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READING: AT SCHOOL & AT HOME Ms. Godlien Mrs. Carriere Mrs. Stimming Tuesday, October 13, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "READING: AT SCHOOL & AT HOME Ms. Godlien Mrs. Carriere Mrs. Stimming Tuesday, October 13, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 READING: AT SCHOOL & AT HOME Ms. Godlien Mrs. Carriere Mrs. Stimming Tuesday, October 13, 2015

2 HOW A CHILD LEARNS TO READ SIGNS OF EMERGENT LITERACY: -children “pretend to read”/memorize books -they “write” and can read what they wrote even if no one else can -they can “track print” – point to the words -recognize some concrete words: their names, names of family & friends, favourite words -they recognize if words rhyme and can make up rhymes -can name many letters and can tell you words that begin with the common initial sounds

3 CONNECTIONS  BC Performance Standards – our curriculum is:  Writing & Representing  Oral Language : Speaking & Listening  Reading & Viewing  These strands are tightly interconnected as young learners need to represent their thinking through speaking, drawing, & writing.

4 PRIMARY PROGRAM  Looking at the whole child over time (4 years from K-3).  Primary Program=a growth continuum  Transition to Intermediate and beyond  Believe that all kids will learn over time  We take kids from where they are and move them along the continuum  Challenging those who may be further along (broadening not necessarily pushing forward)  Wide range of experience (combined classes)

5 KINDERGARTEN  Literacy focus is phonological awareness (ABC), developing oral language skills both speaking & listening (attending is critical for learning)  awareness of print, awareness of text & of stories  Social and play experiences with literacy activities  Orally sharing information as we explore literature – using right brain (purple side of card)  Why we stress to not cover the picture – explain “picture walk”

6 GRADE ONE  A very significant year for reading development – from knowing the letters of alphabet to reading early chapter books  Building on phonemic knowledge and starting to sound out words, tracking text, and decoding for understanding  Leveled books and characteristics / variances within each level, not an exact science  Just Right Texts for home practice = 98% accuracy only 2 words incorrect out of 100  Also practicing fluency & reading with expression  Sight words = fluency

7 GROWING READING STRATEGIES  Showing up at the job site with only one tool!  Reading behaviours that help solve the problem when you ‘bump’ up against an unknown word – moving from just using ‘sound it out’ (tryin’ lion/eagle eye, etc.) PROFICIENT READER CHART  Does it make sense? What would make sense?  Does it sound right?  Does it look right?  Using the left & right brain to understand what we read. (Green side of the coaching card: thinking in words) – retelling after reading

8 IMPORTANCE OF RE-READING  Simple picture books can be used to have children read and reread  First time through to “work it all out”  Second time through to increase fluency (speed of speech)  Third time through to read with expression and to gain more confidence and comprehension  As level of books increase the books become too long to go through 3 readings but a small section can be focused on (using voices for characters)

9 GRADE TWO/THREE  Still growing from K & 1 : still practice phonetic word development, decoding skills  Moving into more non-fiction reading (science/socials) by the end of Grade 3 a switch from ‘learning to read’ TO ‘reading to learn’ – preparation for Intermediate and beyond  Exploring complicated and deep text – now a heavier focus on representing learning through writing  Stamina/Persistence & Independence

10 GRADE FOUR & THE INTERMEDIATE YEARS  Reading independently with fluency, accuracy and with deep comprehension. Stamina to stay focused on longer text.  More non-fiction reading: reading to learn through textbooks and other sources  Interacting and Thinking with text:  Asking questions, generating images and ideas, generating predictions, inferences, drawing conclusions, generating & justifying perspectives  Assessing the adequacy, accuracy and authenticity of the information

11 HOME READING  Proficient Reader Research shows that children who are successfully reading by age 9 will continue to be successful throughout their school years and beyond  Grade 2 & the Read Naturally Program/learners grouped according to needs  We greatly value the importance of daily reinforcement at home. We begin home reading in K right through to gr.3 (and beyond) reading to and with them  Benefits of children who have consistent HR make greater gains than those who do not  Establishing a routine benefits your child – being aware of timing

12 EFFECTIVE HOME READING PRACTICES  The joy of reading – instilling the love of reading by modelling it (whole family)  Establishing a routine  Develops confidence, fluency and accuracy  Taking time to talk: asking questions ensures your child is comprehending, and increases enjoyment  Use reading as a tool for learning

13 IMPORTANCE OF RETELLING/COMPREHENSION ‘word reading’ vs comprehending COMPREHENSION STRATEGIES:  Connections/Prior Knowledge  Imaging/Visualizing  Predicting  Questioning  Inferring thinking

14 PROMPTS THAT MAY HELP  Does that make sense? What would make sense?  Does that sound right?  Does that look right? Focus on the reading making sense

15 FOR THE JOY & LOVE OF READING  You are your child’s first teacher and you know your child best.  Looks different in every home.  Simply reading to your child can be an enjoyable experience.  Resistance is natural. Set them up for success.  Routines and attitudes that are established in the home are carried on throughout their school career will promote a positive relationship between school and home. Important to us all.


17 THANK YOU FOR COMING!  One last task for you tonight. Could you please give us some feedback? One thing I learned that I want to remember… A question I have… I want to know more about…

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