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Network Management using OPENNMS System

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1 Network Management using OPENNMS System

2 It was designed to manage:
OpenNMS (Open Network Management System) is the first enterprise- grade network management platform developed under the open source model. It was designed to manage: tens of thousands of devices from a single server as well as manage unlimited devices using a cluster of servers. It is developed and supported by a community of user and developers as well as by the The OpenNMS Group, offering commercial services, training and support.

3 goal The goal is for OpenNMS to be a truly distributed, scalable management application platform for all aspects of the FCAPS network management model while remaining 100% free and open source. Currently the focus is on Fault and Performance Management.

4 Platform Support and Requirements
OpenNMS includes a discovery engine to automatically configure and manage network devices without operator intervention. It is written in Java and is published under the GNU General Public License. Platform supported : Linux ,Fermi Linux, Cent OS, RHEL 3 & 4, Debian Sarge, SuSE, Red Hat Linux, Mandrake, Solaris, Mac OS( panther). OpenNMS is listed as one of the top 400 projects on Sourceforge and won the Best Systems Management Tool at LinuxWorld Expo in August of 2005.

5 Features Event Management and Notifications:
OpenNMS is based around a "publish and subscribe" message bus. Processes within the software can publish events, and other processes can subscribe to them. In addition, OpenNMS can receive events in the form of SNMP Traps, Syslog messages etc. Events can be configured to generate alarms. While events represent a history of information from the network, alarms can be used to create correlation workflow.

6 Service polling: OpenNMS provides real-time event-driven systems. Events are typically from SNMP traps, but can come from other sources such as syslog. There is no polling interval as such in these systems. If a node goes down, an SNMP trap is generated by the switch immediately. True real-time network monitoring OpenNMS has the ability to poll the following services (ICMP ,NotesHTTP, DominoHTTP ,Citrix ,LDAP ,SNMP ,SNMPv2 ,and many more…. )

7 Discovery and Provisioning
OpenNMS contains an advanced provisioning system for adding devices to the management system. This process can occur automatically by submitting a list or range of IP addresses to the system (both IPv4 and IPv6). Devices can also be expressly added to the system, as well as a combination of the two. The provisioning process is asynchronous for scalability, and has been shown to provision networks of more than 50,000 discrete devices as well as networks of single devices with over 200,000 virtual interfaces, each.

8 Service Monitoring The service assurance features of OpenNMS allow for the availability of network-based services to be determined. The types of monitors span from the very simple (ICMP pings, TCP port checks) to the complex (Page Sequence Monitoring,[12] Mail Transport Monitor[13]). Outage information is stored in the database and can be used to generate availability reports.

9 Data Collection Performance data collection exists in OpenNMS for a number of network protocols including SNMP, HTTP, JMX, WMI, XMP, XML, NSClient, and JDBC. Data can be collected, stored, graphed as well as checked against thresholds. The process is highly scalable, and one instance of OpenNMS is collecting 1.2 million data points via SNMP every five minutes

10 Architecture

11 There are actually two main applications in the OpenNMS product:
the application itself and the web-based User Interface (webUI). The webUI is implemented via Tomcat(is an open-source web server), and it is possible for Tomcat to be running and the OpenNMS application to be stopped and vice versa.

12 Home • Node with Outages • Quick Search • Available Over the Past 24 Hours – Outages ( • Green : 0 services down • Yellow : 1 service down • Red : more than 1 service down • Notification • Resource Graphs • KSC Reports (Key SNMP Customized)

13 Node List Link Info Table View Events Asset Information View Alarms
View Outages Asset Info HTTP Resource Graphs Rescan Admin Schedule Outage poll-outages.xml View in Geographical Map Info Table Asset Information SNMP Attribute Path Outages Availability Node Interface General Surveillance Category Memberships Notification Recent Events Recent Outages

14 StrafePing stores the ICMP response-time of each as well as the packet loss

15 Search Search for Nodes Search Asset Information Name containing
TCP/IP Address like *.* ,1,2,3-255.* ifAlias, ifName, ifDescr + contains, equals Providing service MAC Address like Foreign Source name like Search Asset Information Category Field Containing Text

16 Outages Current Outages All Outages Additional Query Symbol
- :show the data not matched the selected field +:show the data matched the selected field >:show items beginning before this one <:show items beginning after this one

17 Dashboard Surveillance View: default Alarms Notifications Node Status
Add to Surveillance Resource Graph

18 Events Events Type Advanced Search outstanding acknowledged
Event Text Contains TCP/IP Address Like Node Label Contains Severity Service Events After/Before Sort By Number of Events Per Page

19 Alarms More important Events NCS Alarm List
The same events will correlate to one alarms /etc/eventconf.xml NCS Alarm List Network Communication Services Supported by Juniper company (JunosSpace)

20 Notifications Your outstanding notices All outstanding notices
All acknowledge notices Setting the Notification Create user Destination Paths Event Notifications Configure Mail

21 Create Threshold /etc/threshd-configuration.xml /etc/threshold.xml
Define name, IP range, service /etc/threshold.xml Thresholds type : high, low, absolute change, relative change

22 Assets All nodes with asset info

23 Reports Resource Graphs KSC Performance, Nodes, Domains
Create “Customized Report” Add the “Resource Graph” to the report Database Reports Performance Reports Statistic Reports Top 20 ifInOctets across all nodes Weekly Top 10 response across all nodes

24 Charts

25 Maps Distributed Map Geographical Map Topology Map SVG Map
Remote polling Server-Side Client-Side : to be a package (RPM, DEB, EXE) or Java WebStart package Geographical Map Show device node in the real map longitude and latitude address Topology Map SVG Map

26 Linkd layer 2/3 iso/osi model network topology discovery daemon
Bridge Forwarding Table, Spanning Tree Information and IP Net To Media Table IP Routes (Layer 3) Cisco Discovery Protocol Link Layer Discovery Protocol OSPF (Layer 3) /etc/linkd-configuration.xml Collect SNMP data from node Discovery network topology

27 SVG Map Map -> Admin Mode The maps Configuration File
Map  Open, New, Save, Close, Clear, Background Node  Add, Add Range, Add Category, Add Range, Add Neighs, Add with Neighs, Add Map Reload  Maps, Nodes, Config The maps Configuration File /etc/ severity, status, icon, availability visualization properties and parameters for map elements Changing map Style Customize Tooltip, Context Menu, Menu, etc.. /map/svgjavascript/ApplicationVariables

28 Topology Map Display Linkd and VMWare network topology
OSGi, SVG, Vaadin and D3.js


30 Reference

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