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Welcome to Year 1 Larch Cherry Alder. Larch Class Miss Bateman – Class Teacher Mrs Saint – TA.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 1 Larch Cherry Alder. Larch Class Miss Bateman – Class Teacher Mrs Saint – TA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 1 Larch Cherry Alder

2 Larch Class Miss Bateman – Class Teacher Mrs Saint – TA

3 Cherry Class Miss Adams – Class Teacher Mrs Talbot - TA

4 Alder Class Miss Barnes – Class Teacher Mrs Saletes - TA

5 Other Adults Mrs Smart – Teacher Mrs Freeman - Teacher Mrs Sansom – HLTA Mrs Tunwell – PD support Mrs Jain – EAL support Mrs Reynolds – Year One Midday Supervisor

6 Curriculum The new National Curriculum was introduced last year. The new National Curriculum was introduced last year. We have lots of great topics to teach in Year 1 and we look forward to planning a fun and stimulating curriculum for your children. We have lots of great topics to teach in Year 1 and we look forward to planning a fun and stimulating curriculum for your children. We will also look to plan extra curricular opportunities for outdoor learning in school and the local area. We will also look to plan extra curricular opportunities for outdoor learning in school and the local area.

7 Curriculum Autumn 1 Toys Autumn 2 Carnival of Colours Spring 1 At the Bottom of the Garden Spring 2 Wonderful Watford Summer 1 All About Us Summer 2 Barnaby Bear Take Me There! Our Topic themes for each half term are:

8 Child Initiated Learning Transition from Reception to Year 1 As part of the transition into Year 1, it is important that the children still have some quality time to learn through their play!

9 P.E. and Art Equipment P.E. kits and aprons should be kept in school. PE Days Larch & Cherry – Monday & Wednesday Alder – Tuesday & Wednesday By next year, we will be changing to coloured PE t-shirts. If your child attends a club after school, they can use their school kit.

10 Reading We are continuing to use the reading record books this year. We will record a comment, when your child reads with us in class. Please add your own comments when you read at home. Your child will read twice each week, individual and guided.

11 Reading  Time and support  Not just school books  Read longer books to develop language  Visit the Library Your child will be given a reading book on their set reading day. Your child will be given a reading book on their set reading day. Some children will also have ‘Quick as a Click’ words to practise. Some children will also have ‘Quick as a Click’ words to practise.

12 Homework is used to consolidate the pupils learning. Each half term, we will be sending home a ‘Homework Grid.’ It will include activities linked to our topic theme and different subject areas. We expect that our parents will support their child in the completion of homework activities. They can be completed in any order. A quiet, learning environment is encouraged. Sent home: Friday Collected: Wednesday

13 The children continue to have daily phonics sessions in Year 1. During these sessions the children practise reading and writing new sounds (phonemes). The children’s Phonics Books contain activities linked to our daily phonics sessions. Sent Home: Tuesday Collected: Friday Phonics Screening In Year 1, the children will be asked to read a range of ‘real’ and ‘alien’ words to assess their reading.

14 Uniform, jewellery, valuables  Correct school uniform.  Clothing and equipment should be clearly named.  Jewellery/ valuables should not be brought to school. Lost Property!

15 Communication  After school  Mornings  Make an appointment through the school office  Parent consultation evening Communication is a two way process. Please do not hesitate to talk to us if you have any queries or concerns and we will do our best to help in any way we can. You can also inform us in writing. Communication is a two way process. Please do not hesitate to talk to us if you have any queries or concerns and we will do our best to help in any way we can. You can also inform us in writing. And vice-versa, we will contact you if we have any queries or concerns regarding your child’s learning or behaviour. And vice-versa, we will contact you if we have any queries or concerns regarding your child’s learning or behaviour.

16 E - Safety Please visit the school website to access the link. REMEMBER to keep your children safe when using the Internet.

17 Parental Support We welcome offers of parental support within the classroom or school. If you would like to volunteer some time to help out in class on a regular basis, please contact Mrs Allnutt in the School Office to complete a DBS form. If you have a particular skill that could enrich our Topics, let us know.

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