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Discussing appropriate dress Quantifiers. How do you think people in your country would generally suggest dressing for these events? Discuss appropriate.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussing appropriate dress Quantifiers. How do you think people in your country would generally suggest dressing for these events? Discuss appropriate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussing appropriate dress Quantifiers

2 How do you think people in your country would generally suggest dressing for these events? Discuss appropriate and inappropriate dress for each event. A business meeting Most people would... Some people might... A majority of professionals...

3 A job interview Most people would... Some people might... A majority of professionals...

4 Dinner at a nice restaurant Most people would... Some people might... A majority of people...

5 Compare your classmates opinions. Use quantifiers to summarize your classmates’ ideas. A majority of the class thinks... A few students think... Many people think...

6 Watch the movie segment and complete the sentences that follow.

7 Would you like to work for this magazine? Why? Why not? Would you mind working for a place with a very strict dress code? How much attention to you pay to what people wear? Have you ever been interviewed for a job? What did you wear?

8 Miranda had __________ much. But she chose the least trendy girl. 1.____/ ______/_______/________ people in the office try to dress appropriately by following fashion trends. 2. It’s true that ____/ ______/_______/________ of these people are in good taste. Complete the sentences with a correct quantifier from the box below. Use each quantifier only once. manysomeA fewmost A majorityoneA thirdno allA great dealeveryless Many/some/ a few/ most

9 Miranda had __________ much. But she chose the least trendy girl. 4._____________ of the employees, more exactly 66% of them, said that ______ people who want to keep their jobs should wear tacky bags. Complete the sentences with a correct quantifier from the box below. Use each quantifier only once. manysomeA fewmost A majorityoneA thirdno allA great dealeveryless 3. It’s also true that____________ people end up getting a bit overdressed. Many/some/ a few/ most A majority no

10 6. What ________ employees ( 100% of them) agree with is that, if a person wants to follow the dress code, he/she must wear _________ old – fashioned or tacky bags. 5. The remaining employees claimed that, if people don’t know what to wear, they should talk to _______ fashion specialist. The reason why ____________ of them said that is that they believe they will lose their jobs if they dress innapropriately. one all a third no

11 Comment on fashion and style What does the clothes of the girl who was interviewed say about her? What does the assistant think about what she is wearing? Old- fashioned / out of style tacky flashy shocking No longer popularIn poor tasteAttention - gettingoffensive

12 The girl undergoes a makeover. Watch the scene and pay attention to what she gets in the closed.

13 How would you describe her after the makeover? How would her boss describe her? Fashionable / stylish In style / trendy Elegant / chic Striking ModernAttention-gettingIn good tasteTemporarily popular

14 Vocabulary building strategies When you visualize, you create a mental image. Take a few minutes to create visual images you can associate with these vocabulary items. Attractiveunattractive Fashionable/stylishOld-fashioned/ out of style In style/trendy/hotTacky/ in poor taste Elegant/chicflashy strikingshocking

15 Browse through a magazine. Describe the different styles and fashions using the words from the vocabulary box. Browse through a magazine. Choose something you would wear for different occasions. Prepare to say why.

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