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Le passé composé des verbes irreguliers Irregular verbs in the past tense.

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Presentation on theme: "Le passé composé des verbes irreguliers Irregular verbs in the past tense."— Presentation transcript:

1 Le passé composé des verbes irreguliers Irregular verbs in the past tense

2 La Norme: Comparisons 4.1 Communication 1.2 La question essentielle : Which verbs have irregular past participles and what are their forms?

3 Many irregular verbs have irregular past participles: InfinitifPart. PasséAnglais MettreMisPut PermettrePermisAllowed PrendrePrisTook ComprendreComprisUnderstood ApprendreApprisLearned DireDitSaid ÉcrireÉcritWrote ConduireConduitdrove

4 InfinitifPart. PasséAnglais AvoirEuHad CroireCruBelieved VoirVuSeen PouvoirPuCould VouloirVouluWanted LireLuread

5 InfinitifPart. Passéanglais BoireBuDrank RecevoirReçuReceived FalloirFalluHad to Devoir Devoir + infin. DûOwed Had to ÊtreÉtéBeen FaireFaitMade, did

6 Étudiez les phrases: Le Présent Le passé composé Je suis content J’ai été content I am happy I have been happy Il fait ses devoirs Il a fait ses devoirs He does his … He has done … Tu as un livre Tu as eu un livre You have a book You (have) had …

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