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What is SOAP? Luciano Piccoli. SOAP – Simple Object Access Protocol  SOAP is an XML based protocol to let software components and applications communicate.

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Presentation on theme: "What is SOAP? Luciano Piccoli. SOAP – Simple Object Access Protocol  SOAP is an XML based protocol to let software components and applications communicate."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is SOAP? Luciano Piccoli

2 SOAP – Simple Object Access Protocol  SOAP is an XML based protocol to let software components and applications communicate using standard HTTP  Lightweight alternative to CORBA  Has been proposed to W3C  Not tied to any programming language  Simple and extensible

3 Components of a SOAP message  SOAP envelope Defines the contents of the message What is in the message, who should deal with it and whether it is optional or mandatory  SOAP header (optional) More flexibility, can be processed by nodes between the source and destination  SOAP body Call and response information

4 Relation with XML  All SOAP messages are encoded using XML  SOAP defines two namespaces: For SOAP envelope – For SOAP serialization –  XML namespace is a collection of names identified by a URI reference, which are used in XML document as element types and attribute names.

5 Encoding  Types are either a simple (scalar) type or a compound type constructed as a composite of several parts, each of a simple type.  Simple types Int, float, negativeInteger, string  Compound types Struct and array

6 Request example IBM

7 Response example 34.5

8 SOAP & DAQ  Used on XDAQ  Performance? May be enough for control/error messages Certainly not for sending events  Merlin running with SOAP?  No name or event servers as in CORBA

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