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Summer Unit Plan By: Karla Andrea Valdez. Unit Summary Summer is the favorite season of most children. As summer approaches, we will be starting a unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer Unit Plan By: Karla Andrea Valdez. Unit Summary Summer is the favorite season of most children. As summer approaches, we will be starting a unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer Unit Plan By: Karla Andrea Valdez

2 Unit Summary Summer is the favorite season of most children. As summer approaches, we will be starting a unit on the season. Through this unit, the children will become more aware of summer weather, activities, food and clothing.

3 Goals for the Pupils Through this unit, the children will be more aware of: –Summer weather, concepts, activities for recreation, food and clothing –Global issue: global warming –Exhibit higher order thinking skills

4 Teacher’s Goal At the end of the unit, the teacher should have achieved the following: –Highlight summer concepts –Make the students exhibit 21 st century skills –Inculcate moral values and let children make sound judgments –Stimulate students to act upon the global phenomenon; Global warming

5 The 21st century skills that the pupils will be exhibiting are: Curiosity –Conduct a simple science experiment related to summer –Identify and experience summer activities Effective Use of Real-World Tools –Practice simple cooking skills (popsicle juice)

6 Higher Order Thinking and Sound Reasoning –Participate in decision making and in planning for activities Global Awareness –Be aware of the new summer trends around the world Creativity –Teaming and Collaboration –Collaborate with teacher in making the weblog project

7 Unit Objectives Define summer Name common activities done during summer List the type of clothing people wear during summer Sing summer-themed songs Show appreciation for summer and its weather Make an inference about the experiment, “Water and Air Make Bubbles” Make a fruit juice popsicle stick Participate in the culminating activity; picnic at the park

8 CFQs Essential Question : Why do things change? Unit Questions: Why do seasons change? Content Questions : What is summer? Why do we need summer? What happens during summer? What clothes are appropriate for summer? What are the different weathers of summer? What activities can we do in summer? How can we make fruit juice popsicle sticks? How is summer significant in our lives?

9 Expected Outputs Students: Science Experiment: Water and Air Make Bubbles Cooking: Popsicle sticks Teacher: Weblog- where parents can view their child’s activities and progress in school. Also, they can comment and suggest more activities, etc. which can build strong teacher-parent relationship.

10 QUESTION WHEN WILL YOU CONDUCT THIS ACTIVITY? IN THE SUMMER TIME WHERE CHILDREN DON’T HAVE CLASS? – OF COURSE NOT! :d THIS UNIT WILL JUST BE A PREPARATION FOR THEM FOR SUMMER. This unit will be implemented during the 4 th grading period What is your simple science experiment that you have plan to conduct that is related to summer? Is that the Experiment: Water and Air Make Bubbles? How it is related to summer? - YES Since you include the stimulation of your students to act upon global warming issue, what activities you will do to stimulate them? - Have a nature walk :D OR CONDUCT AND EXPERIMENT “ICE C AND SALT” Comments The unit plan is good and very vivid. It caters the 3 important domains that the student should learn. The unit plan is very organize and is very fun and stimulating for children. The topic is very informative and the activities deals more about the importance of experiential learning. Suggestion: The activities are absolutely good and developmentally appropriate for the children. Children will do lots of things and so i think the teacher should choose the right effective assessment tools to assessed student’s capabilities if they have mastered the topic or not.

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