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Published byCody Carter Modified over 9 years ago
Ecosystem Services: Dynamics, Modeling and Valuation
" E m p t y W o r l d " R e c y c l e d M a t t e r W a s t e H e a t
Finite Global Ecosystem S o l a r E n e r g y E n e r g y G r o w i n g E n e r g y " E m p t y Source E c o n o m i c Sink Functions S u b s y s t e m Functions R e s o u r c e s R e s o u r c e s W o r l d " R e c y c l e d M a t t e r W a s t e H e a t
”Empty World" Model of the Economy
Property rights Individual Utility/welfare Private Public Consumption (based on fixed Building Manufactured preferences) capital Goods Cultural Education, Training, Perfect Substitutability Economic GNP and Norms and Labor Research Process Policy Between Factors Services Improvement Investment Land (decisions about, taxes government spending, education, science and technology policy, etc., based on existing property rights regimes)
" F u l l W o r l d " W a s t e H e a t S o l a r E n e r g y
FInite Global Ecosystem S o l a r E n e r g y E n e r g y E n e r g y Source G r o w i n g Sink " F u l l E c o n o m i c Functions Functions S u b s y s t e m W o r l d " R e s o u r c e s R e s o u r c e s Recycled Matter W a s t e H e a t
The “Nature” of Goods and Services
Degradation of ecosystem services often causes significant harm to human well-being
The total economic value associated with managing ecosystems more sustainably is often higher than the value associated with conversion Conversion may still occur because private economic benefits are often greater for the converted system
“Full World” Model of the Ecological Economic System
positive impacts on human capital capacity being, doing, relating Well Being (Individual and Ecological having, being Community) Complex property services/ doing, relating rights regimes amenities Individual Common Public - having, having - being Consumption (based on changing, Solar Wastes adapting Energy Restoration, Natural Capital preferences) Conservation Economic Evolving Education, training, Human Capital Goods GNP Cultural research. Limited Substitutability Between Capital Forms Production and Norms and Institutional Policy Process Services SocialCapital rules, norms, etc. Investment Building Manufactured (decisions about, taxes community spending, Capital education, science and technology policy, etc., based negative impacts on all forms of capital on complex property rights regimes) Materially closed earth system Waste heat From: Costanza, R., J. C. Cumberland, H. E. Daly, R. Goodland, and R. Norgaard An Introduction to Ecological Economics. St. Lucie Press, Boca Raton, 275 pp.
Ecosystem Services Ecosystems are the structures and processes that generate function Ecosystem Functions are the ecosystem processes that are of value to humans Ecosystem Services are the valued functions. Characteristics of Ecosystem Services: Structures are not transformed into the produced services (Lumber is not the services, the production of lumber is) Services are fueled by solar energy. Rate of use depends on ecosystem functioning and cannot be controlled by humans. Characterized by uncertainty and ignorance; we have incomplete knowledge on how they are produced
Quality of Life (QOL) as the interaction of human needs and the subjective perception of their fulfillment, as mediated by the opportunities available to meet the needs. From: Costanza, R., B. Fisher, S. Ali, C. Beer, L. Bond, R. Boumans, N. L. Danigelis, J. Dickinson, C. Elliott, J. Farley, D. E. Gayer, L. MacDonald Glenn, T. Hudspeth, D. Mahoney, L. McCahill, B. McIntosh, B. Reed, S. A. T. Rizvi, D. M. Rizzo, T. Simpatico, and R. Snapp Quality of Life: An Approach Integrating Opportunities, Human Needs, and Subjective Well-Being. Ecological Economics (in press).
The value of the world’s ecosystem services and natural capital
NATURE |VOL 387 | 15 MAY article The value of the world’s ecosystem services and natural capital Robert Costanza*†, Ralph d’Arge‡, Rudolf de Groot§, Stephen Farberk, Monica Grasso†, Bruce Hannon¶, Karin Limburg#I, Shahid Naeem**, Robert V. O’Neill††, Jose Paruelo‡‡, Robert G. Raskin§§, Paul Suttonkk & Marjan van den Belt¶¶ * Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, Zoology Department, and † Insitute for Ecological Economics, University of Maryland, Box 38, Solomons, Maryland 20688, USA ‡ Economics Department (emeritus), University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82070, USA § Center for Environment and Climate Studies, Wageningen Agricultural University, PO Box 9101, 6700 HB Wageninengen, The Netherlands kGraduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260, USA ¶ Geography Department and NCSA, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA # Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York, USA ** Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St Paul, Minnesota 55108, USA †† Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA ‡‡ Department of Ecology, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires, Av. San Martin 4453, 1417 Buenos Aires, Argentina §§ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California 91109, USA kkNational Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, Department of Geography, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA ¶¶ Ecological Economics Research and Applications Inc., PO Box 1589, Solomons, Maryland 20688, USA The services of ecological systems and the natural capital stocksthat produce them are critical to the functioning of the Earth’s life-support system. They contribute to human welfare, both directly and indirectly, and therefore represent part of the total economic value of the planet.We have estimated the current economic value of 17 ecosystem services for 16 biomes, based on published studies and a few original calculations. For the entire biosphere, the value (most of which is outside the market) is estimated to be in the range of US$16–54 trillion (1012) per year, with an average of US$33trillion per year. Because of the nature of the uncertainties, thismust be considered a minimum estimate. Global gross national product total is around US$18 trillion per year. This is the 2nd most cited article in the last 10 years in the Ecology/Environment area according to the ISI Web of Science. A preliminary assessment of the value of ecosystem services at the global scale (Costanza et al 1997) indicated that they provide a significant portion of the total contribution to human welfare on this planet. This study estimated that the annual value of these services (in 1994 $US) at $ trillion, with an estimated average of $33 trillion (which is significantly larger than global GNP). Because of the nature of the uncertainties in this estimate, it is almost certainly an underestimate. Coastal environments, including estuaries, coastal wetlands, beds of sea grass and algae, coral reefs, and continental shelves were estimated to be of disproportionately high value in this study. They cover only 6.3% of the world's surface but are responsible for 43% of the estimated value of the world's ecosystem services. These environments are particularly valuable in regulating the cycling of water and nutrients which control the productivity (carbon fixation) of plants on land and in the sea.
Focus: Consequences of Ecosystem Change for Human Well-being
Tools for Analyses
GUMBO (Global Unified Model of the BiOsphere)
At the Gund Institute, a Global Unified Metamodel of the BiOsphere (GUMBO) has been developed to simulate the integrated earth system and assess the dynamics and values of ecosystem services. It is a “metamodel” in that it represents a synthesis and a simplification of several existing dynamic global models in both the natural and social sciences at an intermediate level of complexity. The current version of the model contains 234 state variables, 930 variables total, and 1715 parameters. GUMBO is the first global model to include the dynamic feedbacks among human technology, economic production and welfare, and ecosystem goods and services within the dynamic earth system. GUMBO includes modules to simulate carbon, water, and nutrient fluxes through the Atmosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere, and Biosphere of the global system. Social and economic dynamics are simulated within the Anthroposphere. GUMBO links these five spheres across eleven biomes, which together encompass the entire surface of the planet. The dynamics of ten major ecosystem services for each of the biomes are simulated and evaluated. Historical calibrations from 1900 to 2000, and a range of future scenarios representing different assumptions about future technological change, investment strategies and other factors have been simulated. The relative value of ecosystem services in terms of their contribution to supporting both conventional economic production and human well-being more broadly defined were estimated under each scenario, and preliminary conclusions drawn. The value of global ecosystem services was estimated to be about 4.5 times the value of Gross World Product (GWP) in the year 2000 using this approach. The model can be downloaded and run on the average PC to allow users to explore for themselves the complex dynamics of the system and the full range of policy assumptions and scenarios. From: Boumans, R., R. Costanza, J. Farley, M. A. Wilson, R. Portela, J. Rotmans, F. Villa, and M. Grasso Modeling the Dynamics of the Integrated Earth System and the Value of Global Ecosystem Services Using the GUMBO Model. Ecological Economics 41:
Amoeba diagram of complexity with which Integrated Global Models (IGMs) capture socioeconomic systems, natural systems, and feedbacks (from Costanza, R., R. Leemans, R. Boumans, and E. Gaddis Integrated global models. Dahlem Workshop on Integrated History and future of People on Earth (IHOPE). (in press)
Ecosystem functions: The capacity of natural processes and components to provide goods and services that satisfy human needs. (de Groot, 1992) Ecosystem Services: Valued Ecosystem Functions. R.S. de Groot et al. / Ecological Economics 41 (2002) 393–408
Werners, S.E. and R. Boumans (2005) Simulating global feedbacks between Sea Level Rise, Water for Agriculture and the complex Socio-economic Development of the IPCC Scenarios, In: Proceedings Environmental Modelling and Software Society Conference: Complexity and Integrated Resources Management (IEMSS2004), Osnabrück, June 2004
Welfare per GWP Human Population Ecosystem Services Value 500 400 300
20 15 10 5 billion people 500 400 300 200 100 trill. US Dollars (1998) Observations Scenarios Base Case Star Trek (ST) Big Government (BG) Mad Max (MM) Eco-Topia (ET) 2050 2000 1950 1900 Year 2050 2000 1950 1900 10 -4 2 3 4 5 6 -3 -2 welfare Index per trill US dollars 2050 2000 1950 1900 Year Welfare per GWP
Ecosystem Evaluations
Conventional economic valuation presumes that people have well-formed preferences and enough information about trade-offs that they can adequately judge their “willingness-to-pay.” These assumptions do not hold for many ecosystem services. Therefore we must:
(1) inform people’s preferences as demonstrated by DeGroot et al
(1) inform people’s preferences as demonstrated by DeGroot et al. Costanza et al.; (2) allow groups to discuss the issues and “construct” their preferences in development under ARIES, TNC InVest and the ESR (Corporate Ecosystem Services Review, developed by the World Resource Institute or (3) use other techniques that do not rely on preferences to estimate the contribution to human welfare of ecosystem services (i.e. using the models developed to directly infer marginal contributions to welfare). The MIMES approach.
Ecological Economics 41 (2002) 393–408 SPECIAL ISSUE:
A typology for the classification, description and valuation of ecosystem functions, goods and services Rudolf S. de Groot, Matthew A. Wilson, Roelof M.J. Boumans
Value Typology
Existing & Emerging Tools
ARIES (Assessment and Research Infrastructure for Ecosystem Services), which is under development by the University of Vermont’s Ecoinformatics Collaboratory (within the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics), Conservation International, Earth Economics, as well as with collaboration from experts at Wageningen University. An initial online version will be launched in 2008. ESR (Corporate Ecosystem Services Review), which was launched in March 2008 by the World Resources Institute (WRI), the Meridian Institute, and the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD). InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs), which is in development by The Natural Capital Project—a joint venture among Stanford University’s Woods Institute for the Environment, The Nature Conservancy, and World Wildlife Fund—with the goal of issuing a manual in the Summer / Fall 2008 and software in Fall / Winter 2008. MIMES (Multiscale Integrated Models of Ecosystem Services), which is currently available in an early version (“beta plus”) from the University of Vermont’s Gund Institute for Ecological Economics.
Ecosystem Services and Land Cover Types
The Rapid Accessment Valuation Tool (RAV)
Info on the Benefit transfer Method
Problems with the Benefits Transfer Method
1 Not every forest provides ecosystem services at the same rate 2 Ecosystem service values are specific in time and space
Ecosystem Services classified according to spatial characteristics Omni-directional, Global (does not depend on proximity) Carbon sequestration (NPP) Carbon storage Existence of “nature” Omni-directional, Local (depends on proximity) Storm protection Waste treatment Pollination Directional flow related: flow from point of production to point of use Water supply Water regulation/flood protection Nutrient regulation Sediment regulation In situ (point of use) Rangeland for livestock Nitrogen mineralization for ag. production Soil formation Raw materials Non-timber forest products User movement flow related: flow of people to unique natural features Aesthetic/recreation potential
Dynamic Modeling and Mapping Tool
Innovative, online dynamic modeling and mapping tools for ecosystem services analysis at multiple scales (2013) And what is the potential focus of all of this R&D activity: flexible services status and forecasting at-a-glance at user selected areas of interest. The green areas are the program place-based focus (Midwest, Willamette, Coastal Carolinas and Tampa Bay) and the bar chart is the modeled output that corresponds to the map view selected (from Jana Compton). Differences in services futures can be compared directly to current as a baseline.
MIMES Objectives / Goals
Develop a sophisticated and transferable system to elucidate dynamics of ecosystem services. Develop a dynamic spatial model Collect data Provide a user interface Understand the link between ecosystem services and human welfare Develop valuation protocols Forecast changes in ecosystem functions and values under various management scenarios. Model scenario development At the Gund Institute,(University of Vermont) we're developing, testing, and implementing innovative methods and models based on ecological economics, that reflect the need to integrate the social, built, natural, and human capital components of our world. During this presentation we will introduce MIMES, the classes developed to facilitate learning using and further developing MIMES. This class will be taught through continuing education at UVM. The first time will be this fall semester.
Outcome 1. a suite of dynamic ecological economic computer models specifically aimed at integrating our understanding of ecosystem functioning, ecosystem services, and human well-being across a range of spatial scales Outcome 2. developed and applied new valuation techniques adapted to the public goods nature of most ecosystem services and integrated with the modeling work.
MIMES organization and Interaction Matrix
Locations Biosphere Anthroposphere Ecosystem Services Cultures Earth Surfaces Social Capital Human Capital Economie Nutrient Cycling Biodiversity Exchanges Between Locations Hydrosphere Lithosphere Atmosphere We will be working within the principals set out through the Multi-scale Integrative Model of the Earth Systems (MIMES) a highly flexible simulation platform to deepen the understanding of Ecosystem services (ES). Geological Carbon Earth Energy Water by Reservoir Gasses Ores
Spatially explicit functional modeling
Government Investments Economics Sectors Final demand
Economic Sectors Government Fossil Energy Investments Ecosystem
Invested Capital Production Efficiency Price Inventories Economic Sectors Fossil Energy Sector dependencies Final demands Government Investments Tax Research Ecosystem Services
Ecosystems (% Area) Croplands Wetlands Urban Tundra Oceans Forests
1990 economic production in $ PPP per country
Research Households Transportation Agriculture Tourism Fisheries
Ecosystem Service (index)
Climate Regulation Cultural Heritage Biological Regulation Genetic Information Natural Hazard Mitigation Inorganic Resources
The Albemaro Pemleco Watershed
Surface water output Ecosystem Services Provided
Ecological Research Program Core Science at Systems Level
EPA 2.0 – Ecological Research Program Core Science. Comprehensive, Human-integrated, Ecosystem Services Values Focused.
Location 12 Midwest States
Biosphere Anthroposphere Earth Surfaces NLCD and CDL water, forest, wetland, amended cropland, urban Ecosystem Services ReVA economic vitality climate regulation water quality water quantity human health quality of life biodiversity recreation Cultures Social Capital Biodiversity Nutrient Cycling SWAT nitrogen sediment Atrazine carbon phosphorus Human Capital Economy FAPRI Hydrosphere Lithosphere Atmosphere Midwest – Models identified in majority of major spheres, linkage of models. As we go through these the key “macro level” patterns to note are the population of which major spheres, linkages, coupling and proposed models for forecasting. surface water SWAT Earth Energy Geological Carbon river channel Gasses MARKAL CMAQ groundwater Ores
Water quality/quantity Flood/storm protection
US Wetlands Location Biosphere Anthroposphere Ecosystem Services Carbon sequestration Water quality/quantity Flood/storm protection Wildlife habitat Fisheries support Human well-being Earth Surfaces Cultures Social Capital Nutrient Cycling CENTURY C, N, P Biodiversity Waterfowl in MS Vector-borne disease Human Capital Economy Hydrosphere Lithosphere Atmosphere Wetlands – Hydrosphere and Biosphere developed, coupling of selected submodels proposed. Geological Carbon Earth Energy Atm. forcing Water Cycling KINEROS2-OPUS2 SWAT Probabilistic storm surge Gasses Ores
Location Coastal Carolinas*
Ecosystem Services Anthroposphere Biosphere Cultures Earth Surfaces water cleansing primary productivity fish community composition fish whole body conc. (Hg) water quantity Social Capital Nutrient Cycling Biodiversity Human Capital BASS SWAT N,P, Hg, Pesticides Economy Habitat Suitability Hydrosphere Lithosphere Atmosphere Carolinas – Prototype borrowed from Albemarle Pamlico Ecosystem Study (HUC 12 prototype of linked, regional roll-up). Biosphere and Hydrosphere developed with no coupling. Water by Reservoir Geological Carbon Ores Earth Energy WASP Gasses CMAQ H20, N, Hg GFLOW
Reef, algae, wetland, forest, Coastal protection index
Location Coral Reefs Biosphere Anthroposphere Ecosystem Services Shoreline protection Fishing Tourism Biodiversity Earth Surfaces Reef, algae, wetland, forest, urban, agriculture Cultures Social Capital LDI index Statistical models Human Capital Nutrient Cycling Nitrogen CaCO3 Biodiversity Economy Coastal protection index Statistical models WRI valuation methods SORTIE Atmosphere Hydrosphere Lithosphere Corals – Degree of linkage and coupling, with Atmosphere and Hydrosphere developed. Earth Energy Climate change SST, solar radiation Open water Benthic substrate Ocean circulation Storm frequency Geological Carbon Groundwater Gases Climate change CO2 Ores Surface water
food and fiber production habitat and biodiversity
Location Tampa Bay Biosphere Anthroposphere Ecosystem Services water supply water quality CO2 sequestration flood protection food and fiber production habitat and biodiversity recreation nitrogen regulation Earth Surfaces water, forest, wetlands, agriculture, urban Cultures Social Capital Nutrient Cycling C, N, P, Hg Biodiversity Human Capital Economy Hydrosphere Atmosphere Lithosphere Geological Carbon Ores Tampa Bay – Coupling (Anthroposphere, Biosphere and Hydrosphere) and new models to be developed within Simile/MIMES or borrowed as feasible. Water by Reservoir Earth Energy Gasses O3
Location Willamette Basin
Biosphere Anthroposphere Ecosystem Services Water Supply Flood Protection CO2 Sequestration Nitrogen Control Food and Fiber Habitat Biodiversity Sense of Place Earth Surfaces Forests, Wetlands Agriculture, Urban Cultures Social Capital Nutrient Cycling GT MEL Century SPARROW N, C, Hg Biodiversity PATCH Human Capital Economy Hydrosphere Lithosphere Atmosphere Willamette – feed forward with coupled processes, primarily Biosphere and Hydrosphere. Geological Carbon Earth Energy Water GA Tech Model CLIGEN KINEROS MODFLOW Gasses Ores
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