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P ROJECT 2: G ENERATING U SER - T AILORED F LOOR M APS Presented by: Jarrett Baugh, Melody Budiono, Georgio Moussan, and Steven Nguyen.

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Presentation on theme: "P ROJECT 2: G ENERATING U SER - T AILORED F LOOR M APS Presented by: Jarrett Baugh, Melody Budiono, Georgio Moussan, and Steven Nguyen."— Presentation transcript:

1 P ROJECT 2: G ENERATING U SER - T AILORED F LOOR M APS Presented by: Jarrett Baugh, Melody Budiono, Georgio Moussan, and Steven Nguyen

2 P ROJECT R EVIEW The Problem It is not easy to find a library book Our Solution Graphics-oriented directions Textual directions Methods Field studies PHP

3 D ESIGN C ONCEPTS R EVIEW Directions Graphical Textual Easy access through Antpac

4 D ESIGN C ONCEPTS R EVIEW Directions should be on search page Clicking call code = launch directions

5 D ESIGN C ONCEPTS R EVIEW Idea for the map: Grid-based

6 D ESIGN C ONCEPTS R EVIEW Grid-based with Textual Directions Directions Turn around and head toward the elevator. Go to the fourth floor. Exit the elevator and turn right. Walk past 4 aisles. Turn right into the aisle. Your book will be on the left.

7 F IELD S TUDY M ETHODS R EVIEW Think out loud User task observation Find the book titled: “Face Painting in Chinese Opera” Located on 4 th Floor Call code: GT1747.L8 Two methods Mobile & Static Survey

8 C ONCEPT P ILOT T EST Map was too confusing, thus not used Textual Directions were used instead Directions Turn around and head toward the elevator. Go to the fourth floor. Exit the elevator and turn right. Walk past 4 aisles. Turn right into the aisle. Your book will be on the left.

9 P ROTOTYPE 01 – D ESIGN Simplified grid based system Keep Textual Directions

10 P ROTOTYPE 01 – F INDINGS The simplified map was confusing Textual directions lacked detail, but still helpful “It’s a lot more convenient because I like going through directions” – Pilot U01 “Don’t know where to start counting (the rows)” – Pilot U01

11 P ROTOTYPE 02 – D ESIGN Change the map to resemble actual floorplan map

12 P ROTOTYPE 02 – D ESIGN More detailed directions.

13 P ROTOTYPE 02 – F INDINGS The map was used more, but still confusing Actual map on the floor is different from the website’s map Fig 01. Website’s map Fig 02. Actual floor map

14 P ROTOTYPE 02 – F INDINGS “The map should be oriented correctly, as opposed to upside-down.” – U03 “Kind of confusing about which aisle to walk from.” – U02 “Gives you a specific location to go to, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the library” – U01

15 P ROTOTYPE 03 – DESIGN Flip the map to match floor map

16 P ROTOTYPE 03 – F INDINGS No more map confusion “Textual directions helped the most. I’m not very good with maps. The text was very clear and effective.” – U04 “It gives you a clear picture of where to go after leaving the elevator.” – U06 “It does make it easier to find the book and gives you a basis for where the book is so you don’t get lost.” – U05

17 S TATISTICS Six (6) Participants All undergrads Gender Two (2) Females Four (4) Males 3/6 of the users never look for books in the library. Two others – at least once a quarter. One – at least once a week.

18 K EY F INDINGS & R ESULTS Map with Textual directions are good Average time of current system(Antpac) – 4.4 mins Average time of prototype(mobile) – 4 mins Average time of prototype(static) – 1.67 mins Launching directions through Antpac is good



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