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Green and efficient energy supply solutions for ships at ports 06.10.2015 Max Kommorowski.

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Presentation on theme: "Green and efficient energy supply solutions for ships at ports 06.10.2015 Max Kommorowski."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green and efficient energy supply solutions for ships at ports 06.10.2015 Max Kommorowski

2 Becker Marine Systems 220 Employees 130 in Hamburg 6 Locations worldwide 20 Products Innovative engineering for environmentally-friendly products! Maneuvering Equipment Energy-Saving Devices Reduction of CO 2 1.770.500 t (619 Schiffe)

3 Becker Marine Systems - weltweit

4 Today´s Challenges Air and noise pollution in port from ships Stronger public awareness Cruise operators are in danger to loose image SECA - Sulphur Emission Control Areas

5 Our Idea Supply of emission neutral energy for the shipping industry in ports LNG HYBRID Barge Arrival/Departure Berthing /Unberthing Hotel load One average cruise ship (2.000 Pax) caused about 93 % of the emissions during a typical stay in the port while it´s lying at the berth.

6 LNG – a clean energy! ( 6MW average load; 10 hours /data based on the electrical power) Ca. 22% 100% Ca. 88% Powerplant*

7 LNG HYBRID Barge WINNER 2013 Barge Dimensions:76 x 11,4 x 2,5 m LNG Capacity:2 x 15 t LNG Container for 2 Days/Operation Power:5x 1,5MW LNG GenSets Silent operation(60 dBA / 10m) Classified as seagoing ship

8 LNG HYBRID Barge Push barge (Classified as seagoing ship) Operation in harbor (restricted areas) Modular LNG-Engine design Silent operation (60 dBA / 10m) Heat recovery for Gas processing

9 Standard 5 x1.500 kW7.500 kW 11 kV Barge/Ship 60 Hz 5x~1.400 kW~7.000 kW 10 kV Barge/Shore 50 Hz Thermal Capacity:~8.800 kW Option 7 x1.500 kW10.500 kW 11 kV Barge/Ship 60 Hz 7x~1.400 kW~9.800 kW 10 kV Barge/Shore 50 Hz Thermal Capacity:~10.500 kW LNG HYBRID Barge

10 Handling LNG 2 x 40 ft. LNG Container Typ C, Capacity < 30 t

11 LNG HYBRID Barge Cruise Ship Pit-Box HPE Mobil Engines: OFF Our Solution for a clean future in ports! LNG HYBRID Barge

12 Shore Junction Box & Cable Channel Infrastructure Hamburg project partners:

13 Impressions

14 Concept Summer & Winter …earn money Cruise Ships Supply 60Hz / 11kV 20 – 90 Operations 10 – 12 Hours Main Operation: Industrial Clients Supply 50Hz / 10kV 24 Hours / 7 Days Alternativ Operation:

15 Moving the Barge… Magdeburger Hafen Summer mode Magdeburger Hafen Summer mode Hansahafen Stand By (Summer) Hansahafen Stand By (Summer) O´Swaldkai Containerhandling O´Swaldkai Containerhandling Rugenberger Hafen Winter mode Rugenberger Hafen Winter mode

16 AIDAlunaApril – August 22 Anläufe10-13 Stunden AIDAsolMärz – Dezember 34 Anläufe10-13 Stunden AIDAstellaMai – August 9 Anläufe10-14,5 Stunden Beispiel:Einsparungspotenzial AIDAsol, Saison 2014, Hamburg EinsparungenCO 2 320,2Tonnen ca. 22Prozent NO x 22,6Tonnen ca. 88Prozent SO x 0,8Tonnen100Prozent PM0,5Tonnen100Prozent 6MW el. Durchschnittliche Last Liegezeit 10StundenEinsparpotenzial

17 Approvals from Authorities CHP Law Combined Heat & Power Law CHP Law Combined Heat & Power Law BImSchG Federal Immission Control Act BImSchG Federal Immission Control Act BSU Department of Civil Engineering and the Environment BSU Department of Civil Engineering and the Environment Flag State BG Verkehr Flag State BG Verkehr Port Authority Port Captain Fire Brigade Class Society Bureau Veritas Class Society Bureau Veritas Hazard Workshop Water Police Departments Approvals for safe operation Risk Analysis Collision Analysis

18 Video LNG HYBRID Barge

19 LNG HYBRID Portofolio LNG HYBRID Barge LNG HYBRID Barge LNG PowerPac LNG HYBRID Fähren LNG Fuel Gas Marine Pack LNG Consulting

20 Kontakt Abteilung LNG HYBRIDBecker Marine Systems Henning Kuhlmann Geschäftsführer 040 – 24199 -0 Dirk Lehmann Geschäftsführer 040 – 24199 -0 Ralf-Thomas Rapp Direktor LNG HYBRID 040 – 24199 -1620 Max Kommorowski Direktor LNG HYBRID 040 – 24199 -1610

21 Thanks for your attention! For more information please visit Your greener future starts now! Becker Marine Systems Max Kommorowski Director LNG HYBRID Mob. +49 171 728 01 99 Tel. +49 40 24199-1610 Mail

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