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Fluorimetric Analysis. Absorption of energy Emission of energy Spectroscopy.

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Presentation on theme: "Fluorimetric Analysis. Absorption of energy Emission of energy Spectroscopy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fluorimetric Analysis

2 Absorption of energy Emission of energy Spectroscopy

3 Absorption of energy Electronic transition UV/Visible Vibration IR Rotation microwave

4 Emission of energy Flame emissionPhotoluminescence

5 Fluorescence The excited molecule returns to the ground state immediately after excitation and vibration relaxation Phosphorescence There is a time delay between the excitation and returning to the ground state after vibration relaxation


7 Fluorimetric Analysis : method of chemical analysis in which a sample, exposed to radiation of one wavelength, absorbs this radiation and reemits radiation of the same or longer wavelength,the intensity of reemited radiation is almost directly proportional to the concentration of the fluorescing material. Also known as fluorescence analysis; fluorometry.



10 FlurometerSpectrophotmeter Source of lightXenon arch lamp Or Hg vapor lamp -Perpendicular to sample -Tangeston. -Deturium - Stright line. Detector-Two monochromator -Very sensitive - One monochromator Sample Cell-Cuvette completely transberent - cell compartment is painted blank - Only two side transperent Comparison

11 Objectives: 1- Determination of excitation and emission spectra of Quinine SO 4. 2- Prepare of calibration curve of Quinine SO 4. 3-Determination of Concentration of unk. Quinine SO 4 solution. 4-Demonstrate Quenching effect of KI on flourescence of quinine SO 4.

12 Quenching effect What does it mean by Quenching ? Quenching refers to any process which decreases the fluorescence intensity of a given substance. Quenching may occur by several mechanism: collisional or dynamic quenching static quenching quencing by energy transfer charge transfer reactions

13 Quencher Chemical Quencher as alkali halide Self Quenching ??

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