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Flexibility High School Students in a Health Education Class Presented By: Damian Johnson.

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1 Flexibility High School Students in a Health Education Class Presented By: Damian Johnson

2 Learning Objectives  What is Flexibility  Why is Flexibility important (5 reasons)  Stretching Routine  Stability Ball exercises  Test flexibility  Importance and Benefits of Flexibility For Life

3 What is Flexibility  The ability to use your joints fully.  You are flexible when the muscles are long enough and the joints are free enough to allow movement.  Safe and effective flexibility training program increases physical performance.

4 Why work on Flexibility  Improved Physical Performance and Decreased Risk of Injury  Reduced Muscle Soreness and Improved Posture  Reduced Risk of Low Back Pain  Increased Blood and Nutrients to Tissues  Improved Muscle Coordination

5 Improved Physical Performance and Decreased Risk of Injury  A flexible joint has the ability to move though a greater range of motion and requires less energy to do so which will decrease your risk of injury  Stretching decreases resistance in tissue structures  Exceeding tissue extensibility (Past Maximum) Less likely for injury to occur

6 Reduced Muscle Soreness and Improved Posture  Static stretching involves a slow, gradual and controlled elongation of the muscle through the full range of motion and held for 15-30 seconds in the furthest comfortable position (without pain).  Stretching can help realign soft tissue structures.  Reduce the effort for daily activities.

7 Reduced Risk of Low Back Pain  Stretching promotes muscular relaxation  Stretching encourages healthy nutrition directly to muscles.  Reduction in toxins reduces the potential for muscle shortening or tightening and thus reduces fatigue.

8 Increased Blood and Nutrients to Tissues  Stretching increased tissue temperature  Stretching increases circulation and nutrient transport.  Increases joint synovial fluid  Synovial Fluid- which is a lubricating fluid the promotes the transport of more nutrients to the joints cartilage  Which allows for a greater range of motion


10 Improved Muscle Coordination  Nerve-impulse velocity (the time it takes an impulse to travel to the brain and back) is improved  This helps your muscle groups work in a coordinated fashion

11 F.I.T.T. Principle  Frequency- at least 3 days per week  Intensity- slowly stretch to a position of mild discomfort  Time- Hold the stretch for 10 seconds working up to 30 seconds  Type  Reps- Perform each stretch 3-5 times

12 How to Test for Flexibility  Sit and reach test  V sit and Reach Test- only measures lower back and hamstrings  x.htm x.htm

13 Stability Ball Exercises  Watch and follow along with video

14 Flexibility For Life  Enhanced Enjoyment  Helps relax both mind and body  Personal Gratification (Goals)  Do not need a lot of equipment  Basic Simple Flexibility Workout Plan

15 Simple Basic Flexibility Plan  Handouts/PhysicalActivity/P33_SampleFle xibilityProgramForBeginners.pdf Handouts/PhysicalActivity/P33_SampleFle xibilityProgramForBeginners.pdf  Anaerobic vs. Aerobic  The heart of physical fitness components  The “offensive line” in football

16 Work Cited  The Health and Physical Education Web site for Teachers/PE Central. (n.d.). The Health and Physical Education Web site for Teachers/PE Central. Retrieved September 24, 2013, from http://www.pecentral.org  uarter1/2Components%20of%20Health.pdf uarter1/2Components%20of%20Health.pdf  ndouts/PhysicalActivity/P33_SampleFlexibilityP rogramForBeginners.pdf

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