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“As We Go” Mark 16:15 – 20. In The North Jackson Data Base Today Ages Birth To 19: 188 Ages 20 To 49: 250 Ages 50 And Above: 309 Total: 647 What Are The.

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Presentation on theme: "“As We Go” Mark 16:15 – 20. In The North Jackson Data Base Today Ages Birth To 19: 188 Ages 20 To 49: 250 Ages 50 And Above: 309 Total: 647 What Are The."— Presentation transcript:

1 “As We Go” Mark 16:15 – 20

2 In The North Jackson Data Base Today Ages Birth To 19: 188 Ages 20 To 49: 250 Ages 50 And Above: 309 Total: 647 What Are The Implications Of These Numbers?

3 Keeping Our Young People (New Methods) Church Web Site/Cleaning Parks Email/Painting Schools Blog/Volunteerism (Oklahoma) Facebook/Short-Term Mission Trips MySpace/After-School Tutoring Twitter/Backpack Giveaways Podcasts/Adapt A Widow/Widower

4 4H Organization HEAD (To Clearer Thinking) HEART (To Greater Loyalty) HANDS (To Larger Service) HEALTH (To Better Living For My Club, My Community, My Country, And My World) Motto – “To Make The World Better” Slogan – “Learn By Doing”

5 Imperative #1: We Must Know And Teach The Truth (HEAD) Mark 16:14 -16, 20 John 8:31 – 32 Romans 10:13 – 17

6 Imperative #2: We Must Teach In Love (HEART) John 14:15; 15:12 – 14 Ephesians 4:15 1 Corinthians 13:4 – 8a 1 Peter 4:8

7 Imperative #3: We Must “Go” And Get Involved (HANDS) Matthew 11:28 – 30 Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:18 – 20 John 15:1 – 8


9 Come And Go Become A Christian This Morning Hear Him (Romans 10:17) Believe Him (Mark 16:16) Repent Of Sins Against Him (Acts 2:38) Confess Him (Acts 8:37) Be Baptized Into Him (Acts 22:16) Live For Him (Galatians 2:20) Be Restored As An Erring Christian This Morning Come Back To Him (Matthew 11:28-30) Repent (Acts 8:22) Pray (James 5:16)

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