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Welcome to Third Grade Parent Night! Piney Grove Elementary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Third Grade Parent Night! Piney Grove Elementary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Third Grade Parent Night! Piney Grove Elementary School

2 Reading is… Comprehension, Accuracy & Fluency Comprehension -Students understand what they read Accuracy -Students can read the words correctly. -Word Study Fluency -Students can accurately read, with expression and understand what they read.

3 Reading at School Shared Reading -whole class with third grade level text Guided Reading -small group, leveled books, students are taught at their instructional level Read Aloud -we are expanding vocabulary, increasing book language, making connections between texts, modeling reading strategies Silent Reading -students read by themselves Partner Reading -students read with a partner

4 Genres: Fiction & Nonfiction Fiction Text: - Characters-Problem-Author’s Message/Lesson -Setting-Solution-Connections to other literature -Major Events Nonfiction Text: - Main Idea-Summarize -Organization of Text-Author’s Message - Remember Key Vocabulary-Connections to other literature

5 Reading Comprehension: Main Idea and Supporting Details Cause and Effect Sequencing Compare/Contrast Literary Elements Informational Text Structure Fact and Opinion Inferences Context Clues

6 Science & Social Studies Science  Ecosystems (Plants)  Earth in the Universe  Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes (Landforms)  Matter: Properties and Change  Energy: Conservation and Transfer  Forces and Motion  Structures & Functions of Living Organisms (Skeletal/Muscular) Social Studies  Geography  Government  Individuals Shape Communities (Biographies)  Communities Change Over Time (Old Salem/Kerner’s Folly)  Community Culture  Economic Decisions People Make

7 How can I help my child read? Don’t let your child get frustrated! -Be positive -Choose the “just right book” -Read aloud to your child -Sing songs (be sure to have a copy of the lyrics) -You read a page, your child reads the same page -Reread books -Paired Reading (The Fluent Reader, Rasinski, 2003) *Reading is just like sports. You have to practice a lot to be successful.

8 What to expect in Math? Memorize Addition/Subtraction/Multiplication Facts - fluently Problem Solving (word problems) Regrouping 3 digit addition and subtraction Fractions Telling Time/Elapsed Time Graphing Geometry Area/Perimeter Division Measurement Number Sense and Place Value Patterns - – great practice and enrichment

9 What do 3 rd Grade teachers expect? Be Independent Workers -Write down homework assignments in agenda -Homework is a shared responsibility between parent & child -Walk to class and unpack their own back pack -Stay in seats and raise hands -Follow classroom procedures & P.A.W.S.

10  Encourage your child to Read, Read, Read.  Provide your child with Real Life Experiences (This allows your child to have the ability to make connections.)  Instead of “telling” your child what to do: -Encourage your child to Problem Solve. This moves children’s thinking from what they will not do (hitting, forgetting) to what they will do instead (walk away, write reminders in a small notebook). What is Your Role?

11 Questions?


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