Needed? 1.Record Keeping System 1.Electronic = AET (Agriculture Experience Tracker) 2.Extended Programing 1.Agriculture Education Fifth Quarter Grant

37 The AET (Agriculture Experience Tracker) Premier personalized online system for tracking experiences. AET tracks educational and financial experiences for students and programs. AET can also produce local reports for school administrators and overall economic impact reports for interested stakeholders and legislative representatives.

38 AET Applications Credential SAE Reports FFA Degree and Proficiency Applications Economic Impact Reports Teacher Journal – Summary of Program Time Program POA Documents and Operations Program Financial Record System ~Operates on an annual scaled subscription fee

39 Extended Programing House Bill 59 Ag Education 5th Quarter: experiences in AES career field that are beyond the traditional school year – a time known as the 5th quarter – generally in the summer. PURPOSE To support quality agricultural education programs and the students who are served by addressing the need for year-round application of the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom and laboratory.

40 Purpose of Extended Programming Provides career-technical education teachers opportunities to increase student learning outside of the school day, week and year. Occurs after school hours, on weekends, during holidays, and during summer months. Does not include regular school contract hours or hours reasonably expected of teachers not receiving extended program time.

41 Acceptable Uses: Individualized instruction and supervision related to student’s career pathway; Group instruction and supervision; Teacher professional development activities beyond those required by the district related to the professional discipline;

42 Continued Industry linkages designed to garner program support and to develop work-based learning opportunities; Community linkages designed to garner program support. Engagement in student activities related to the program’s course of study and the local CTSO activities.

43 Resources Review/UPDATE-Quality-Program-Standards-v1-12-01-13.docx.aspx Review/UPDATE-Quality-Program-Standards-v1-12-01-13.docx.aspx




47 Ohio FFA Association Mission: –FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

48 Professional Skill Development Career Development Events: Events are being aligned to technical content standards and industry- related. –Public Speaking Creed, Prepared, Extemporaneous –Job Interview –Parliamentary Procedure –Agriculture Communications –Agriculture Sales –Agriculture Issues

49 Technical Skill Development Career Development Events: Events are being aligned to technical content standards and industry- related. – State Skills Events – Animal Care Events – Miscellaneous Technical Skill Events

50 Leadership Development –Advanced Leadership Opportunities Chapter, State, and National Officer positions –Conventions: National FFA Convention –General Session Standards CrosswalkGeneral Session Standards Crosswalk Ohio FFA State Convention –Service Learning (Meals of Hope) –Career Show –Convention InformationConvention Information

51 Leadership Development –Programs: Nationwide Hearing Safety project Ohio Legislative Leadership Conference International Travel Opportunities Ohio Youth Capital Challenge –Conferences 212-360 Conference State FFA Leadership Nights Washington Leadership Conference

52 FFA has a lasting impression… changes-rural-youth-8182 changes-rural-youth-8182 prepared-me-for-college/148362 prepared-me-for-college/148362




56 Social Media @OHEducation ohio-department-of-education Ohio Families and Education Ohio Teachers’ Homeroom OhioEdDept

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